Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Fourth, and new finds

 It's a more determined than happy Fourth this year, but I plan to enjoy the day. Handsome Son suddenly texted to say he's visiting later, quite a surprise. 

Fortunately I'd made this yesterday 

Plum and apple crumble, newly out of the toaster oven. And this 

Mysterious parcel, a new batch of yogurt in progress.

So there's a little something for him.

Yesterday in the garden, it was time to collect the honesty and strip the pods 

 I tossed all the seeds around on the patio trusting that some will grow next year, and added this year's branch to the collection.

And, at the other end of its life, I found this while I was looking for the praying mantis 

The first hibiscus bud. Happy dance.

The garden always has something to be glad about, even in dark times.

Happy day everyone, happy Fourth if you celebrate, or happy Thursday, unless it's Friday where you are.  If you follow me.


  1. A garden gives so much, if we only look.
    It's good to have an unexpected welcome visitor.

  2. Ooh, plum and apple! I bet HS will be happy to have that.

    1. And there's custard, did I mention custard?

  3. Happy Independence Day! Enjoy your son's visit later and that delicious dessert!

    1. It's fraught this year. But son's visit will leaven the day.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you. His text certainly cheered me up.

  5. I just can't celebrate this year. Yes, I'll enjoy fireworks and brats, but not because it's the holiday. There are times I wish we'd never separated from England. This period in our country is one of them. (And I know it's not peachy keen over there, but at least they seem to not be polling toward the fascists.)

    1. You might feel differently if you'd grown up there as I did, in a religion still outlawed by the state in favor of the established one. Catholics feel those laws against them at every turn. One thing my vote is about, and my emigration, too, is to preserve and restore the separation of church and state.

  6. You know what? Although I have seen honesty pods before I'm not sure I've ever even thought of them or wondered what in the world they were. So thank you for educating me once again.
    Look at that hibiscus!
    Fourth of July. A good day to be at home.

    1. It's a good day to remember we claim to be brave. So we better come through.

  7. Enjoy your 4th of July day. The Honesty arrangement looks delicate and you give the impression it is more than a season old - you added to last year's? If so it keeps well. Can't wait to see the hibiscus flower

    1. The honesty collection spans about ten years. I add a bit each year I can get some. It's much tougher than it looks. Well, aren't we all?

  8. Your apple-plum crumble sounds lovely.I need to make a crumble soon. Have as good a July 4th as you can.
    best, mae at

    1. I like a crumble much more than a pie. More fruit!

  9. Enjoy you visit with HS. I could go for some of that crumble.

    1. I think he will, too! Also a couple of other nice things from today's misfits box

  10. yes, fourth of July, the flag is out. hopefully it won't be the last true celebration of a country founded on freedom, equality, and justice.

  11. Would that this Fourth of July inspire some much-needed self-reflection (in all of us, no matter our political persuasion) on not only our much-vaunted rights but our much-too-ignored responsibilities to keep this democracy alive and well. You are a beacon of will and determination.

    Enjoy your HS time and that scrumptious crumble (and custard! Did I hear you say custard?!).

    Chris from Boise

  12. Yes, people of all persuasions need to breathe, look further than the next email. It's the long game.

  13. Oh the crumble looks very yummy. Happy Fourth of July to you
    Let’s all hope for a brighter future for all of us

    1. We need to work to construct that future. The crumble is now history!

  14. There is always a project going on there.

  15. I never had any luck with honesty plants. Yours is/are lovely.

  16. Your honesty branch looks so shiny and fine. They are not collectable up here for another couple of months. They seem to thrive in poor soil in the alleys. Your crumble looks so good! handsome son is a lucky man!

  17. The prospect of another Trump presidency is cause for a great deal of angst, justifiable angst and fear of what the future holds.

    1. It's also cause to renew our determination to re-elect Biden and Harris.

  18. The honesty branch is so interesting. It attracts attention!

  19. Those seed pods are very cool. A great decoration.


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