Thursday, April 9, 2020

Singing, playing, rescuing

As planned yesterday I did some singing last evening. Some of the time I sang the recorder pieces I'd been playing -- it's a whole lot easier to sing trills than play them on the recorder -- and I remembered one of my song favorites back when I was getting voice coaching, "Que ne puis-je la Fougere".

I found various arrangements on YouTube, and the words, too, which helped. After a few scales and vocalises, I tried it, and a lot of the rust left my voice. It was great. Check it out if you want to know what I'm talking about. Music of Pergolesi, old French poem.

Played recorder too, but I love the sensation of singing.

And then there's the story of a gardening success and a total miss.

Here, left, is the primula, which I thought would be a one season plant. But I repotted it, tended it over the winter after flowering was finished, and it's coming back in triumph.

Then, right, is what remains of the Vicks plant which I was given a couple of years ago as a cutting, nurtured it, it flourished outside in a pot. Then I failed to bring it in before frost nipped it, and it nearly failed. Just one small section survived.

 So again I tended it, got it flourishing in the house. And then put it outside too soon. Cold nights nipped it. Back to one tiny section, which I'm starting in water as I did the original cutting. It must be wondering what maniac is tending it. A gardener who doesn't learn very fast.

It's related to the coleus, I believe, and is determined to survive. It's the plant from which the medication Vick's is derived. If you pinch and sniff, you'll detect the characteristic menthol smell.


  1. It is good to see flowering plants.
    It's time here to start flower seedlings.

  2. Those flowers don't even look real, do they? So pretty.

    1. Yes, at first glance they look like silk flowers. I really love them, closest I can get to wild primroses.

  3. It must be lovely to be able to sing. Your plant is so pretty. I have one that's getting ready to bloom too. I have no idea what kind it is, but grateful that it has decided to put on a show.

    1. When I first started yesterday I was so rusty that I wondered if I still could. But it gradually improved. The breathing is a big deal, and my whole ribcage ached with tiredness after just a few minutes. But I'll get my chops back. And try to get my range back too.

      Singing is a very athletic activity!

  4. I sing in the shower, but that's about it, although I was involved in a community chorus when we were putting on an annual variety show. I sing alto, so I always found it a challenge not to sing the melody line which usually went to the sopranos. Lovely plants, I do not have any house plants and hardly any garden. But I usually grow runner beans every year.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, and it goes different colors depending on exposure to dun. Definitely earns its keep.

  6. In musical type music yes, the sopranos get the melody. I've sung madrigals where the melody is handed off between the four lines, so everyone gets to shine at some point.

  7. The primula flourished for sure!

  8. No singing allowed in my house - at least not by me. Divorce would be the result and I don't want to go that route! Your primula is gorgeous - and the Vicks plant was a mystery. I've never heard of it and must admit now I'm curious.

    1. You can actually use it in winter to make steam for a cold, just like the stuff in the jar.

  9. Nice going with both plants. I have a Vick's Plant also. Left it in the ground over the winter (it was very mild here - don't think we had even a little freeze). Put it back in a pot and it hangs outside looking green and smelling Vick's-ish.

    1. I like mine,nice texture. It's very forgiving of the treatment it's had at my hands. You're only the second other person I've known who has one, the first being the person who gave me the original cutting.


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