Thursday, May 9, 2024

AARP at it again, chair yoga, Misfits

After an email invitation, I just signed up for a session of online chair yoga, in a couple of weeks

I do like being grouped with desk workers, I feel less decrepit.

 Meanwhile I thought I'd better get a bit of training before I tackle an hour long session. So I tracked down my favorite fitness duo, mother and daughter, for a fifteen minute session.

they're great because the trainer daughter shows wonderful form and her mother shows the nearest most older people can get, very encouraging to those of us who are quite stiff.

This was a good idea, showing me I need to improve my stamina, since the fifteen minutes were quite taxing, but will be less so each day. At least that's the idea.

This is going into my morning rotation. I still do a couple of eight pieces of silk, and shoulder exercises just to keep functional. And walking. Gentle everything is the mantra at this point. This is a yoga-brag-free zone.

And it's a mending time, the invisible kind this time, repairing, again, the mock turtle neckline of this favorite Land's End cotton sweater

It's the seam joining the neck to the body that gets worn out, don't we all.

Bought in a garage sale about thirty years ago and still worth repairing, along with the other two sweaters long since converted into jackets. I didn't do fancy visible work because I like the simplicity of this sweater.

I put together a seasoned flour mix to coat, enrobe (maybe that's just for chocolate) the cod we all snorted about last week 

I ground enough coriander seeds for a small container, then in the midst of this 

Misfits arrived 

Change of pace, here comes coffee so I can have an occasional cafe au lait, since I can't seem to get cocoa at the moment.

The red onions are to pickle for a thing next week.

And I can't bear to use valuable dyeing material for stock. So it's in the freezer for the next time I feel like dyeing.

The scallions are to plant the root ends and see if I can get a homegrown supply. The rest is chopped and frozen, to just eat.

This was a small order with a lot of plans. The Little Order That Could.

Happy day everyone, I do all the things so you don't have to.



  1. saving everything and using it - you are a champion! Your land's end turtle neck will last indefinitely , as long as you son't fly too close to the sun, a good keep because clothing is not as hearty as it once was. Discouragement!
    I had a friend who saved everything, usually made toys for her children out of it but when she died there was an oversized bag in the closet full of underpants elastics...finally ended up in the landfill because none of us knew what to do with them. You would have known..maybe make pot holders with your loom or something. Sorry we did not stash them for you.

    1. New cotton clothes are not very durable, nice briefly but quickly wear out, I've found. I do like to use everything I can, you've noticed!

  2. I'll be interested to follow your progress with the yoga. It might be fun too.

    1. I'm hoping fun gets into it. Yesterday was a bit hard.

  3. Does planting the root end of what we call spring onions work - goodness, that would be a thing to try. (just adding them to my shopping list!)

    1. I don't know yet but since I routinely buy them, it's worth a try. I buy organic so they're more likely to sprout.

  4. Chair yoga (and chair pilates) are more taxing than one would expect. I scoffed at the idea a few years ago - now I contemplate it and have even started it - just need to keep going.

    1. I was surprised at how my joints complained but I'll keep going and see how I do.

  5. Wow you definitely have got your moneys worth from that jumper
    Quality shows

    1. Considering it was $2 in a garage sale, I'd say I did!

  6. Thank you for doing all the things so I don’t have to.

    1. You young kids, wanting other people to do all the things!

  7. We use a lot of red onions. I never thought to keep the skins.

    1. When I was doing a lot of natural dyeing, neighbors used to save their red onion skins for me! You can keep them indefinitely in the freezer.

  8. Chair yoga is popular here and a friend says it has helped her agility.

  9. I once almost signed-up for chair yoga, but never followed-up after a introductory lesson.

  10. I had a sweater very much like that once and now I'm wondering where it went. When we get to heaven do we get all of our once-beloved clothing back? Do we even have bodies on which to put that clothing?
    I seriously doubt it. But I do miss certain garments that I know I once had.

    1. I don't have a serious relationship with clothes, maybe because I'm always altering them or making them into something else!

  11. I have done chair yoga for a few years. It can be taxing but does help keeping the body limber. Even when I was in better shape I did yoga in a chair because my balance is terrible. You will find it works. Now, I'm going to let you do everything so I don't have to!

    1. I won't do your chair yoga. The other stuff, okay!

  12. Those are a lot of plans! Good luck with the chair yoga. It's good that you found it a challenge -- you'll get more out of it that way! I was wearing a sweatshirt this morning that I bought in 1995, and thinking it might finally be nearing time to let it go. (It's not mendable -- just super-thin!)

    1. I think you have a lot of sunk cost in that sweatshirt. That's a good way to look at the chair yoga, thank you for the reminder.

  13. Replies
    1. At the moment it's about just doing it. I hope it goes better each day.

  14. I love the misfits food and chair yoga sounds perfect.

    1. One helps the other. Food for strength, yoga for flexibility to chop and cook the food! No use exercising if you don't eat well.

    2. Food is medicine, to me. Exercise is wonderful as well. Love it all.

  15. I took regular yoga classes for a number of years. They were listed as being for seniors but the instructor insisted on poses that quite simply were too painful. The session she decided that we should all stand on our heads was the last straw and I gave up on it. I have enough trouble balancing on one leg much less on my head!

    1. I recommend April and her mom! They're very appropriate.


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