Thursday, July 18, 2024

History, buds and health

 I was browsing for something to read on my Kindle and found a file from my old original Kindle which survived its crash and replacement. 

I took pictures, no other way I know of to get it into here. I thought you might like to see it. Soon it will be Handsome Partner's anniversary. 

This show was the year after he died.

The solo was the first of several, and was a kind of memorial to Handsome Partner as well as an artist statement explaining the exhibit to people who'd known me as a painter and printmaker.

Outdoors today before the heat gets going 

I found, great excitement, buds, at last

I was beginning to wonder if they'd ever appear.

And this is the current work in progress 

In the middle of this, a flurry. Gary's daughter's mom at the door to tell me he's back in the hospital, same issue, surgery this time. Family is staying in his house, close to the hospital down the road, which also addresses the care of the puppy. His trip is off for now. 

I texted another neighbor at the family's request, she came dashing over to get the details, and to despair along with me about how he won't attend to his health until it's inevitable.  He's in good hands, meanwhile.

And she admired the embroidery I was doing, commented that she'd needed gold thread to replace some from a family antique porcelain Christmas ornament.

So I invited her to look at the box of threads and we selected one fine enough to thread through whatever the thing is, bells I think,  and she went home with a length of gold thread.

Happy day, everyone, keep well. Also cool. Or dry, or warm, depending on your issue 


  1. That was a fine find and a reminder of difficult times that you managed and which gave you some inspiration, too.
    I smiled at 'Remain aware' - how could anyone be unaware?

    1. Yes, it's hard not to notice the kind of weather we're having. I think they meant alert!

  2. Oh dear, best wishes to Gary for a successful operation and a speedy recovery.

    1. Fortunately he's got support. Another friend arrived this morning.

  3. you are an amazing woman Liz. sorry to hear about Gary's health issue. seems like every one I'm close to is going through or has recently gone through some sort of procedure.

    1. In his case it's an inherited issue which hasn't bothered him so much. When you're older, it's different.

  4. Oh, no. Gary.
    You wrote beautifully about the why of your transition to textile art. A lovely tribute. Maybe you will finally have some tolerable weather.

  5. Oh, Gary! I hope all goes well with him. He is a force of nature and I hate to think of him lying in a hospital bed.
    That was a beautiful artist statement and yes, a beautiful tribute to your beloved.
    The embroidery is coming along so well.

    1. He's not suited to lying attached to machines, no.
      I'm glad I didn't lose that file when the old Kindle went. A lot of items couldn't be transferred to the new one, because Kindle didn't accept the source.

  6. That must have been a blast from the past, to find that old artist's statement. I'm sorry to hear about Gary! I'm glad he has neighbors to keep an eye on him.

    1. He has plenty of family and friends, good thing too.

  7. I hope Gary recovers quickly. It feels like I know him from the neighbourhood having met him through you, Boud.

  8. Thanks for sharing the artist statement, and by the time I finished reading it I figured out you'd written it. I'm a bit slow sometimes. You sure went through a lot while caring for then losing your partner. And now you look for buds of plants, and keeping track of the weather, and doing fine embroidery with gold thread. Best wishes for Gary's recovery.

    1. Thank you. It feels long ago now. I don't mark his day on the exact date, since that's our son's birthday.

  9. What an absolutely wonderful artist’s statement! So sorry about Gary.

    1. Thank you. I'll pass on all the good wishes.

  10. Beautifully written about your exhibit
    Prayers for Gary

  11. Sorry about Gary and wish him the best. It must evoke emotions to find that artist's statement of yours.

    1. It was interesting to revisit how I got seriously into fiberarts and why. It's a while back now.

  12. Men are the same all over. They think if they ignore something it will go away. Unfortunately it’s usually the opposite
    You’ll soon have masses of beautiful blooms. Very cold here. But we are managing

    1. I don't know many men who take care. I think it's like giving in or something.

  13. Best wishes for Gary's recovery! Sorry you were saddled with so much heat!

    1. Both Gary and weather are doing better, happy to say

  14. Oh my goodness - it's good that Gary wasn't away on his trip when all this happened! Definitely sending positive thoughts for his speedy, and full, recovery. Perhaps he's going to have to learn to take up walking in lieu of the mad-dashing he normally does.
    Lovely artist statement and a great tribute to Handsome Partner.

    1. The friend out West he was going to visit came here to help. She wants to encourage him to walk. With me. I didn't argue the point, but it's not going to happen. My solitary walks are the source of my wellness. I'll encourage him, but not to join me!


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