Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Good health, good weather, good afternoon

The doctor visit went fine, heart ticking fine, everything looking good, instructed to get yet another COVID booster, keep moving, definitely address hearing, worse since last visit, otherwise routine tests. It's a good physical, thorough. And I'm glad it's done for another year.

Tomorrow is the hearing test, Friday the bloodwork, Tuesday the COVID booster. It's like a part time job.  I get Monday off, Memorial Day.  Next stuff not till September. Except I forgot the eye checkup in June. And whatever comes of the hearing test. Other than that, nothing happening around here.

I did spend the afternoon in the shade on the patio, watching bees working the sage,  reading and sleeping. 

Thinking idly I have to cut back that mass of lemon balm.

Great colors going 

I wove a couple of squares, they're adding up, not up for stitching today.

And found a Patrick O'Donnell Mutts

Happy day, everyone, be well, as they say, though I'm not sure you can do that on command.


  1. Good to know you are in fine fettle!

  2. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could live well and prosper on command. Beautiful spring colors. That’s a hot day. We’ve been a comfortable low to mid 70s here. Stay cool. Be cool? Whatever! I command it.

    1. There was a breeze, so that made it comfortable. I'll try to follow your commands.

  3. Good to hear that everything's behaving normally. I've lost count of the number of Covid jabs we've had - we just trot along, like good little citizens.

    1. Yes, I'm on to page three of my pocket record. And there will be a new one in the fall.

  4. It’s great that the various medical visits revealed nothing untoward. Your extended warranty is good for another year.

    1. It's like an aging car, needs maintenance and it will repay it.

  5. I don't seem to get office-consult checkups anymore. I get instructed to go to the lab and get the various tests that the doc has sent along to them.

    1. That sounds a bit skimpy. My doctor makes sure to look at and tap on everything, just about. She likes to be sure.

  6. I got my covid booster about a week ago. Another item checked off my own "to do" list!

  7. Good to hear that you had positive news from your doctor - - and are enjoying the beauty of spring. Here in rural Tennessee, nothing but rain and thunderstorms.

  8. Well done on passing the physical. Dozing in the sun listening to the bees sounds like a wonderful way to pass an afternoon.

    1. I was surprisingly tired in the afternoon. It went nicely.

  9. I used to read all the comics in the newspaper every day at lunch. Now I don't get a newspaper -- I read everything on line -- and comics have vanished from my radar. It's sad! (I'm sure I could find them online. Used to be you could see them at the web sites for the syndicates -- maybe that's still true.)

    Glad the health news was all good!

    1. You can still find them, if you can remember which you're looking for.

  10. Glad the check-up went well, Boud! A Covid booster is recommended for seniors here as well.

  11. Boss, too, too true! Good to know you are in good shape. At least you get Memorial Day off. I think your garden looks beautiful.

    1. There seem to be a lot of medical maintenance visits these days. Better than the other kind, I guess.

  12. You and I have sister trees. My Japanese maple says hello to yours!
    Excellent news about the healthcare jamboree!

    1. I wonder if trees know about their relatives? Yes, I seem to be doing ok.

  13. Glad you passed another year. Onward and upward.

    1. Thank you. I don't know about upward. I'll settle for forward!

  14. I'm glad all is going well. The flowers are lovely and yes, always time for the check-up! Happy weekend.

  15. Glad the doctor visit was a successful one!


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