Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Of chimneys and cosmos

Today I will have the sweep in, required inspection, chimney and dryer vents. I'm sorry for people who have to be out and about working in this heat, and wondered if they'd postpone, but I guess business has to happen.

Florida voters, I was at an online Town Hall with your Democratic hopeful for your senator, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. 

She's a powerhouse, first Latina from Florida in Congress, now hoping to replace Scott as senator. She's second generation, from Ecuador, has worked all her life and loves her State. I'd vote for her if I could. 

Florida has Democratic candidates fielded in every contest this year, no more uncontested GOP walkovers. Florida is in play!

Meanwhile, the daily stuff of life ticks over.

Shrimp salad with pancakes, apricots and almond chocolates 

The first of this year's flowers, Russian sage, lavender, black eyed Susans, daisies, from the front yard 

And here's the first flower from the backyard 

I thought you might like to see the pinloom vest with the pressed linen tunic, as you see, mid thigh. I like the short over long look.

I also hope the heat abates so I can get out and wear it. The vest is soft and lacy, really pleasing.

And since I'm anxious and tense, heat does that to me, also the ongoing house needs, last evening I did a bit of spindle spinning.

Roving, left to right, is sari waste, silk mixture and wool. The spindle is my favorite, a 3D printed one. Ancient meets modern. Oddly, twisting roving into yarn untwists my tension. 

All the Freecycle items went in a matter of hours, frames and drawings claimed by one keen person. I'm very happy about the drawings particularly, now in a good home.

Happy day everyone,  don't be fooled by the Russian deza about prominent Dems wanting Biden replaced. 

The Washington Post has already been forced to retract their lie about MOC Ted Lieu. Don't believe the first thing you read from anonymous sources, or rumors. 

I mean serious political figures, not the washed up actors and writers seizing on a way to get attention in their waning years! 



  1. The tunic and vest are beautiful apart or together. Peace work!

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's about saving the earth and its peace, too.

  2. I agree with Mitchell - the tunic and vest are gorgeous. I hope the spinning goes on unravelling the tension (Knitting does that for me if I sit down long enough to actually engage in some).

    1. Yes, a lot of needlearts are calming when you get around to them.

  3. Your flower arrangement is, of course, lovely and artistic!

    1. Thank you. It's so good to have a couple of flowers to pick.

  4. Long stretches without rain make me anxious. We've been getting false promises of it here lately. Every evening we have thunder rumbling all around but no rain comes.
    I, too, hope for you that it will soon be cool enough to wear your darling ensemble. My goal for the day: Find my pincushion! Good Lord. Where can a pincushion go?
    Oh- I wanted to say that your shrimp salad is so different than what we call shrimp salad. Ours would have the shrimp cut into smaller pieces and mixed with celery and onion, perhaps, along with the mayonnaise. Many variations on that.

    1. I've had your version of shrimp salad, but I really prefer just whole lovely shrimp tossed in homemade mayonnaise.
      Yes, so sorry for people having to work today.

  5. And also (I'm so wordy this morning)- kicking Scott out of his office would be a major victory for Florida. You better believe I'll be voting for Debbie.

    1. She's a terrific candidate. Ready for all questions.

  6. I learned this from a Facebook friend this week:
    "Samizdat beats mainstream media every time."
    I had to look it up. It's how the grassroots news sources go against the Russian media blitz, which is actively trying to influence our election as well as it did England's and France's.
    Keep sharing the Samizdat!

    1. I'm puzzled about why you're quoting me back to myself! But the sentiment is good.

  7. The vest looks great! And yes -- gotta fact check everything these days!

    1. So much this! Particularly when previously intelligent and solid thinkers are being reported as wanting a step down. Very likely not even slightly true.

  8. You did a good job with the tunic and vest. I hope you get to wear it soon. Shrimp salad sounds good.

  9. I love the look of the tunic and vest together and that you can get out and about soon, Boud.

  10. Black eye Susans are a treat to see.
    This year around here, I've seen one small patch where other years, they are all over the place.

    1. Mine are a bit scarce, but as long as some show up, it's good.

  11. Your lavender pic reminds me that someone has opened a fARM AROUND HERE (caps lock😔 ). You can visit for $10 by appointment, and they are fully booked last I heard.

    1. It must be intoxicating to be surrounded by the scent and color of lavender. I'm so impressed with my one little bush of it.

  12. Our outfit looks beautiful. Your going to be the bell of the ball once your back out and about

  13. Lavender is abundant here, grows enthusiastically, Right now it is at its peak. I will be drying some and the house will smell fresh and clean- which it is not.
    I love your tunic and vest- Especially the vest- you, wearing art!

    1. I give bunches of lavender to neighbors I season, keep one bunch for myself. Mine is over now.

  14. Your tunic and vest combo is a winner.

    1. Thank you! Let's hope I get out to wear it.

  15. A nice combination of flowers from the front yard, and hooray for cosmos! Ours also just started blooming.

    The tunic/vest combo is smashing - I too hope the weather eases enough by Friday so you can attend knitting group.

    That is great news that all Florida elections will be contested. You have fingers in all kinds of political pies.

    I hope the chimney affairs are all taken care of for the nonce!

    Lastly, thank you for the kick in the seat of the pants to pick up the hand-weights and take advantage of this heat-enforced confinement to exercise. I needed that. Ticked it off my list today, and have good intentions for tomorrow.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I'm looking forward to cooler days. In every sense!

  16. Good luck to the woman running against the ultra smarmy and totally deceitful Senator Scott. Who would ever want to live there?

  17. The vest turned out great, Liz. I love that you made it from pin loom woven squares. Inspiring...

    1. It's a pleasing result, and I look forward to wearing it soon.

  18. Hopefully the weather will soon be cooperative enough that you can wear your new duds.
    One thing I do miss about not having a flower garden is having the odd bouquet in the house. I tried to buy some at the grocery store last time we ordered but they were sold out.

    1. I like home grown flowers, even humble ones. The commercial ones represent a lot of misery for growers and pickers, under great stress because of the perishable nature of flowers.


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