Friday, July 26, 2024

Misfits of various kinds and how they're beautiful

Blogger is doing some upgrades, with the result that it published a half written post instead of scheduling it for Friday.  I've now retrieved it, completed it and here we go. I wondered how I was getting comments on a post I was still writing! Anyway I think  we're now rebobulated. 

Here's Thursday's outfit, just because. It's the eighteenth century design skirt I showed you when I made it. Unbleached muslin. With the hand painted top. Just wearing what pleases me, because I can.

One good side to having to wear a school uniform for seven long years --  for the rest of your life there's the unfailing pleasure of choosing your outfit every day. Even if it's t-shirt and shorts.

Here's Wednesday's comic relief. The gist: I had the water heater replaced three weeks ago at the condo, handed a  check to Joe, the nice plumber. As of yesterday it still had not been presented. No lost in the mail scenario possible, so..I called.

Office: Good morning, XCX plumbing

Me: I gave Joe a check for $2000, date etc, not yet presented

Office: but key this ur Keith if

Me: excuse me, I can't hear, could you repeat?

Office right over me: URBKEURBKEURBKE

Me: can you please speak into the phone, a bit more slowly?

Office: Is.this.better.

Me: thank you so much, yes

Office: urbkevisiburythis

Me: what?

Office: I  will notify them Uribeheheheurble and they'll $_-$-#call you

Me: They need to find and present the check, it's $2000 out of your income stream.  I don't need a call. (No point in mentioning I've had many days of float on a substantial amount, and I don't assume she grasps the concept of the float)

Office:  crickets, dial tone..

No thank you for being thoughtful enough to alert us, no goodbye. However, first thing  Thursday morning the check clears. Now maybe the permit paperwork will get here. Sigh. Results matter, but a decent phone system would help.  Also manners makyth man. And woman.

Update: check cleared, permit paperwork arrived Thursday. The permits alone, one for plumbing, one for electrical, cost $200. Five minutes work by the inspector. I think I should get into the permitting business.

Today was one of those days where the groceries haven't arrived yet and what to have for lunch. 

The last of the spinach, steamed, the baby Bella mushrooms from the freezer, sauteed, in olive oil, butter and curry leaves, little omelette, mini naan for the lovely juices from the mushrooms. This naan has funny expression, I think he's trolling me. 

Onward. Misfits, last week's packaging out for pickup, very responsible marketing on their part, to take away their specialty packaging

Replaced by this week's order.

I'm enjoying stone fruit this year, evidently a good year. Pluots and nectarines here along with the usual gala apples without which mornings are incomplete. Dessert after lunch will be a piece of whatever fruit is ripest.

Tuna for tuna salad, broccoli to keep up with green vegetables, and a lovely fat little chicken for many meals. I roast then go from there, all kinds of ideas. In this weather, chicken salad sounds good. Especially since mayo is now a staple around here.

This food, organic, interesting, is a big part of feeling well, I believe. Good ingredients, and it's interesting to cook and eat all these colors, just as well, really, since cooking is always there to do.

Here's a great list, showing me I'm living in the lap of luxury

And to all cat people

Happy day everyone, purr with pleasure! Chat with a cat.


  1. That's the second time today I've seen 'the real luxuries'!

    1. So insert it into your blog and we'll have a hat trick.

  2. These days if you even CAN reach a human on the phone for business-related purposes you're lucky.
    According to that poster, I, too am living in the lap of luxury.

  3. Those ARE the real luxuries, aren’t they. I get so frustrated when the customer service response is URBKEURBKEURBKE. But uribeheheheurble is the last straw.

  4. Good advice all though I am sorry for your phone experience

    1. My hearing aids can't get here fast enough!

    2. I hope they improve the situation! x

  5. I smiled reading of your call to the plumbing office. I always dread calling the bank. The call center’s automated answering before one actually can speak to a human is ridiculous. I invent words sometimes waiting for a human response.

    1. I think I had an AI response. It would explain why it didn't stop when I was trying to break in to say I couldn't follow.

  6. Geesh on the phone. Reminds me hubby's been trying to work out a bookkeeping thing for work involving people getting charged twice. He's spoken to everyone at the other end, and it's been 5 wks and things are still not resolved. He's been transferred so many times to different people. Things just often don't work the way they're suppose to. Glad you finally made headway. I haven't taken my sewing machine off the shelf in so long, not sure I would even know how to thread it properly now. I like wearing dresses and skirt in the summer months, I find them cooler that shorts....except when I'm doing yard work and out walking to get my miles in.......then I wear shorts. Tuna salad...that's a mainstay here for us this time of the year.

  7. Liked the skirt to wear...summer time is so comfortable!

  8. The "transcript" of your phone conversation was both funny and frustrating! Glad they got the check sorted out, at least. I like the "real luxuries" -- seems pretty accurate. I haven't noticed a Blogger update, fortunately, but maybe that's because I don't have any partial posts on deck!

    1. I noticed some improvements around comments but hadn't seen the downside until I got posted accidentally! But the new little things are nice.

  9. Ugh. I feel the pain of that phone call. Glad it's all straightened out. Real luxuries... I agree. And that smashed naan - I wouldn't have thought about it looking funny, but since you made me look, I see a funny little smashed pig's face. lol

    1. Naan does seem to have expressions. I've noticed it before.

  10. I liked your smile even more than I liked the skirt! We get Misfits via FedEx, so it's a whole different thing. Being in NJ makes all the difference. I told Mark today that since I do have one adult child but no grandchildren, maybe I'm a dog lady. Who knows?

    1. When FedEx delivered my misfits, it wasn't as good an experience, no clue about fragile or this way up or perishable or put, don't slam, it on the step! Misfits is based in south Jersey so I get to be guinea pig with new ideas they're trying. The buyout of Imperfect Foods has improved my delivery.

  11. The naan breqd looks like a little piggie closing it’s eyes with its ears lol
    No. Just me then

  12. Reading your description of the frustrating phone call with the plumbing company is all too common these days. Customer service is sadly lacking in so many areas.
    The 'luxuries' are oh so true.

    1. The problem was the cheap phone system. Cutting corners.


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