Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Just sayin'


  • She's pronounced comma-la.  Respect. If you're a Brit, try KAHmala.  
Don't be like the Beeb radio folk, who never once pronounced Obama's first name correctly. I had an online run in with one of the culprits, who got all huffy. I pointed out I'd respected her enough to spell her (Arabic, unfamiliar) name correctly. She went all quiet then. Anyway let's do our best.

Today's a new week, writing this on Monday, and I'm heartened by the massive support for Kamala's candidacy. Sunday night 44,000 black women including all black women Members of Congress, and every state Dem organization represented, met on Zoom.

They had set it up to accommodate 1,000, it filled instantly, they conferred with Zoom management, who opened it up, till they reached 44,000.

Over the course of their strategy discussions, they fund-raised. By the close of the meeting they'd raised $1 million.

Edit: in less than 24 hours, via Act Blue, $90 million raised. About $27 million is from small donors. The numbers keep rising so when you read this it may be under the total.

As of mid afternoon Monday 

It's not just dollars, it's a strong indicator of grass roots support. And it's the most ever raised in the first day of a presidential candidacy. Black women rule!

This is being called a strong swift pivot. Speaking of which, Taylor Swift is in talks with swifties about coming out for Harris for President. She's on all the state ballots, Kamala, not Taylor, and, according to Marc Elias, there are no legal grounds to contest it.

And many heavy hitters, including some traitors to Joe, have come out in support. The traitors are still going to be primaried, in case they think there's any kumbaya coming their way.  

But there's serious support from people who matter, governors, state Dem organizations, trade unions,  presidents -- Biden and Clinton, note the missing name, many members of Congress, and political people with leverage. 

So let's hope billionaire bullies don't interfere with her nomination, holding my breath till she's on the platform accepting it. 

Nikki Barnes, Florida Dem organizer,  reported Monday morning that enough delegates are now pledging to her to secure the nomination. Meanwhile I'm all in for Kamala. And I know how to say her name.

Until further notice, this blog is negative -free. No comments casting doubt will appear here. The time is too short, the stakes are too high. Thank you for respecting this moment in history.

Meanwhile I walked in the lovely cool cloudy weather.  The jewelweed is out 

At the pond I watched a little turtle swimming about, then a frog shouted and jumped in, startling Yertle, who dived down into the mud. 

In this picture there's a practically invisible turtle on the opposite bank.

And on the way home, a flicker family flew across my path, with young keeping up. Too fast for me and this phone  to picture.

Further on, near the concrete rabbit now buried in foliage, was a baby rabbit who let me get close before dashing away, white tail bobbing.

Happy day everyone, catch your breath, sometimes big things move fast. 


  1. While it is nothing to do with me, I feel a little excited now about your forthcoming election. We've never seen much of Harris on our tv channels. I am sure that is about to change.

    1. Our mainstream media, owned by a few white right-wing men, have never given her coverage. They also rarely covered Biden. But social media has taken up some of the slack. We'll see if that changes.

  2. I wonder if Obama is waiting for a dramatically timed endorsement announcement. I grow more excited, and dare I say hopeful, with each passing day.

    1. I hope he's shamed into endorsing by the large numbers of black men supporting her. Black men are often misogynists. The mood here has changed dramatically, too.

  3. I really hope there's enough time for Kamala Harris to make her mark. It certainly seems that she has made a huge impact already. It would be so great to see a woman in the White House - and about time!

    1. She was already known as a formidable senator, particularly in Senate hearings. And before that as AG of California. And before that as a successful prosecutor. Of people like T***p! She's very familiar here.

  4. I am all for Kamala Harris. She is admirable. I really hope she wins the nomination and the presidential race. The world doesn't need a dangerous man like Trump in power and the USA deserves better than him.

    1. She has enough delegates pledged already, so unless something dramatic happens, she's set to be the nominee.

  5. Good luck to Kamala. She is going to face a serious onslaught from the Republicans, but I think they are now running scared. The country cannot survive another a Trump term.

    1. All so true. But she has serious support. Critics are getting a lot of pushback on social media already.

  6. Comma-la is also my memory hook for now until it becomes automatic.

    1. Thank you so much. It's a significant mark of respect, and much appreciated.

  7. "A strong swift pivot" is exactly right! The Dems are re-energized!

    1. Joe is a consummate pol. His timing was impeccable, throwing the gop overnight into disarray. It was planned.

  8. I love your walk in nature, Boud and the wonderful turn of events. There is hope!

    1. I needed the walk to get my balance back!

  9. She will make an amazing president.

    1. You're maybe going to get a great person, if Florida returns Debbie, too.

  10. I found myself in shock for several hours (maybe a day) before I started seeing the feminist posts on Facebook. Of course I'll support a woman president! It's time.

    1. I'll say! Good for you. Please encourage any doubtful friends too.

  11. You have a lovely area for your walks. My roads are gravel and difficult when balance is poor.

    1. I walk on grass, better exercise because it's uneven, but that might be dodgy if your balance isn't up to it. I walk on sidewalk only when it's wet and slippery on grass. Gravel is deadly, yes, you can't get traction.

  12. Joe pulled a fast one on the republicans and they are seething. he was downright masterful, the Joe we know and love. and so heartened to see the massive groundswell of support for Harris. there's a movement on Threads for white women to come out in support of Harris. it goes something like this: I'm a white woman, x years old, I live in x and I get the assignment.

    1. I just took part in a similar one on Twitter. Great feeling. Joe rocks!

  13. I'm thrilled. All I can hope for is that everyone comes along with her. We need her.

  14. Haven't the Obamas endorsed her yet? Will Michelle stand as VP?

    1. No, they haven't. She's totally unqualified for VP. I trust Harris will make a good decision. Not holding my breath for Obama to endorse.

  15. I'm behind in commenting but note that the Obama's have endorsed her so that's good. It's astounding how much money has been raised for her campaign in such a short period of time, but even more astounding is the fact that massive amounts of money are obviously necessary.

    1. Alas, campaigns in such a huge country with a huge and diverse population are always too expensive.


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