Saturday, May 11, 2024

Painting returns, climate concerns, and food ahoy!

 I've been following Marion's World on YouTube, repeatedly being reminded of all kinds of good ideas.

She's a brilliant stitcher, and uses painting when it serves her work. So I've been thinking about this, remembering my box of watercolor crayons, and realized this is the next stage of the page.

Just a chron series of stages I thought you might like to see 

The setup, after I finally located my brushes.

Here I've protected the previous two pages with a plastic bag 

And started to stroke in dashes of color among the stitching. I picked up color directly off the crayon with a wet brush, tested it on the spare bit of matching muslin, then plunged in 

This is close to complete. I probably will set a few stitches in that mountain image top left 

Then, while I had the crayons out, I painted a couple of pieces of fabric for future use, maybe as patches or applique material. At the bottom you see where the brush, nearly dry, creates lovely flying white, a technique from Asian art, and a favorite.

So that was a nice return to paint, but working with my current fabric project instead of a separate item on paper. It's that time of year when I always long to paint.

And I did return to put in a few finishing stitches.

Done. On to page four when I decide what it's about.

Speaking of water, there are new ominous maps of the parts of this state which may shortly vanish into the ocean. I'm about an hour's drive from the shore, but in a flood prone area 

I live in that pale section near Trenton, in the center of the state, and checked our local 

Elevation above current sea level. Hm. Okay. Maybe. 

There's always food. Here's the lastofthefish sandwich, wholegrain bread, with ta da! pickled red onions, a bit early, they need a few days.

And whoa is it good. Crunchy but not bitey sharp, really fine with a sandwich that needed a bit of livening up.

While I had lunch I was reading this 

I've been waiting months but it's here and worth the wait. Just started.

Also I've been thinking about ice cream, as you do, haven't had any for ages, prices just too much, I won't. Then I wondered about creating a blueberry frozen dessert from my yogurt, honey and whole milk powder.

Just a trial size, you see the container, not much yogurt left after I reserved some for the starter of the next batch. Couple of hours in the freezer, stir occasionally, and I must remember this.

This is definitely worth doing early in the day for a frozen dessert later. You could use cream, but I found the whole milk powder just fine.

Happy day everyone. Happy mother's day if it applies and you like it. I'll be visiting a local sick friend,  bringing this card I made for her.


  1. What a fun ending to your tree page, Liz. The painted strokes gives the impression of leaves (or maybe petals) falling. And that is such a nice card you made for your friend. You will bless her day, I am sure. Ooooh... and your frozen yogurt desert - looks impressive. I love how you experiment with food.

    1. The froyo was worth doing. And not full of additives!

  2. The 79' means feet? You should be ok with a pair of wellies.

    1. Let's hope so! The other part is that our groundwater, over the largest aquifer in the Northern hemisphere, I'm told, is very close to the surface, less than three feet around here. This means floods happen, and we realize most of our roads are full of bridges over water courses.

  3. Your friend will I’m sure love that beautiful card made with love. The blueberry frozen yogurt looks and sounds delicious. I’m proud because I just cut up fresh fruit for my breakfast (with yogurt, cereal, almonds, and dried cranberries). I’m a gourmet. We live on the beach. A friend of ours bought an apartment up the mountain a little. She says where she is will soon be the coast. I figure we won’t live that long.

    1. You cooked your breakfast! Yes I think time may be on my side about the future shoreline.

  4. The crayon really adds to the whole. I like it.

    1. It added to the pleasure of doing it, too.

  5. You are making great progress on your project.
    Have a great day.

    1. Cold and wet, even the farm stand closed today! But there's reading and visiting.

  6. That's a lovely card you made your friend -- enjoy your visit!

    1. I hope she enjoys it too. She's in the midst of chemo and radiation, so we're checking it's still okay.

  7. A long time ago Edgar Cayce (remember him?) said that where I live will one day be coastline or underwater completely. I suppose that in this case he may have been correct.
    Love the book-painting! Also the card. What a sweet thing to do.
    Wonderful book. Ms. Angelou was a goddess. I took my kids to hear her speak once. I hope it helped to inform who they are.

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you. the new page looks good. I guess the pale blue is what will be lost? goodbye to Atlantic City or maybe it will become a new Venice. I've looked at projected land loss for around here. I'll be much closer to the coast but no ocean front property for me.

    1. Thank you! I don't think it would hurt ac to be underwater. Not much good going on there. The final version of the page is there in the post. Nothing lost, just sharpened a bit.

    2. I wonder if NJ will be sharpened a bit, too.

  9. I really do like the tree and adding the watercolor to it was genius! You are also creative in the food department. Who would think of making a frozen dessert like that? Not me!

    1. I think it's all the same energy, really, just different materials. Thank you for the encouragement. I can always use it.

  10. Happy Mother’s Day, Boud. Hope it’s a good one!

    1. Thank you. So far, with greetings and visit and great food coming up, it's great. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  11. The painting on the embroidery turned out really well! Lovely use of mixed media. The frozen yogurt looks good too!

    1. It was a good experiment. Well, both were.

  12. Toss pickled onions in and I'm happy. Made roasted peppers yesterday. So good on sandwiches, wraps and in homemade hummus!

  13. That is a beautiful card.
    Frozen yoghurt/icecream - yum.
    Now I am off to investigate water colour pencils (prefer them to crayons) as I need another hobby and have been wanting to return to this for ages. Thank you for the prompt.

    1. This is your enabling department! I've never got away with wc pencils, but some people love them.. Go you!

  14. Happy Mother's Day, Boud, and I hope that you were able to have a short but good visit with your friend. I am so swiping that froyo dessert idea.

    Chris from Boise

  15. Nice painting you added...
    I like desserts.
    I wish you a happy new week.
    Hug to you.

    1. Thank you. It's going to be a bit warmer, happy to say.

  16. It's funny you mention that this is the time of year you like to paint. I have a devil of a time painting in the winter but as spring continues and summer moves closer I long to spend more time with it. I like the technique you used.

    1. I wonder if it's the returning light level?

  17. I know a number of embroiderers who watercolour their backgrounds before they stitch them. I like what it added to your page.
    Rather disconcerting to contemplate the rising water levels. Seeing that map should bring home to the naysayers that climate change is indeed real.

    1. I like the intro of painting to stitching.
      And the map is familiar to those of us with coastal states. We lost territory to superstorm Sandy, so we know first hand.


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