Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Watch this space

 It looks as if nothing is happening here. 

Yesterday I planted a couple of sections of yellow potatoes, already sprouting. So potatoes will happen fairly soon. At least that's what usually happens.

And here's the honesty plant faithfully coming through again. 

Eventually I'll be able to add to my dried honesty collection, the silver discs I love.

After the high tension yesterday of waiting for the Chauvin verdict, then getting the right one, the arc at least starting to bend toward justice, there's a big exhale. Only a tiny start, though. Much to do yet.

Meanwhile nature doesn't fail, no matter what humans do. 


  1. "nature doesn't fail, no matter what humans do" -- a bold statement right before Earth Day!

    1. Seems timely. I remember the huge excitement of the first Earth Day. We thought we'd be a bit further on by now.

  2. Mr. Moon dug three potatoes yesterday, just to see if there were any there. Hurray!
    And yes, such good news from the trial.

    1. I really like growing potatoes. In a container especially, it seems marvelous to grow a dinner.

  3. Isn't the growing season wonderful! I was glued to the TV yesterday afternoon as well. I'm so thankful for the results and hope it will start a change.

    1. I think we've learned the power of witnessing and recording, especially as white people, typically not the target. We need to do this.

  4. Cry, Thank God, cry, and cry some more with joy and relief.

    1. How happy we were, and how ashamed that we were happy just because a known murderer was convicted.

  5. I wish more would listen to nature. It was a good result and yes, I too love waiting for the new shoots.

    1. We can model the behavior. Especially if we're teacher's.

    2. I typed teachers. Bloody predictive text changed it AFTER I typed. Well, that would be postdictive, I suppose.

  6. No she does not fail us no matter how hard we work against her!

    1. Much to learn about what is with nature and what isn't.

    2. I miss my gardens, but it's just too far "down there" these days. I may try to recover some of it next month, at least tidy up what I can, but I'll never be able to put the kind of effort into it again that I used to.

      I do love planting potatoes, though. Pure magic.
      One neat thing I learned, anything in the nightshade family responds to calcium, iron, and magnesium in the soil. When I plant, I crush up several tablets of all three vitamins into a nice mix, and dump about a Tablespoon of it in with each plant or hill. It also seems to keep the potato bugs at bay

    3. I don't have any of those in the house, so I may never know.

  7. so relieved they did the right thing. I only expected guilty on the most lesser charge and probably probation. still have to get through the appeals but I'm glad that smug bastard is in jail.

    1. I was thrilled when the judge revoked his bail, yay. I was so worried he might be found guilty and allowed home with an ankle bracelet.

  8. I'm so jealous - I can't grow Moonwort (Honesty) here and I like it so much! I had a potato sprout recently and gave it to a friend who has planted it in his garden! Maybe potatoes later in the year!

    1. You can tell when potatoes are ready to dig by watching the foliage. Once it yellows and wilts you dig. Great fun finding potatoes.
      I suppose honesty is a cooler climate plant. It grows handily as far north as northern England that I know of. I remember it from being a kid.


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