Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Low key day with intervals of entertainment

Today as expected, post vax tiredness, chills, owie joints, reading and dozing under an afghan.

Then Gary showed up, took my mind off it. His cousin, ready to leave, car loaded, ac on, engine running, found himself locked out of his car.  So I was part of the squad trying to find some slimjim equivalent to get him in. 

He did eventually get away, after taking a lot of teasing about how he really wanted to stay. NADM.

I had a little burst of energy and made a kind of salsa to go with cheese on toast, not up for more.

Diced tomatoes, bit of sugar, salt, cumin, vinegar, garlic.

I'll use the leftovers to bake tomorrow with cheese and an egg. 

That got my strength up to track my ballot 

It's safely received and will be counted once polls close. I noticed I've been registered here since 1991! All that parade of signatures.

Now I'm wrapped again in an afghan, chills back, this too shall pass, while I read an ebook on Hoopla before it goes away.

 Libraries are dumping Hoopla software, expensive, badly designed, and I'm able to check out books easily now, no competition, I suppose.

Anyway, here's my latest comfort reading 

Happy day everyone, do get your vax. It's worth a couple of down days.


  1. I am sorry the shot has left you under the weather. Take good care and enjoy your cheese toast and salsa.

    1. It's to be expected. Better than getting the illness

  2. It's nice to have an excuse to do nothing and not feel guilty about it, but I hope you're feeling better now.

    1. It's usually a couple of days. Not a big deal.

  3. Sorry about the reaction, but so glad you got the vax. Hope you’re already feeling better.

    1. Yes, I'm glad there's a vax. Nowadays it's easy to get it, too.

  4. Years ago ai used to make salsa, two versions actually a hit and a mild. I should do it again. It was fun, actually.

    1. This one is pretty mild. I guess you can rev it up as needed to.

  5. Glad Gary is back and hope you are felling better soon, Boud.

    1. Only a couple of days usually. And things are normal around here again.

  6. I'm not familiar with Hoopla. We use Overdrive ("Sora") for e-books, which I think is pretty much the industry standard.

    1. Here overdrive is Libby. Hoopla tried to do too much, movies, TV episodes, audio, ebooks, did them all poorly, and refused to partner with Kindle for ebooks. Expensive and now being discontinued. Libby partners with Kindle, so I can download ebooks to a better platform, no migraines from Kindle, and I believe is cheaper. The libraries I use tell me they're redirecting the hoopla money to more Libby, yay.

  7. Shame the vax is such an 'under the weather' experience. For me it was a couple of weeks of illness - much worse than the disease itself had been - and for now I have resolved to take my chances with the illness. (That might change in a decade.) That salsa looks good and I continue to marvel day on day the devotion you bring to making good meals for yourself. (An essential ingredient in your life quality no doubt.)

    1. Yes, I think good food is why I feel well most of the time.
      The vax has been refined since the early sledgehammer variety, so it's good to revisit that decision in time.

  8. I don't don't what iteration of the vax this is, but we will keep up to date whenever. TG I've never had chills or whatnot yet.

    1. From what I hear, symptoms are more common in women. At this point they're not filling out the record card any more.

  9. Sorry the vax gave you so much reaction. Sort of how I've been feeling, but no vax to blame it on. Such an enjoyable story (at another's expense) about the car locked out. Well, I've done that but don't remember having it going.

    1. It's so long since I had a car you could get locked out of, I'd forgotten it was possible.

  10. You and I are both strong reactors to immunizations. At least we know that and can plan accordingly.
    Hoopla is a mess but they have many of Percival Everett's books and I am consuming them one-by-one, hoping I get to all of them before they take the platform out of our library.
    Rest and recover, dear woman.

    1. They're still telling me three more months to my Everett, at the same time as dismantling the software!
      Yes, I have the luxury of making no commitment the days after a vax. Good thing.

  11. When I got my covid booster earlier this month, my main side effect was a headache that lasted 24 hours.

    1. Yes, that's on the list. Mine was mild, mainly chills and flu like malaise, improving now.

  12. At least you know what to expect when you get the tax. I think it helps knowing. I'm pleased the Gary chaos is resuming! My library uses Libby and it works very well as far as I can tell.

    1. The Gary chaos!! Situation normal! Libby works fine. I don't know why they ever bothered with hoopla. There's already library software for movies.

  13. Salsa with cheese toast sounds delicious.
    I wish you a speedy recovery, get back on your feet quickly... it's such a beautiful time of year now.
    Hug from me.

    1. It was good. Easy eating! I did walk today, lovely time, no mosquitoes. Yet.

  14. I was quite surprised this time to be pretty much washed out the day after my covid booster last week. Was ok again by day 3.

    1. I think day 3 is my recovery, too. It's lovely to have the option of not doing anything before.

  15. I was discouraged from getting the jab until autumn. Along with flu jab- not sure about the reasoning, but there you go. have you had the shingles shots? Those are whoppers and if you react to covid immunizations, the shingles series will
    knock you right down! Glad that you were able to take it easy for a couple of days , getting used to introduced immune helpers.

    1. My doctor wanted me to get the booster now, because in the fall there will be a new vax, and I need the interval in order to qualify for it. I had the dreaded shingles shots years ago, memorably awful! I'm lucky to be able to do little till I'm up to it.
      Today is a much better day.

  16. You've made me realize I should check on my booster schedule/status. This is the kind of thing that makes not having a vehicle more of a challenge.

    1. That takes some organization. I hope you get up to date. Not that you're among crowds, but still.

  17. Sorry you're having a reaction to the booster - hopefully it doesn't last long.

    1. It's pretty much done now. It's the usual reaction.


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