Friday, July 19, 2024

We need good things to look at and eat right now


photos Emma Mitchell, brain function researcher and silversmith. She explains that looking at nature, in life or pictures, resets the brain, and is an antidote to stress.

About fiberarts and weaving and thinking

And here's Misfits, which arrived while I was out walking, the weather having cooled to the 80s, heat index only(!) 94°f.

Unboxed, with tomatoes, cheese and eggs for hot weather minimal effort food 

And a still life composition, 
with plums, cherries and potatoes, on linen 

Still life, with its meaning of the fleeting nature of life and the inevitable decay, is a great art form where your model becomes your dinner.

The cherries, with a cheese sandwich, were great for lunch.

Happy day everyone, don't believe what you read anywhere just now. Except here. I'm unbought. 

Friday evening is the fundraising online speaking engagement, so my magic shuttle is getting its warp all tangled with nervousness. I've done this so many times, but it's always about stage fright.

Update on Gary: surgery  done Thursday afternoon, and he seems to be doing well. 


  1. Interesting concept of the brain as an enchanted loom. My threads are certainly very tangled at times when the magic wears off.

  2. Maybe we have something similar here but it has been interesting to see what you receive from Misfits. Pretty good by the look of it. I hope your public speaking went well. No, looking at the time difference, will go well.

    1. Misfits is excellent quality, which didn't qualify for high end stores because of things like size, over stocks.I've been very pleased.

  3. There is a great deal of evidence that nature is essential to well being. Those of us who have been immersed in it all our lives knew that without anyone ever telling us, but I am glad that the message is being shouted from the hilltops. Maybe we’ll listen and stop destroying it. That’s probably too much to expect though.

    1. I think we'll always have people who care for it and people who don't get it.

  4. Good luck with your online speaking engagement this evening! I know you'll be great! Glad to hear Gary's surgery went well. Hope he's home soon.

    1. I hope it goes well and I survive! Gary texted me late last night to tell me he's okay.

  5. Definitely good luck on your speech. Probably better to be a little nervous than overly confident. Keeps us on our toes!

    1. There's a point where nerves turn into energy. Usually once I start.

  6. Great news about Gary. Excuse me while I watch the flashing shuttles.

    1. He texted me late last night to say he's okay!

  7. I echo the well-wishing on your speaking engagement. You are brave to go out in such weather, I would melt. Great news about Gary!

    1. It's online. Audience from all over.

    2. About walking, I think it's all relative. Compared to the 113°f heat index, it feels so much better!

  8. Ah! Maybe it does all come down to weaving. The spiders have it right.
    Thank you for the good news about Gary.
    I bought cherries and yellow potatoes this week. Also very seeded bread. You are right- too hot to bake.

    1. I'll get back to making bread when the weather cools a bit.

  9. Those cornflowers are spectacular. Good luck for the speaking engagement.

    1. They're endlessly blue, lovely. I'm in a better place now about this evening, finally have a few reminder notes.

  10. Catching up. Hope all goes well tonight. I know it will!
    Beautiful cheery flowers.
    I'm not convinced that is the way my brain rouses itself!
    Hope Gary is better soon.
    How lovely to build your art around your husband and to dedicate the show to him.
    Finally, mmmm, cherries.

  11. I love your roundup! It's so good to know you read with attention, getting rarer nowadays, what with sound bites and tweets. Thank you.

  12. Oooh. Your thoughts on still life art - that was poetry. Perfectly written.

    So... to add credence to the research, my slightly irritated mind (just before coming in here) was lightened by that picture of daisies. Also earlier today, I had a frustrating experience while I was out, and when I got home I immediately went out to my garden and picked a few green beans. What I picked was unimportant, but being out amongst the growing things settled my spirit.

    Looking forward to reading about your online speaking engagement tonight. I'm imagining you'll charm the socks off your audience.

    1. The flower pictures are soothing, and the real thing even more so. The speaking I hope, is a shared event with other speakers, too. They haven't told me anything about the format, which I'm guessing means it's informal.

  13. I checked misfits up here- decided that since Dennis is on such a restricted diet I would be unable to use most of it- I admire your skills- making very good meals out of what is delivered. I do not have those skills nor that sort of adventure in cooking. Remarkable, what you do!

    1. They deliver what I order, so I plan what I might cook first. I do sometimes change the plan though! Too bad you can't take advantage. I really love not having to go grocery shopping.

  14. Replies
    1. Compared to what we've had, it's great. All relative.

  15. Those cornflowers are eye candy. Addictive.

  16. That’s why I love getting out into the garden. It’s not the actual gardening. I don’t like that part much. But looking at the whole thing once I’m done. It’s very satisfying. Just a wander around looking at how things are growing make me feel good.
    Right now. Just looking at it through the windows. It’s blowing a gale out there.

    1. Yes, wandering outside has to wait a while

  17. Glad to hear about Gary. I can certainly believe in your artfully arranged still life! And I appreciate the flower photos, too. I guess that's why I appreciate being out in the garden every day -- it's a brain re-set.

    1. I think your walking is, too. It creates a good balance.

  18. Glad to hear Gary is doing well.
    Only you could see the artistic element in arranged fruits and vegetables - wonderful.

    1. The box of treasures from misfits! It's always beautiful. Eggs too, lovely free range ones. They're hard to crack, a sign of a good diet for the chickens. calcium.


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