Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A bangin' day and stitching anyway

Early this morning my neighbor was at the door to explain new flooring going down today, sorry, probably all day noise. Also pouring rain, canopy going up so the men could work outside.

And so it went till 6 pm, when they folded their tents and left. 

I got an idea for the next page,  pausing only to pay bills, run them out to the mailbox, mix a gallon of laundry soap, lunch on the last of the curried red lentils and yogurt, and finish another weaving while I figured out the idea.

Here's the sequence after that 

Complete with changes of mind, and colors, completely different from original idea, upcycling gold work on silk, and transparencies of other artworks scanned and printed onto silk gauze.

There will be overstitching, kantha style, a lot, once the dress is secured in place, using other colors probably.

The original idea can come out another time.

Waste nothing, including ideas.

Happy day, everyone, productive here despite hammers, saws, and rain.  Also I made chocolate pudding, so there's that. And there's an online meeting with my Sussex watching friends this evening.

Photo AC 


  1. Funny how the picture in one's head and the execution can arrive in completely different places.

    1. The original idea will still happen but in a different form. Byways!

  2. It was courteous of your neighbour to inform you. It's such a relief when the banging stops at the end of a long day.

    1. Nice neighbors, explained all the plans. It made it easier to tolerate the whining of saws and banging as the floor went down.

  3. I hope the construction noise wasn’t too unpleasant. I am in awe of you and your creations.

    1. It was not much fun, but at least I didn't have to do it!

  4. Sounds like a good day despite the noise. Enjoy your pudding!

    1. It was. Credit to appropriate sources for the pudding ingredients!

  5. Maybe the rain drowned out the noise of the works next door. It was nice of your neighbour to inform you about the works.

    1. It was pretty loud, but easier to deal with because of his courtesy.

  6. Sue just reported that she was awakened at 1:30am for the second consecutive night. Someone in the neighbourhood was doing something with power tools.

    1. Oh, those insomniacs who decide to catch up with construction when they can't sleep. Ensuring nobody else can.

  7. YOU ARE BRILLIANT! I love your next page here.

  8. This sewing page is so cool. So far I am intrigued and cant wait to see the result! "waste nothing" is such a challenge- we have too much of everything here in this house so a lot of it is wasted. I lean more toward simplicity and making do- creative that way, Mr. Man is the opposite but is slowly coming around a little. Goes back to childhood I suppose.

    1. Yes, when partners have different approaches! It's so much easier to be solo on issues like this.

  9. You did have a busy day. And what a lovely idea for the page of your book.

    1. Later I realized I'd done quite a bit. Not at the time though.

  10. No one can say you are not creative!

    1. The latest idea is really a bit darker than the earlier ones. You'll see.

  11. I had a dance dress with panels like that. In high school.

    1. Hm. I wonder if it's a buried memory of my own?

  12. I love how working on one craft enable your mind to create ideas for another.
    Chocolate pudding - be still my heart.

    1. The weaving is so rote and calming it sets your mind free in some way. Anyway that's my story.

  13. I've often marvelled at the people who can envision a fully completed piece of art in their heads before they even start. I'm a fake it til I make it artist and often surprise myself at the many detours I take to get the end result. Case in point is the current landscape. I'm determined to do something radically different and I have ideas but my mind keeps insisting that I'm not being the least bit smart. We'll see.

    1. Anyone who can envision the entire work is an engineer, not an artist! You're on the right track.


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