Saturday, April 17, 2021

Bits of news, some interesting


"FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner) is going away
You are receiving this information because your blog uses the FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner).
Recently, the Feedburner team released a system update announcement , that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021."


This is the announcement Blogger just made to folks like me who write blogs. This blog won't arrive in your email box after July. Blogger is being fair about this, since it's Feedburner who's decided this, not Blogger.  And this is plenty of advance notice for you to follow some other way.

If you get this blog via email and you didn't sign up for it, it's because I put you on the limited list Blogger allows me, so that people who just didn't know how to do it, could still read the blog.  That won't change, as far as I know.  It's open to a few local friends, people who really can't manage to set up a feed, but who are faithful followers and readers and responders by email, because they aren't sure how to comment online.

But if you actually signed up, you may need to consider how else to follow this vital and gripping blog.  You can bookmark it on your own system, the way you bookmark any site you want to find again.  Or you can sign up as a follower, I still have that widget in place.  If you have a Blogger feed, which you can get by signing up with Blogger, no need to have a blog of your own, just sign up as a follower, see right-hand column, if you do that, you'll be notified on your Blogger feed. Or you opt not to bother with any of that, you can just check in now and then. I usually blog daily, so you won't be wasting any clicks by searching..

I hope not to lose anyone, so please see what works for you.  

The other newsflash only matters if you were planning to sign up for Misfits Markets, and it's changes that will actually work pretty well, I think; they haven't happened yet. 

Up to now there's been a membership choice of small or large produce box.  Now there will be one size, and the price is higher for me, up to $30 from $22 minimum.  In practice it makes no difference since I usually order add ons and it comes to more than the new $30 minimum. 

Also instead of the menu selections, pick six from this list, two from this, four from that other one over there, there will be completely open choices, including what used to be add ons.  It's more like physical grocery shopping.  I think this will be okay.  Also probably less confusing that the old build your basic box and then wander around the add on market, and then get the choices all in the same place at the same time.

I have always happily got online at the appointed time to make my orders, and that won't change. But evidently some people who forgot to order got a sort of mystery box of produce to the same value but they hadn't given any input.  Now if you forget, they move on without you, but don't charge you, and you can jump on again next time.  

Anyway, I think it will be fine, but if you were going to be a new customer, you just need to know the new minimum price. Shipping is the same, no matter how much you order or don't. That seems very fair, also easier for them to manage, a good point. No, they don't pay me to say all this, I just like very much the great food I've been getting from them.

Since I've been doing Misfits, Handsome Son's grocery shopping for me has dwindled way down. This week it's one item: butter! 

Other news is the renewed search for a dryer for HS's condo, another blizzard of emails and texts in the search, and the finding of the specs, and the relaying of them to the appliance man, and the hope he can find something available in this decade.  Too dull to give a blow by blow, but it's under way. Again.  The current one broke down last March, just as shutdown started, imports ceased, deliveries couldn't happen, couldn't even place a back order. So let's hope for better this year.  I'm the landlady, so it's my responsibility, but HS will do his bit. 

Other bits of improvement and maintenance needed at the condo, one of which might be interesting, and there will be pix if it is, but we'll see.

The Mostly Castles folks, Jo and Ian, have started a new YouTube channel, real time jigsaw puzzle assembling!  For hours they put together jigsaws, show you the picture, all the pieces, you get to listen to them chatting and arguing, and you watch them trying pieces and you can shout, no, not that one, and it's very slow and nice and a relaxing thing as a change from loud bangs and music and so on.  And, big deal to me, they DON'T have music going in the background. It's great.

 Because they're in Wales, they haven't been able to make any new videos and travel to castles, study the history and show us, for ages, so this is their new socially conscious idea!  They're nice people. Check them out.  They're not exactly given to the hard sell, so I'm taking it on myself to push this a bit,

 Pieces Down

This link ought to work, but Blogger's ways are unsearchable, literally, so if it doesn't, they're Pieces Down on YouTube and you can find an upload about Whitby Harbor, Kippers and Dracula.




  1. yes, such a pain in the ass that follow by email is going away. I have to put the blogger follow thingy back on mine.

    I guess the changes at Misfits means they are becoming very successful. let's hope that's not the beginning of the end of a good thing.

    1. I think Misfits is realizing that they need to simplify at their end. Too many options confuse people, and they're growing so they have to move to the next stage. I hope it works because I'm quite attached to my boxes!

  2. Wish we had Misfits here. Such a practical and economical way to get one’s produce.

    1. It's great, and I hope it goes on and on!

  3. They were raving about Misfits Market on the Rachel Ray show yesterday. And because of your blog, I knew what they were talking about!

  4. Note from Liz: this comment was accidentally deleted, so I've found it and copy it here, so Bonnie gets her say:

    new comment on your post "Bits of news, some interesting":

    I received that email too about Feedburner going away. I really don't know how many people follow me by email. I know for sure of a few at least. All the blogs I follow are through Blogger where the new ones pop up on my Read list. I guess I need to figure it all out before July!

    I checked out Pieces Down on You Tube. That is an interesting channel. Take care and enjoy the weekend!

  5. I've never followed by e-mail so I won't miss it. I just have all my blogger friends in my sidebar and keep up with you that way. It's so easy and makes so much sense to me. So I will not lose you no matter what Blogger does.

    1. I'm glad to keep you! The issue is what about the people who follow you by email? They will suddenly lose the feed and might not know why. That's why I addressed it in here.

  6. I'm not sure what feedburner will do to my blog followers. I do notice more readers soon after I post, an indication maybe they are followers that receive an email. I will have to do more reading about the change. Thank you, Liz

  7. I follow blogs via the 'follow my blog' widget anyway so this is, at least, not a problem. We don't get Misfits here unfortunately. Though the changes don't sound too bad maybe.

    1. It's not a problem unless you have readers who use the feedburner feed to email. They'll lose their feed.


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