Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse, frost and unconcerned turtles

Lovely walk Sunday, to keep my legs working, turtles out, just the usual little group, middle of the picture near the water, evidently the turtle convention went away.  

The concrete rabbit is still there, a bit battered, aren't we all.

 The spice bush on the patio is getting under way

And I topped up the future flower planters with new soil

I also put out the coleus I kept going over the winter, started from seed last summer, and looking a bit shabby now.  Then I checked the weather forecast, frost. 

So the coleus came back indoors. And the seed packets went back in the drawer for now. We can get a frost as late as early May, so there's time.

The wire and handspun experiment is going on,


to the accompaniment of

Thanks to Liz H., for the recommendation, it's very good.

It was a bit of a tired day after an eventful week, rain, tires, earthquake, pinloom arrival, also latest tea shipment when I was down to the last spoonful. The last is high on the list of stressors. If the eclipse includes the Rapture, I may not resist!

Happy day, everyone, you do you; don't be eclipsed by a little minuet among the planets. 

Photo AC


  1. You have been very busy. As for the rapture. Well if I get the invite I might just go with you lol

  2. The spice bush is pretty. It's amazing how things survive in poor weather.

    1. Its scent carries for blocks. It took ages to get going, kept being eaten by some insect, but finally last year it made it, and this year's looking good.

  3. Down to the last spoonful of tea -- yikes! Glad your shipment came just then!

  4. Yes. You have had a lot going on and still, you have continued to make art and fine meals. Doesn't the Rapture take up all the good Christians? If that's the case, I don't think I have much to worry about.

    1. It may make a more peaceful earth, come to think of it!

    2. Jessie and I had a good time speculating on what the people whom Jesus raptures from the grave after returning them to life will look like- will they have the bodies they had when they were healthy and young or the bodies they had when they died? Will they be wearing clothes? So many questions.

  5. It has been a busy week and risking being on rationed tea doesn't bear thinking about. The weaving is shaping up interestingly. I cut my coleus back when it got leggy and it came away just fine. All the cuttings take root as well.

    1. Coleus is pretty unstoppable. Also have a bunch of rooted cuttings to pot up. I'm going to make a couple of yarn weavings now that I know what I need to learn about the pinloom, then continue with wire.

  6. Tea to the rescue! I would prefer you turn down the rapture invite, but that's my selfish self. You are getting somewhere with you weaving.

    1. Tea is always important! The weaving is, as expected, going differently than I'd had in mind. Situation normal. I doubt if I qualify to be raptured.

  7. Sounds like you're itching to get out there and play in the dirt, but yes it's early. I've mowed the last 2 days in a row. The grass was so long I set the mower high and mowed on Sat, then lowered it a notch and cut again on Sun, so I know the season of yard work has begun; but we too had frost on Sat, so no planting yet. The Daffodils looked pretty droopy, but thankfully they bounced back once things warmed up a bit and the sun came out.

    1. Everyone wants to start too early! My neighbors have been out looking for things to do. Mostly it's picking up winter debris.

  8. amazing in this day that there are people who still think the mechanics of the solar system is somehow punishment or warning from some imaginary big daddy in the sky. no eclipse for us, partial anyway, as it's completely overcast with rain predicted.

    1. It's definitely an awe inspiring sight, but what's God got to do with it??

  9. I would be in a panic if the tea got low. I haven't seen - or smelled! - a spice bush in ages! They are wonderful shrubs, but seem hard to grow. You are doing something right with yours!

    1. Around here they're not uncommon, so I think it's climate and soil doing the clever part. Nice to think I'm doing it right though.

  10. The spice bush has charm. When I was a kid I was confused by the fact that people were looking forward to a rupture. Now I understand.

    1. Kids get odd ideas from barely understood adult talk!

  11. I hope I don’t sleep through the eclipse. I’ll set an alarm just in case. Didn’t sleep well last night and have to sleep sometime.

    1. The reduced light does tend to go with dozing off.

  12. It is, isn't it? Your wire sculpture is looking great. And how lovely to see turtles!

    1. The sculpture is early days yet, but thank you. These turtles are best at a distance. Their snapping beak can take your finger off!

  13. I loved seeing the eclipse. Got to see it from home and that makes me happy, happy, happy.

    1. Some people traveled far, made it into a getaway. Me, on the deck.

  14. The eclipse today truly was an awesome sight.

  15. The eclipse in Boise was, as expected, a non-event. Having seen full totality in 2017, I can imagine the experience you and several of your commenters had today. It's quite amazing. Looking forward to hearing about your view from the deck.

    That wire/yarn figure has such life in it! Also looking forward to 'what happens next' with the wire-working. And very glad you're re-stocked with tea.

    Ah spicebush - what a lovely, lovely shrub!

    Chris from Boise

    1. We had an eclipse a few years ago, much like this one, but this felt calmer, more beautiful with clouds scudding across then clearing again, dramatic reappearance.

      Thanks for the nice words on the sculpture in progress! Quite a way to go yet.

  16. Spring is springing, even here. /AC

  17. Poor rabbit, missing his concrete ears. :(

    1. You can see the inside of them now. Poor old guy, acting like a chocolate rabbit.

  18. The eclipse was a non-event for us, despite all the dire warnings of the sky being in imminent danger of falling throughout. Basically all it did was cloud over and look exactly like the skies we've had all winter long. Mind you, Resident Chef and I didn't bother getting glasses so we could stare at it because, quite truthfully, it didn't excite either one of us.

    1. There was some over the top news anxiety!

  19. Your handspun piece is really fantastic. Definitely art and I really like it! I got my eclipse post up. We were lucky to see it in Toledo with a lot of totality!

    1. Thank you for the nice words! I've seen quite a bit of eclipse lately, different experience, ours nowhere near the diamond ring.


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