Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Amid bad news, art goes on

 I can't talk  in  here about the disastrous decisions from SCOTUS Monday, strategizing next steps elsewhere online with lawyers and other actual experts, so I'm keeping my balance here with the daily round.

Laundry done, floors swept, good lunch of turkey burger, pancakes and broccoli. It's important to eat well in stressful times and these are stressful times all over the world.

And I continued with Lucia and Mapp, still as funny as ever, that timing never gets old.

The sock goes on, too, the heel now turned 

It's particularly important to keep up supporting the knitting ministry, because the recipients are already suffering and the SCOTUS decisions can only make their lives worse. So the little bit I'm doing is all the more needed.

Winnowing goes on -- I Freecycled a huge pad of drawing paper to a deliriously happy receiver, and two artworks to another

It's such a pleasure to send pieces off to new homes where they'll add to the lives of the new owners. I got a charge out of making them, and now they'll have new life.

Happy day everyone, as far as you can manage it. Good news: the praying mantis is still on the hibiscus, looking a bit bigger and is now pale green, fast growth. I think that means she's finding insects to feed on, or she'd have moved on.


  1. SCOTUS sounds like a rude word, and perhaps it should. A mantra is no one is above the law. 'Nuff said.
    I think I can now see the praying mantis and of course I trust you complicity.

  2. With Andrew on SCOTUS. I read the headlines on that and guess it is right, but it is separating out the official from the unofficial that will be truly controversial. It is important the Supreme Court, as one of the checks and balances of power maintains its independence, credibility and respect in this or the whole system of legislature, judiciary and administration checking one another falls into disrepute / fails.

    1. It threw away its cred etc when it repealed Roe. Three justices who had sworn under oath at their hearings that they would not disturb settled law, including Roe, voted to abolish it.

  3. I am sure that this is all why I am so intent on my garden chores right now. It is a way to focus on something that is good and which grows.

  4. Your colourful sock and two artworks are so bright and cheery!

    1. I hope they bring pleasure when they land.

  5. Upon hearing this news, I immediately went downstairs and began sticking things together for Christmas- with sparkles Loads of sparkles. Fascist theocracy and an orange dictator just can not be. I do hope that you may have kept your British passport, pretty sure that Umurikans will not be welcomed if this horror comes to pass. Perhaps I am too old to entertain the thought of leaving - fight or flight- too old for either? At least we have art, and poetry to sustain us and socks to knit if talent affords one of that ability! Yours are gorgeous.

    1. Part of citizenship is surrendering the passport to the original country. When we were naturalized there was no dual Brit Amer citizenship. Our American son got the option at 18, and declined it.
      And it's physically impossible for me to move, no people to receive me anywhere else. You need relatives willing to sponsor. Some countries don't allow anyone in at my age. I'm considered a liability!
      So I'm fighting here and strategizing with my activist friends online, all ready for a fight, no crying.

  6. I love the colours in the sock and the art pieces! Cheerful for a summer day!

  7. I don't even know what country I live in anymore. I'd move to Canada but I know they won't take us for any longer than six months. That said, Rick and I have talked about moving there six months and six months at the lake. I'm a little less enthused for medical reasons but politically, all in.

    1. Depends which province. Some are in health insurance ruins, some are moving swiftly right. Don't assume Canada is a cure all. There's no safe harbor. Better fight to keep our democracy. We did it before!

  8. Shocking decision - corruption at all levels, it seems.

    1. I'm waiting to see how the UK elections fare on Thursday.

  9. I wish I could say the decision was a shock, sadly I expected them to show us how bought they were...hookers in my opinion. Bought and paid for. I am angry, disgusted, sad, and scared and so much more. I don't think there are enough words to express my feelings. You're right, we need to support each other and try to keep putting one foot forward as we grab more yarn.

    1. Yes. Now is when we fight. Anyone who knows history knows what a slender thread the Revolution hung on at times. This is our update. We keep up each other's morale while we fight even when we're tired.

  10. That is such a beautiful sock! the recipient will be delighted.

    1. I hope so. I'm thinking of putting a tiny pocket inside, too.

  11. if it's green, it's a female and she'll get pretty big. males are small and brown. glad she's hanging around. I can't even about SCOTuS. all meant to protect one guy and turn the country over to those who want a dictatorship.

    1. I wonder if her mom's the big green one we often saw last year in the Japanese maple? I've rarely seen a brown one, but giant green ones, yes.

  12. I spent a good amount of time this morning taking care of our aloe vera planters. Then the crown of thorns planters. Therapy. I love that others get to enjoy your art as their own.

    1. I gave my crown of thorns to Gary years ago. He loves it and happily propagates it.

  13. I'm not sure they understand Biden now has the authority they have said presidents have. Some people could be seen as a national security risk. I spent the past two days weeding gardens. It made me feel good.

    1. They know the guardrail is that he won't abuse it.

  14. I love the pink and yellow in that sock! Such fun colors. And your artwork is lively, too. The recipients are going to be thrilled.

  15. Beautiful socks and artwork
    Heavy are the hearts of many American over the sc's horrendously bad decision. I'm even more convinced of communist subliminal brainwashing.

  16. I know burying you head in the sand isn’t good in the long term. But for now it’s what I’m doing to stay sane
    I love the colours of the socks. Once I’m finished with the blessed jumper I might start on a pair of socks
    This morning everything was white outside not even the bugs were out and about it was that cold

    1. I think you've made socks before, so go for it. You've got the weather for them

  17. It's better to concentrate on pleasant things than so many other unpleasant things these days. The artwork was lovely and sure to bring happiness to someone else and very colorful socks would cheer me just wearing them.

  18. It's the best thing ever to do something for someone who recognizes it, respects it and feels gratitude.
    I wish you all the best.

    1. Doing for someone else is a good policy in many contexts.

  19. There needs to be a way to appeal the Supreme Court.

    1. The remedy is to get a blue wave, seize presidency, House and Senate and pass legislation covering the abuses they've perpetrated. Then expand the Court. It's going to be work and time, and I'm up for it.


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