Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Page one done, hello sun, and spiral socks

Here's the first page of the fabric book completed 

Leaving a space in the creation continuum for Ministry Socks, this time spiral tube socks, a while since I knitted any. 

This was in the afternoon, and I made good use of the morning by sending off packages to various people. I hope they please, and arrive okay.

There was quite a bit of user error in the mailing process, since I picked out what I thought were regular priority mail cardboard envelopes, laboriously addressed and stuffed and sealed them, trying to get the right items in the right envelope.

Nice man at the counter said before we do this, did you realize the blue printing means overnight, and it's $35 per? Well, no, since it didn't say so. 

He provided me with sympathy and new envelopes and labels and I went through the whooooole thing again, after opening the wrong envelopes, transferring the contents to the right, affordable, kind, and wrote alllll the addresses again.

Nice man said we usually try to catch people picking up the blue ones, sorry I missed you. All fine now.  No thanks to whoever designed the $-$-** blue printed envelopes.

It was warm, even to the point of  finally pushing me into washing down the patio chairs. 

Which I did, after reading outside and possibly sleeping and dreaming of stitching, lovely afternoon. Lemon tea. Woodpeckers working, little butterfly, maybe a red admiral, a bit early for the butterfly bush. 

The chives are budding up, as you see,  and I might make paneer and stud it with chive blossoms when they appear.

Handsome Son plans to visit Tuesday after I get home from Tuesday knitting group, so the little stash of ANZAC biscuits in the freezer will come out, along with some chocolate covered almonds. Weather back to the 60s, so it's an indoor extravaganza.

Happy day, everyone, and here's a thought 

Speaking of annoying insects, I have an update on the ants on the counter. They're gone. Except for a few tiny corpses. The mixture evidently worked. Down from dozens of them all over everything, to maybe two enfeebled survivors.

And, another clever update: the dryer that partly broke down? I decided it was a computer related issue so I did the classic unplug everything, go away, try again next day, plug in, reset dials. And to my complete astonishment, I mean my complete expectation, it works fine again. 

So I'm better at complex electronic repairs than at posting parcels. Or something.


  1. How irritating that no-one pointed out that you had the 'wrong' envelopes. How would you know, otherwise?

  2. Sometimes that unplug and plug in again trick works. Glad it did. Goodbye ants to boot. Good day, indeed.

    1. I was surprised about the dryer, but glad to postpone expense.

  3. It is too early for ant season here yet but as always, thanks for the tip! Enjoy the day, Boud!

    1. You can be for armed with ant repellent.

    2. Forearmed. Spellboss doesn't like it.

  4. Replies
    1. There's nothing in spam right now but sometimes comments show up days later, and I publish as soon as they do.

  5. The mosquito poem made me smile. It triggered my weird sense of humor.
    Your stitching is lovely!
    And it was as warm where you are yesterday as it was here.

    1. It was about as warm as I ever care to be. Not too hot. Back in the 60s now.

  6. Good news about the ants and the dryer. Too bad about that post office mixup and the extra work you had to do.

    1. The post office was user error meets poor design. Win a few..

  7. Your stitching sings.
    Once upon a time you stuffed stuff in an envelope, THEN went to the post office and they told you how much it would cost. Methinks we are overcomplicating things.
    Mosquitos sound like tinnitus. Neither are pleasant.

    1. Yes, it's not easy trying to live simply when you have to deal with the post office.

  8. There's something about the stitching that I really like. I had a similar problem with my dryer. I thought it was done for, but after unplugging and leaving it, voila! It worked.

    1. It's good to wait a bit, not spring for repairs. Second mouse gets the cheese.

  9. the post office should put a sign up on the kiosk that holds the envelopes and boxes point out the cost of the blue envelopes. love the first page.

    1. They could do a much better job. Even just labeling them overnight, which I knew I didn't need, would have helped. As it is, you have to work there to know which is which.
      Thanks for the nice words about the stitching.

  10. You are a most patient customer of the PO! Patient, too, in your stitches and making of food. You must deep breathe a lot! Anyway I find you and your doings inspiring.Loving the stitching!

    1. Here's the thing: the young man at the counter is an exquisitely polite nice guy. African American. I have never had that kind of treatment from the big shouty white guy who works there. I know there are sad reasons why African Americans are nice to the likes of me, but I still respect their manners.

  11. Good catch by him on the blue and on you with the dryer.

  12. How annoying about the envelop, what a faff.. I might have left it for another day. We had to replace our drier as it started 'groaning' it was the most awful noise!

  13. You'd think someone would helpfully point out to the postal person that perhaps posting a large-ish sign next to the offending envelopes would perhaps be a wise idea. Just received a notice yesterday that in September our rates for sending packages is going up yet again. Higher price for ever poorer service seems to be the norm with them.
    Yay for the ever-so-scientific unplug/replug fix.

  14. There are federal regulations about what you can put in the post office. I bet anything they aren't allowed to post helpful signs!


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