Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day and the weather is rainy

Remembering those who died in war in the hope that we would have peace.

Quiet day, cool and rainy, great for the flower seeds.

I overcame my phonophobia, to call Gary this morning and got great news. They've been able to disconnect the machinery, he's breathing well, feeling much better, voice stronger and more cheerful. 

He's hoping to get out soon. Meanwhile an out of state cousin arrived at the weekend to hold the fort at home. So all's much better on that front.

And here's what happened to the linen and cotton napkins from Florida, thank you Ms Moon.

Lovely piece of linen I'd dyed and stamped for a possible skirt, just temporarily in place in the upstairs bathroom cabinet doorway. Narrator: temporarily? Several years. 

And here's the new hanging 

Three napkins strung on the rod no stitching required. The rod slid easily through the hem.

Likewise downstairs, the other three napkins replacing a plain white piece of linen, which you see on the floor.

So this easy fix has freed up two pieces of good linen for other uses. I'm beyond pleased. 

I used the rest of the sweet potatoes to make a sweet potato walnut bread.

Same old recipe for banana bread but mashed sweet potato instead.  Very nutritious cake. Yes.

I thought a rainy holiday might be good for a bit of Freecycle, so I'm offering these magazine holder things. 

The two remaining on the shelf are in use, and they show how the holders work.

Happy day, everyone, indoors keeping dry, or outside, with an umbrella,  trying to fire up the grill.


  1. We had rain overnight into morning. Now it's cloudy again with thunder. We are in a warning area for strong wind. Maybe we will be blown to Oz. I like the idea of sweet potatoes bread. Very good of Ms. Moon to send the linen to you.

  2. I'm glad he's coming around and that someone else is there.

  3. Hooray for Gary. Been gone too long.

  4. Sweet potato cake. Wow. Did you get the grill going?

  5. A remembering Memorial Day to you too, Boud. That's good news on Gary; thanks very much for the update.

    A nice repurposing of the Moon fabric. We await to see What Happens Next in the textile department.

    Well done on getting your seeds planted before the rain. I can practically feel them imbibing water and softening their seedcoats.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes, plans in textiles. The yellow dyed piece can make a skirt, the white maybe a tunic top.

  6. Great news on Gary. Your a wonderful friend to have

    1. He's such a good person, easy to be a friend to.

  7. Such great news about Gary! I’d be happy with that sweet potato bread.

    1. It's pretty good. First time I'd made it. It occurred to me that, cooked and mashed, it could sub for mashed banana. It seems to work fine. You'd like the walnuts!

  8. Sweet potato bread sounds really delicious. I’ll have to drop a hint to the baker in the house.

    1. It's just banana bread with a substitute. It's good. I had a slice toasted for breakfast.

  9. Ah! I just knew you could use those napkins. Whoever donated them to Wag the Dog had never used them. They had your name on them for sure.
    Sweet potato bread- delicious! Have you ever made a sweet potato and garbanzo bean soup? With your plant based sausage it would be very good. Cumin and other curry spices are perfect in it.
    I am so glad to hear about Gary. I was worried.

    1. The napkins are the right length for the door opening, and three across a generous amount. I'm really happy. Thank you.
      Yes, I've made that soup, and added in ground turkey meatballs, with Indian type spices. You and I are in tune!
      It was such a relief to hear Gary's voice strong and cheerful again.

  10. Pleased to read that Gary is on the way back to health. Good change out for the curtains - and now the linen will be??? Best of all is that bread - I really must try that with one of my banana or pumpkin cake recipes.

    1. I'm considering what to make! Sweet potato is a natural sub for pumpkin.

  11. Glad to hear Gary should be home soon!

  12. Good news about Gary, hope things continue to improve each and every day. Napkins have many uses. I use some to decorate my mantel. The bread looks and sounds yummy. Honoring and remembering on Memorial Day is important.

    1. Napkins are all purpose, particularly since they're already hemmed. I'll pass on all these good wishes to him.

  13. This post is full with good things. Your neighbor Garry is on the mend, sweet potatoe bread is tasty, napkins are put to good use etc...

  14. Gosh, that's warm. It seems to have come suddenly. It was freezing here yesterday! Could you include the link for the bread please? It sounds lovely.

    1. I don't have a link. I adapted it from a recipe in an ancient cookbook. Just find banana bread and sub cooked sweet potato for the banana.

  15. Thank you for the update on Gary - certainly good to hear that he's doing better. Guess it's a bit late now to wish you a good Memorial Day!

    1. Memorial Day is a solemn day. It's good if we remembered our dead.


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