Thursday, May 23, 2024

Hearing update, Misfits and afternoon tea

The day started with a massive down pouring thunderstorm through which I had to drive, to the hearing test place. The test was interesting, various gadgets attached to my head and ears. The audiologist said my ear canals are too small for one of their tests which involved fitting a thing into the ear. So we went with headphones. 

Verdict: normal age related hearing loss, normal in the lower ranges, mild loss in mid range, marked to severe loss in the upper ranges, both ears the same. The upper range is where consonants are usually found, hence the difficulty with conversation.  She and the ENT both recommended I consider aids, though I could wait and recheck in a year. 

I'm going to get an hour with the audiologist in June to see about aids. I have a feeling that my tiny cute ear canals may eliminate otc, cheaper ones,  depending on how many sizes they cater to. We'll see. 

I've been weaving while thinking of all this

The Misfits box arrived, mercifully for the driver, the storm had moved on

The chard and naan will take part in an upcoming stew with carrots and sweet potatoes from last week, plus cannellini and red beans  already here.  

The cheddar will feature in a couple of tuna melts, tuna and whole grain bread  already here. Also the scallions I planted are growing 

so it's not a problem that misfits couldn't supply them this week, likewise Roma tomatoes, because I have diced toms here. I think pasta with a tomato sauce will happen soon.

The blueberries and gala apples continue to be good. Those apples are sweet, crisp and just right. Sold at a discount because they're too small for the stores. Yet just the right size if you have children, as every mom knows. 

And the pure cane golden sugar is a steady need.

Handsome Son is visiting today, so there will be one sausage roll I reserved for him, and apricot cake. 

That recipe makes a ton of cake. There's another container of pieces in the freezer when these are finished.

So long since we had a haggard hawks puzzle

Funny clues only! No shouting out the answer!

Handsome Son visited, approved sausage roll and cake, chatted, got updated on health, work and other things. 

Then before he left, he fixed the settings in my car so the tpms no longer alerts me to the fixed flat tire, my preferred radio station is back and the dash shows total mileage, not just trip mileage. Also it's all in English. This is several things I had tried to reset and hadn't managed.

Everyone should have a nice Handsome Son who lives nearby.

Happy day, everyone! Blink if you can hear me and want cake.

And if you thought life was exciting where you work 


  1. Do you hear me blinking?

    More gorgeous colors you are weaving. I wonder if you ever stop and do nothing? I need some of your energy, please.

  2. Blink, blink, blink!

    You now at least have more information about your hearing loss. I hope you can find an affordable solution. For all the ways hearing aids benefit our health and well-being, it's a crying shame they're financially out of reach for so many people.

    I wrestled with HH this evening, and lost. No idea what the answer is. But keep 'em coming!

    Please send HS our way to reset the tpms. Ours too is crying wolf.

    Your Misfits haul and your scallions both look delicious. I've been growing scallions in pots since you introduced me to the potential.

    That's quite a stack of pinloom meditations!

    Chris from Boise

    1. At this point I'm resigned to a big expenditure on this. It's affecting my ability to enjoy social life, so I need to address it.
      Handsome Son has fixed the tpms before, but still consulted a YouTube video showing it!
      The pinloom now accompanies my pod participation. A twofer. I'm getting quite good at it.

  3. Haven't we come to dislike yet expect the phrase '....for your age.....'. My sister used have a box of random fruit and vegetables delivered once a fortnight, but she said there was far too much kale in the boxes, so she cancelled the delivery.

    1. That's why I discontinued my csa and switched to making my own choices on misfits. The csa eventually devolved into potatoes and squash!

  4. I am blinking...Thought of you today when I had chocolate pudding. I hope you are still enjoying the cocoa!

    1. I am! The evening hot chocolate is a highlight.

  5. Good to have something dainty, even if it is ear canals that very few people get to see!

    1. I have various body parts that are child size. I wonder if they were affected by the serious illnesses I had at age six, when they were developing. I seem to have managed though.

