Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mayday! Celebrate the workers! White rabbits!


Tuesday knitting group brought a new member, and the announcement that we're expanding our range to include any needle arts. So everyone there said, lovely, I'll bring my embroidery! Turns out we all embroider.

No pictures, but talk ranged over Maryland Sheep and Wool next weekend, rare breed sheep, (human) newborns, Shave em to Save em (rare sheep breeds),  spinning, and other vital topics.

Home again and handsome son arrived to visit, bringing a car load of stuff for me to free cycle, several boxes as well as these, 

all of which were requested right away. Haven't checked  what's in the the boxes yet. 

He declared the ANZAC biscuits terrific, and did I only make them once a year? 

He also approved the chocolate covered almond bits. I may make ANZAC biscuits again soon.

And earlier I was thinking about the next page of my fabric book, maybe that Indian free form quilting, so I took a look at my collection of silk stitched stars and found I had a whole lot of completed cotton stars, too, that I'd completely forgotten

This is only some of them. I must have been on a starmaking tear.

So my next page may not be quilting, but applique, we'll see. 

I organized the drawers of floss, lovely visual experience, and it will be better than rummaging every time I need to change colors. 

One drawer is what Marion calls her tangle, a mass of threads to pull out as needed, and now it's not concealing the other skeins.

Happy day, everyone, whether it looks more like tangle than skein. All good.

All the pieces  I found are stitched and finished, ready to use. I must have made them when I made those English paper pieced pillows. The silk stars were hanging in the kitchen window as a mobile, until I moved on.  As you do.


  1. The knitting group is welcoming for sure. Well done with the threads!

    1. It's a friendly group, different people each week. Always a nice mixture

  2. Those stars will make wonderful additions to your book!

    1. It was a surprise to find them again. So the book will be a good home at least for the silk ones.

  3. You are the ultimate freecycler.

    1. It's fun to see how happily people carry away things that have been gathering dust for so long

  4. It's so funny how you've become the default free-cycler.
    Lovely organizing of your embroidery thread! And those stars- you WERE on a tear. They're nice.

    1. It was a good experience sorting the colors and finding items I didn't know were even in there.I think the stars happened in the first pandemic summer of isolation.

  5. I do like the stars. They will look lovely in your book. Your boxes look nice and ordered now, everything is visible. I don't think people know the origin of May Day anymore.

    1. It's got a pagan origin, then in the 20th century it was adopted as a worker's day. And St Joseph The Worker's feast day is May 1st

  6. Well, I've already blown it on the "rabbit rabbit rabbit" thing. Maybe I can do it tomorrow for slightly less good luck?

  7. sorting and organizing the floss is something that would entertain me.

    1. It's one of those kindergarten type of activities that's still pleasing!

  8. Happy May Day! I love your applique, are you feeling okay?

    1. Thank you, I'm very well. As you can see from the activity level!

  9. Handsome son brought you some wonderful things. I love the starry appliques (?) that you did. They're very pretty!

    1. His stuff is moving on freecycle. Still quite a bit more to process.

  10. It’s amazing what we find when we start really looking.
    I wish I lived closer I’d love one of those fire tool sets.
    Can’t wait to see the book completed

    1. I'm surprised at how many people are interested in the fire irons, considering how many have given up using fireplaces because of pollution. But I think more than one person sees them as decorative items.
      The book will be a while.

  11. The tidied floss is calming. Tangled floss is like nails on a blackboard.

    1. Interesting observation. I find the tangle interesting!

  12. Replies
    1. It is. Nice atmosphere every week with any combination of people.

  13. People with common purpose usually make fine friends.

    1. Kindred spirits are so easy to be around.

  14. Ice cream for breakfast? I'm there!!
    Now I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures you share of the embroidery that will start appearing in your group.

    1. Let's see what happens. I'd like to see other people's work, too.

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