Friday, April 19, 2024

Duluth trading, and food, surprise, Knitting Group and books

Friday's mail included this little order from Duluth trading, their spring sale. I'd noticed a couple of people who like their clothes to last, like this company, so I gave them a try. Perfectly fittting underwear, funny designs and altogether fine.  

I ordered a couple more, now that I know they fit, and here's what came today.

These guys are funny. And if anyone knows, what color is LBK? Lubbock? It's a kind of dusty pink.

I made a wildly healthy lunch, stir fried dandelion greens and little shrimp, with whole wheat curly pasta. Some for tomorrow, too.

The shrimp and greens were happy together, and I forgot to take a picture of the plate I set up. 

Friday Knitting Group was great, no pictures because all the interest was in the chat. All kinds of pets, from rats to birds to ferrets to cats to dogs, art events, freestyle crochet, playing piano, guitar, voice, improv, respite care and the weather. Our youngest participant brought his girlfriend, a wildly interesting young woman, talented and funny. Time flew.

My current reading is a variety, the 1619 Project still going, more of the Housekeeper and the Professor, and now with Elizabeth of York by Alison Weir added in

I love Weir's scholarship as well as her narrative strength, and this subject is a pivotal figure, bridging  Plantagenets and Tudors.

And a cozy mystery new to me, recommended by, I think Northern Reader in her blog

she's put me onto some enjoyable writers before, so this might be a good Saturday afternoon read.

I appear to have ruined the weather by making my summer skirt and pocket. It's back to late winter, kids out in puffy jackets.  Plenty of reading required this weekend.

And here's a great poem from my 365 book. A number of blogistas are rusty machinery aficionadas, this is specially for them, but everyone's invited.

Happy day, everyone, I hope you find interesting company this weekend. Which may be yourself, me too,  fine too. 

And exhaling now that the SOTH has finally brought the Ukraine funding bill to the floor where it passed easily. Now Senate, then POTUS and we can finally hold our heads up again. Slava Ukraini!


  1. Slava Uraini! I so hope the funding proceeds with any further hitches.

    I still have my Duluth bag with tump strap from weeks-long canoe trips in Quebec forty years ago, and it's still in great shape. I portaged many miles tumping that bag. It's interesting that Duluth Trading has pivoted to more urban gear (underwear! who know? If they've maintained their high quality it should last forever) in recent years.

    Yummy AND healthy meal (we eat dandelion greens too), interesting book ideas, and a lovely poem. And sympathies on swinging back to winter. Here too. 25F here yesterday morning.

    Chris from Boise

    1. That's a great review for Duluth, thank you. I hope these unders last because I was a bit tired of mending and cotton fabric is flimsy these days. Up to now, very successful.
      I guess spring is teasing all over. I want to plant but the seeds might rot.
      I think the Ukraine funding has an easier path now.

  2. Glad to hear that the Ukrainian funding bill passed the House -- finally!

    1. Exhaling! T***p didn't get his way this time.

  3. I hope the young woman continues to attend the knitting group. We need to keep in touch with young people's thoughts, ideas and concerns...and just learn about what it is like being a young person.

    1. Yes, such talent and good humor. I love to be around many ages for exactly that reason.

  4. Lots of good stuff in your post, all good for a happy weekend. We could do with more winter here, weather widget says temps to drop but the widget may be girl purring away on my lap while I look for matzoh ball soup recipe online. Enjoy your day!

    1. I know your weather is hot and humid, hard to imagine now I'm back in layers. But you're still in soup mode, I see.

  5. Do beavers get angry, any more noticeably than any other mammal?

  6. I'll be interested to know what you think of the Dinner Ladies. No idea what LBK is but they certainly look tough!

    1. It's my bra, Lubbock, ready for anything! I'll report on Dinner Ladies.

    2. LBK = light blush pink

      Chris from Boise

  7. It’s always good when your underwear fits perfectly!

    1. Surprising how it affects your outlook. I wonder if that's a problem with the gop.

  8. That book sounds just up my alley. Both, really -- I love English history AND English mystery! YAY for the Ukraine bill. Edge of the seat. I'm no Mike Johnson fan but (a LITTLE bit) more so since he finally stood up and started to govern a little bit. It was a productive news day. We have a Duluth Trading not far from us -- it's a great store.

    1. I suspect his meeting with T***p may have shocked him into realizing the man's not someone to give a funding win to.

  9. We have discovered that getting clothes from online does not always work well, but it has worked for you in this case.

    1. Yes, I'm hoping for quality this time. Nowadays online has some shoddy clothing.

  10. My grandmother always picked and ate dandelion in the spring when the plants were young. Loved that woman! Thanks for the great memory, Boud.

    1. I hope you do, too. It's a great pick me up after winter. More so back when green vegetables weren't a thing in winter.

  11. I'm so glad to see that you like Duluth's products! Me too. The new overall shorts I got a few weeks ago are the prettiest color of blue you can imagine. The sort of blue that shoots joy right into my eyes. And the quality is outstanding.

    1. You're one of the people whose opinion of Duluth led me to shop there. I so rarely shop, too.

  12. You had a really good day! I would never have guessed Duluth Trading Company sold underwear. I learn something everyday. Yes, we can hold our heads up finally. It's long past due.

    1. I went to see, after Mary was so happy with her clothes from there, and was surprised, too. Many printed with gardening tools, flowers etc, so they fit the outdoor farming and gardening theme.

  13. I don't like to order clothes over the internet. I have to try clothes on before I buy to make sure they fit and I like the way the look on. it's been hot and humid the last several days but we are supposed to get a little cooling front come through this weekend and I'm all for it.

    1. I make a lot of what I wear, but this time I broke out! Back in layers here, gah.

  14. Every spring I wonder why we don’t eat some of the dandelions that are popping up in our grass, but we never seem to try them. With shrimp? Sounds ok.

    best, mae at

  15. I just ordered a few sale things from Duluth and am stoked! The quality is still ongoing it would seem. I, too, bought underwear. Quality is a rare thing these days. - mending seems to require more mending after one wear. So ti goes...
    I love your blog, such civility and intellect! Thank you! Curious about Elizabeth of York.

  16. sorry, Blog thinks that I am anonymous, I am linda sue

  17. Thank you for the kind words. I see you and I are of one mind on Duluth.

  18. The poem is evocative and calls to mind many of the private vignettes that are so special to me - a sense of timeless passing of time. Thanks for sharing the poems; I don't seek out poetry but am thinking I should.

    1. This one is very sensitive, and I think it's one that transports the reader into memory.

  19. I love the motto of the clothes company. Angry beavers lol
    Dandelion greens are very good for you and are an excellent spring tonic for your liver. So super healthy lunch
    Today is Sunday and it will be spent just relaxing. Might not even change out of my pjs. How radical is that

    1. I think your relaxing probably involves a lot of crafting!

  20. Now I'm curious to see if Deluth Trading ships to Canada - I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.
    I must admit I've never eaten dandelion greens - nor have I tasted any of the edible flowers. For some reason I just can't bring myself to do it.
    Angry Beaver's Teeth made me laugh.

    1. Not even lovely peppery nasturtium? I hope you can shop at Duluth, because they're nice to work with. Good quality and customer service.


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