Saturday, July 13, 2024

Potato harvest is in!

 Yesterday I decided it was time for Tattie Liftin'. Meaning harvesting my container of potatoes. It's more an annual ritual than a meal, tiny new yellow potatoes.

Since I'd found some peppermint, I was able to make a mint sauce. People who eat lamb like it together. I don't eat lamb, but it's great with newly collected baby potatoes. Pat of butter and your world is complete. And the rest of the potatoes will be roasted in the toaster oven today. 

Mint sauce is just peppermint chopped fine, pinch of sugar, malt vinegar, no other vinegar need apply. 

I planted eyes from a couple of sprouting potatoes in the kitchen 

Watch this space.

Later in the evening Gary came over to get some help with houseplants and while we were at it, I gave him a snake plant leaf and we planted the sections in two small pots. He's been wanting to do this for ages. It's a plant that connects our families.

I took care of the original parent plant for his daughter's mother, one summer on my patio, years back, when I had enough shade to put out houseplants. 

I kept one leaf -- rent!-- from which grew the big snake plant now in the library. From that I'd grown another. And from that third generation came the current leaf, which will go into his little granddaughter's room. So she'll have a plant from her grandmother, via a winding path.

And here's my plan for the day, read


Happy day, everyone. Just be.


  1. I like just be. I think I will do that. I should put potatoes in pots. I stopped growing them when I quit the large garden.

    1. They're good in containers. No digging to find them. Just spill them out.

  2. New potatoes with butter and mint - not sauce, just leaves - perfect.

  3. Now you know I do love that snake plant story.

    1. Yes, plants leaping time and space and race.

  4. I love new little potatoes with butter and dill. Yum!

    1. Yes! With practically anything plus butter.

  5. What we cannot say is, "Dems no small potatoes."

  6. I’m not a huge lover of potatoes. SG could eat them with every meal. But his father once pulled a potato out of his garden, rinsed it off, and gave it to me to taste. I was shocked. It was almost like eating an apple!

    1. Here the potato fan immediately starts to wonder what variety it was!

  7. I have never planted any potatoes in the garden and I love those new potatoes. Bet they’ll be good, Boud.

  8. I like the winding journey of the snake plant.

  9. I planted potatoes for the first time in my garden I am so looking forward to what I will get. That is great for a pot! I just bought myself a book this past week so that is what I will be doing in this horrid heat.

    1. Keep us updated on your potato harvest.

  10. I love free plants. And especially if they have a story. My buddlea is like that. It’s gone from my friends father, to a mutual friend, back to my friends and now to me
    Makes them extra special

    1. I agree. I love to propagate and give plants. When they have a history, even better, like your buddleia.

  11. Those tatties look good enough to eat - so they were et! I've grown sweet potatoes in pots, must try regular potatoes. The next time you plant some, could you show us just how much (or how little) of a potato peel you use? Our peelings - on the rare occasion that we peel - are so thin I can't imagine them having enough oomph to do anything.

    That snake plant story is a lovely winding tale.

    Chris from Boise

    1. See the colander on the right of the picture where the plants are out of the pot? Those scraps are what I planted. All you need is the eye, the surrounding peel doesn't matter. These scraps are bigger than I usually use. I only peel when I want to plant.

  12. Well done! And the mint sauce sounds like a wonderful addition!

    1. It's very good. On practically anything.

  13. mmmm - newly dug little potatoes served with butter and pepper are one of my best memories.

    1. You don't need much else on your plate, right?


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