Thursday, July 25, 2024

Buds and meetings

Early Wednesday morning, out to visit the few flowers  out yet, and rearrange the little bouquet.

And spot the little stem of the potatoes starting to emerge.

The rest of the morning was about online meetings about getting Harris elected, and now that black women, latinas and lgbtq+ groups have organized zoom meetings, Wednesday evening signed up for White Women for Harris. I have to get online early, because they'll fill fast. 

I did get in -- signed in half an hour early and was still about 150th in line. 
The event was very capably run by organizers from different regions, of SURJ, Showing Up For Racial Justice.
4,000 capacity, filled, raised about $150, 000, signed up hundreds of new volunteers.

Couple of screenshots, with links, cut and paste, to take part and/or donate 

Totally inclusive, signed throughout, every speaker described herself, race and appearance for the vision impaired, good captioning for hearing assistance.

It was a rush, such youth and energy, and understanding of our responsibility as powerful voters with white privilege. 

It's all go. And it's all good. I'll live to see a black woman in the White  House yet. 

In Sanskrit Kamala means Lotus. And we're working to make it mean POTUS.  Corny but oh well.

Franklin Habit, fiber artist and cartoonist has donated this image to use. He asks that it not be used for items to sell, and that his name be left on. Free gift! The reference is to an inopportune statement by the GOP VP candidate.

Meanwhile Gary's home. He stopped in last evening for a minute, just to let me know. He's looking a bit thinner and frailer but he's got a friend staying to help the first few days.

And I'm weaving, to keep calm 

Happy day everyone, keep calm and campaign, if you're in campaign territory. Cheer us on if you're not.


  1. The presumed running of Harris for president really seems to have excited and stimulated people, and of course that is a good thing.

  2. The good wishes of the sane world are with Kamala. I detest Trump anyway, but the depth of my revulsion grows every time I hear him deliberately mispronounce her name.

    1. I think she has a lot of foreign support. She's been in meetings with foreign leaders all along, acquitting herself well. Di I hope there's confidence in her. Certainly s better alternative than the former guy and current felon.

  3. You are quite involved. Good for you. 👍

    Also, good for Gary.

    And . . . I am curious about your posting time. Do you stay up into the wee hours, or do you schedule your posts. Of course, you could tell me to MYOB. 😊

    1. I've started scheduling my post for midnight. It works for different time zones and early risers.

  4. Cheering you on. I hope the campaign continues to gain momentum.

    1. It's a very short time for us, probably better.

  5. Ooh, looks like you’ve woven tri-color ravioli!

    1. That's a thought. It's a bit like big ravioli. Now that's going to be on my mind while I weave!

    2. I saw the same thing at first glance. Ravioli!

  6. Good to know Gary is up and about but sad to think the effervescent Gary is looking 'frail'. I shall look on silently at the political machinations and hope that the US makes less of the race and gender distinctions and more of the underlying philosophy for the kind of communities they want to live in. Your weaving is looking like my scrap patchworking which has become somewhat like a nervous cat cleaning itself....

    1. He's getting better, but surgery does take a while to recover from. And yes, we're working for a good election outcome.

  7. Lotus for Potus!

    Glad Gary is on the mend!

  8. Kamala has certainly fired up this election! So many people involved. It is heartening.

  9. Cat Ladies for Kamala, love it! Glad to hear Gary is back home again.

  10. Grreat looking weavings...I love the little colorful (dare I say?) patches! Good to hear you were directly involved in the zoom meetup...I've heard about it on the news. That's a great venue that we now have to interact with each other.

    1. There's another in August, check SURJ website to sign up.

  11. Good to know Gary is home. I have a good feeling about this election.

    1. I do too. I'm putting it into action. Today I plan to text Indian friends to encourage them to be registered and vote for Harris, their homie!

  12. Glad Gary is home. I love the "Lotus for Potus" slogan and the donated cartoon!

    1. Yes, good things all around. Are you familiar with Franklin habit? Brilliant cartoonist and international fiber arts knitter and teacher. His Latin is also excellent. He's from Chicago, moved to France a couple of years ago. All round lovely guy.

  13. Your churning those squares out quickly.
    Do you know what your going to make with them?
    With a bit of luck, and lots of hard work, we will all see a woman in the White House And that gives me hope

    1. I've started my work on getting out the vote

  14. I'm definitely cheering you...and Kamala....on.
    Glad to hear that Gary is home and that someone is there to keep an eye on him at least for a little while.

    1. It would take an army to really restrain him!


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