Thursday, May 30, 2024

Misfits box, much better day

Day three is definitely better. I got a walk, tossed  an errant golf ball back, breathed in the scent of honeysuckles, saw three huge frogs dive into the pond as I got close, to lurk till I left.  Lovely.

Home to an early Misfits delivery by Jeff.  I barely caught his pink truck leaving 

He conscientiously took away the freezer block and cooler bag I'd left out for pick up,  and replaced them with this 

The local strawberries are far more expensive and not organic, so I seized the day and ordered two one pound containers. Cilantro because I always need cilantro, goes everywhere and I'm one of the lucky people who taste a good dark flavor, not soap.

Chickpeas and coconut milk are for future curries. Salmon is for simple sauteeing over rice, later today.  Spinach with it. I might add some of those dried cranberries to the rice, too, and walnuts. Cannellini beans for sauteed salmon cakes.  

Oat milk goes with toasted sweet potato bread for late evening snack.  Blueberries why not. The strawberries are mid morning snack once last week's apples are finished. And the nutritious crushed almonds in dark chocolate, well, they fell into my box. 

All planned, subject to many sudden last minute changes of mind or appetite.

I did bake the rest of the salsa with Cheddar cheese, egg broken over, at 385°f  till the egg was cooked, which happens after the tomatoes have heated through and the cheese has melted. Mini naan to make sure none of the sauce went unaddressed. There's enough for a third meal there, too. 

This is a very food oriented post, probably because I feel a whole lot better and interested in food prep. 

I'll feel like a bit of stitching too in a while, and you'll get an update, once there is one.

The Haggard Hawks puzzle solution is 


which quite a few blogistas not only solved but wrote terrific clues for, yay you!



  1. Don't you love it when those delicious things jump into your cart! I looks like you are well prepared for a nursing week. This is the fist puzzle I got. Hurrah me!

    1. Yes, it's a red letter puzzle day. You must be pleased.

    2. I don’t know if you are prepared for a nursing week but you are prepared for a nourishing week!

  2. We have a friend who says cilantro tastes like soap. How awful. Glad you’re already improving. You’re of such hardy stock!

    1. A couple of our blogistas say that about cilantro. I guess it's body chemistry. Unlucky. I like to use it a lot. Hardy perennial, me!

  3. Enjoy those yummy looking strawberries!

  4. I'm a soap/cilantro person so I avoid it. Too bad because I do understand it's good. As always your food box looks wonderful.

    1. That's too bad. You're missing something.

  5. What a great selection of food you received in your misfits.
    I hope you get through all the strawberries before they go soggy.
    Do you freeze them for later use in drinks or for baking?

  6. So glad your day is a little better. Your misfits delivery looks like a goodone!

  7. As usual, you'll do marvels with your little box.

    1. It's not hard to make good food with good ingredients, though. Just refrain from ruining it!

  8. Not having been in the habit if eating soap, I can only assume it tastes like cilantro - which I happen to love. Maybe I will love soap - the scents can be somewhat offputting though.

  9. Cilantro seems to be one of those food that invokes a love or hate reaction. Thank goodness we are on the LOVE side!

  10. I, too, am a happy cilantro enjoyer!
    So glad you're feeling better. I can see some very fine meals coming from that box this week. I, too, think that spinach and salmon are a fine pair of friends.


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