Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday knitting group, sage, and Sacks

 The Friday knitting group was an actual group, plural people, who'd been sick, or in Taiwan, or working, or on vacation, returned. with various projects. K,  the embroiderer, had left before pictures, but here are a couple 

S, wearing a sweater while setting up a shawl 

R with an experiment in changing direction to create blocks of design 

Talk ranged widely, over rehoming musical equipment, Puerto Rico, cats, rumspringa, other Amish doings, Squirrelwood Animal Sanctuary, names, heating in China, my ficus, brioche knitting, pig keeping, bird reproduction, box turtle food, and more. 

And the sage, loving the cold wet weather, is going for world domination, chair for size comparison.

Latest reading is dear Oliver Sacks, a collection I hadn't heard of till yesterday. Mary will like this title 

 I haven't started it yet, but expect to enjoy, if it's anything like his other work.

Meanwhile I came across yet another lovely northerner on YouTube,

a lovely man, who has prompted me to make sausage rolls tomorrow, first time in years, since I have spicy plant based sausage meat in the freezer.  I'm planning on the snack cake anyway, and finally remembered to put the apricots to soak. So tomorrow is about baking, among other things.

Happy day everyone, keeping warm and dry is what's up here, so do whatever's called for there, too. Try not to dissolve any curtains while you're at it.


  1. I’m fixated on the ginger cake recipe. Moist and spicy!

  2. I love sausage rolls. Another on my list for when we finally get into our new house.
    Keeping warm and dry is on the agenda here, too.
    We took some curtains down when we moved in here to protect them from the cats. My fear is they will collapse on rehanging!

    1. Judging from other comments on this topic I wonder if we're in the End Times for curtains.

  3. I have great admiration for the sage. I think we should all be wild and rampant!

  4. You find inspiration in so many things - your days must be very full and satisfying.

    1. My nights also -- I keep dreaming about new stitch ideas.

  5. Fascinating topics at the knitting group. Pig keeping is intriguing…

    1. It was permitted in this, then more rural, town till the late 60s. One pig per household!

  6. I DO like that title.
    Also, I kept a pig once. It was somewhat traumatic.
    Your deck looks like a little slice of heaven and I bet that ginger cake will be too.

    1. One of my neighbors said it's like a miniature nature center! The ginger cake is probably a future bake.

  7. I went to the library app and got that book. I would like your knitting group, such a range of topics!

    1. Something for everyone! It's a mix of people.

  8. Now I feel like baking! Sage is probably the only herb I've ever had success with. Except mint but that just grows itself.

    1. Mint will take over. Also lemon balm which I've never planted but it's laying siege to the other side of the patio.

  9. Glad you had a good turnout at Friday's Knitting Group, with amazingly eclectic conversations as usual!

    1. It pays to show up. Always great conversation.

  10. I think the only Oliver Sacks book I've ever read is "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat." I should read more.

    1. Read Musicophilia. It's great, such a capacity for learning and listening.

  11. Yet more interesting topics of conversation at knitting group. Not familiar with Oliver Sacks so will have to check the library to see if they have any of his books.

    1. He's wonderful, such an emotionally as well as intellectually intelligent and kind man.


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