Friday, May 10, 2024

Stitching, pickled red onions and cod, too exciting

Today's endless rain, threatening road closures between here and the knitting group means I'm giving it a miss, sadly. 

But I'll continue with stitching, which I'm really enjoying 

It's beginning to be populated the way I'd like it. There are some stitches I love, so I look for reasons to use them. Fly stitch, split stitch, and sometimes I invent a little thing just because I like it there.

And yesterday's floured cod I didn't bake according to the recipe,  because no need to heat up the oven, just fried with a bit of avocado oil in the trusty cast iron. I usually cook all the fish in a package at once. One immediate meal, next day a sandwich, the rest for fish cakes.

Served with baked yellow potatoes and fresh cut chives, leaving the stems with blossoms on alone for now. 

Full disclosure: the flouring recipe, even though I halved the salt it specified, was too salty. When you're seasoning flour, you can't taste as you go. But, flouring removed, the fish and unseasoned potatoes were fine.

And as planned, I made the pickled red onion, one. I sliced them all yesterday, got the crying over, and saved one to pickle.

Waiting to cool before the lid goes on. And there's leftover brine, which I expect I'll find a use for.

The pickles are for a recipe next week, after they've matured a bit, involving shrimp and black beans. Watch this space.

And speaking of onions, the scallions are planted and in the kitchen.

Here, waiting to be covered up.  I'll keep you updated if there are any exciting developments.

Happy day, everyone, the rain's good for something. I'm glad I got out walking earlier.

Oh, chair yoga update: today was a bit easier and the hip that bothers me felt much better. I think the (modified) Warrior Pose probably did it. So I'm encouraged.


  1. I'm really enjoying your stitching, too. I probably like more salt than most people, so likely your cod would have suited me. I like pickled onions, especially red onions.

    1. I love pickled tiny onions, but haven't come across them. So we'll see how these go. I notice a lot of Asian recipes like red onions so it's good to have some. I always have a supply of the yellow.

  2. We used the last of our cod this week too. We had it pan fried this week. Last week, cod au gratin. So good.

  3. When I make the black bean soup that I love so much, I pickle red onions to go with it but they're just a quick pickle. I use lime juice, rice vinegar, and a little sugar. That's all. And I love them so much. I would be curious as to what is in your brine. I can't read the recipe on the tablet. I'm nosy.
    I always keep a red onion too. They are extra good in different foods.
    Glad your hip's better. You ARE a warrior.

    1. The tablet was up just to direct interested people to his channel. It's simple: half cup apple cider vinegar, cup water, tablespoon sugar, tsp salt, maybe two, forget, peppercorns. Check his channel he's funny, for the procedure.
      I love my very moderated warrior pose, feel very warlike, but look like a little old lady, heh!

  4. Ooh, good idea. I now remember I've got some cod in the freezer. Getting out my cast iron pan!

  5. I enjoy pickled onions and also cukes once in awhile.

  6. The cod meal looks delicious! All your creations make me happy, as if they’re MY creations.

  7. Love the stitching. To me it looks like a tree blowing in the wind with lots of pretty green leaves and flowers Blowing all around it

    1. Thank you, yes there's a wind blowing, I'm glad it's showing up.

  8. The stitching is interesting and interestinger. The tree is really coming to being.

  9. Replies
    1. These are more pungent than the yellow ones. Much!

  10. The stitching is coming along, and the food processing/cooking proceeds.

  11. I love pickled onions too. RC has made refrigerator cucumber pickles often and I finally got him convinced that adding onions would be a good thing.

  12. I don't think I have ever had pickled red onion, but I bet it is delicious. I find pickles in general very appealing.

    1. Try to remedy that, preferably with homecooked

  13. Glad to read that the hip is feeling better. I love pickled pink onions.

    1. I'm a bit amazed about the hip. Hoping this continues. And the onions are very good already.


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