Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Knitting Group, Textiles and Tea

The group was bigger this week, with one member rushing in from work for help with casting off 

And other knitters wearing their projects while knitting their next, see the helper above wearing her own hand knit shawl 

And here knitting a sock while wearing a hand knit shawl

And my never-ending gloves for the Knitting Ministry 

Lovely time, talk ranged over community gardens, rescued pets, invasive plants, weaving with wire, pinlooms (!), Tunisian crochet, another knitter planning to try it,  yarn festivals and more. 

Textiles and Tea featured Liz Gipson, a university textiles teacher in New Mexico, rigid heddle loom enthusiast and researcher. 

I thought Caro might like this one -- you can watch again on the HGA Facebook site. Not many images this week.

Happy day everyone, honor the spider, best weaver of all of us!


  1. It sounds like a conversation in the knitting group.

    1. It's great. Knitting in the chatting group.

  2. Replies
    1. It's beautiful in person, and another in the works.

  3. I love how you give us the topics of conversation that were covered in your group. I agree- knitting in the chatting group.

    1. It's amazing how far reaching the convo goes. Women are good at this!

  4. I also like the shawl. Your group almost makes me want to learn how to knit! No one weaves like a spider weaves. Brings forth Shakespeare.

    1. Find a group?? The spider even creates her own thread!

  5. All of those shawls are gorgeous. I wouldn't mind trying my at some date a year or so in future at a very lacy shawl to wear in the evenings while dining al fresco. It would have to be cotton or silk or some such. I may be knocking at your electronic door seeking advice!

    1. That sounds lovely. If I were doing that I'd probably do it in Tunisian crochet lace. Easier than knitting.

  6. I love how crafters all help and encourage one another. I think all world leaders and their lackeys should start crafting with us. They will all soon learn that working together is far better than working against one another.
    And that my friends. Is how we get world peace!

    1. I think candidates for office could demonstrate their skills as part of their campaign activities.

  7. Such a wonderful way to enjoy the day.

  8. Thanks, Boud. I love Liz Gipson''s work and have used some of her patterns.

  9. I love the idea of your knitting group and creating in the company of others.

    1. It's instant likeminded friends in my experience. The few with weird competitive attitudes don't stick around.

  10. It's always interesting to read your review of the topics covered at your knitting group. They sound like a lively bunch with lots of varied interests.

    1. Both groups are. And very mixed, always interesting.


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