Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Mitered Square Jacket

It looks as if the mitered squares are becoming a jacket. I laid it out to see if it needs more squares, then loosely basted it together. This involved quite a bit of moving and rearranging the design. The original four joined squares are on the back.

Here's the squares just laid out, to see the design. They're on a sheet because that way I can roll it up to move the project to the table easily. You know you're at an advanced stage when your project needs its own sheet.

Basted loosely, here's the back. Those big orange stitches are the basting, which will be removed when I join the squares. All the trailing yarn ends will be used as joining threads.

And the front

Here you see it flat, from the front

And, side and sleeve seams not yet attached, here are the fronts opened.

I need to keep it flat for the next stage, the attaching together of squares. And the finishing of yarn ends. After that I can close the sleeve and side seams.

I think I may add a row of squares to the hem, since I like a long jacket. And I may still change the position or direction of a couple of squares. You can't really see the design till this stage, when it takes the shape of a jacket.

This went faster than I thought. I'm not ready to stop knitting squares! But I do plan on pockets.

Wondering if the pockets should match. And if the hem should be solid colors. And when I'll be stitching on my Coat of Many Colors and Stitches. And if the cold spring weather will continue so I can wear the Mitered Square Jacket before next fall..

Questions, questions.


  1. About the follow by email gadget: Blogger already disabled it, not waiting till July, to ny surprise. Anyway I removed it so as not to mislead.

  2. Now see? I would never have thought to make the squares into a patch jacket. That is going to be such a fun garment!

  3. A coat of many colors is just what I was thinking too! How wonderful when your clothes reflect your personality and talents so well!

  4. It's coming together nicely! You should call it your Dreamcoat, as in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat!"

  5. I knitted two pockets waiting for the chauvin verdict this afternoon. So glad to have something to do with my hands.


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