  6. Handsome son is so lucky! What is that hippo doing?!?

    1. I asked a friend who knows hippos -- reared in captivity, they're outgoing and want to be with the people. This hippo was climbing out of his enclosure until the keeper persuaded him to go back into the water.

  7. As more people live longer hearing aids are becoming as common as eyeglasses!

  8. It is good that you at least have an explanation for the hearing issues, Boud. I've grown scallions in a vase with water added as there is limited space in our apt for an indoor garden. It's nice that HS was able to sort out all the car issues, thankfully, my old car has none of today's electronic features. Blink...send cake.

    1. My old 99 civic was so simple, I miss it. The scallion idea is so cool, I'm glad you're on to it. Cake request noted.

  9. The pieces that go in the ear are very flexible and no longer molded to the ear. I think you'll be fine.

    1. It's impossible to insert them is the issue. I will probably need pediatric size. Even the smallest adult won't go far enough in to work and stay put.

  10. I think the hearing aids are vital. If they can fit children surely they can fit you? It really is a case of use it or lose it and too many people wait too long to get them. So says my audiologist sister in law.
    You have a fine collection of pinloom squares there.
    I think the nieces took the pretty way home.

    1. Yes, they'll figure it out, but I fear the cheaper (!) Otc may not work for me. We'll see. And hear. Sneaky clue there! You're good at puzzles.

  11. Apricots are not my favorite but if you make sausage rolls again, you can put one aside for me.
    That chard looks beautiful. We didn't plant any this year. The bugs do love it so.

    1. The structure of chard is lovely, even prepping is a pleasure. Sausage roll reservation noted.

  12. I usually buy gala apples too, precisely because they're small. Why are most apples these days the size of softballs? SO BIG! I don't want to fill up on a single apple.

    1. Exactly. Gala, and Fuji are about my speed.

  13. the first Hill Country peaches have come in and they are my favorite though this first batch I bought weren't that sweet. I'll probably head out to the market today and get more. I'm going to have to look up how to make a tuna melt. we used to get them from a restaurant when we lived in the city and haven't had one since.

    1. My version is tuna salad, or plain tuna, on whole grain bread, chunks of cheddar cheese on top, toasted till it's the brownness you like. I expect there are fancier versions, too.

  14. Mark won't wear his hearing aids. He can be stubborn about the oddest things. Incase you don't know, I'm blinking. Blink blink blink.

    1. Cake request noted. It's hard on your friends when you won't use your hearing aids. If and when I get them,I promise to persevere and use them.

  15. Love having family nearby! We have never regretted our move to be near family!

    1. Yes, you're happy near them, I've noticed. Good move.

  16. I wonder if your audiologist could give you advice on the six hundred dollar hearing aids on Amazon. Betty's are very good, it seems, and she is excruciatingly tiny,

    1. Do you know who manufactures them? That would be very helpful if you know. Then I can enquire.

  17. I have teeny ear canals too. I decided to wait another year or so till it becomes worse or really annoying to everyone else! Have fun with Handsome Son!

    1. I've done with waiting, now I'm ready for action.

  18. Our car keeps coming up with a low pressure message but Husband has checked and they're fine. Maybe Handsome Son could pop over here? What else? Oh yes, that weaving is lovely. Strange we should have hearing tests at roughly the same time. Although not strange considering the number of people in the world.

    1. Have husband check YouTube! I know so many people who are having, or planning, or planning to plan, hearing tests. In my age group, perhaps not so surprising.

  19. I hope the hearing aid situation is doable and not too expensive. Resident Chef really should have them but someone once told him that if you have tinnitus they will make it feel worse. Now he flatly refuses to even entertain the thoughs of aids so I'm getting used to shouting.

    1. My ENT tells me the lack of hearing causes tinnitus and should help with it. So we'll see.


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