Monday, July 8, 2024

The French come though

Yesterday's decisive defeat of the far right in France, owing largely to an intelligent movement by many smaller party candidates, follows on the routing of the UK Tory party, biggest loss in centuries. 

In France, hundreds of candidates from the many smaller parties, in a dazzlingly astute and selfless move, dropped out to coalesce the left vote, and succeeded. I got this from friends with families there keeping them updated. Samizdat beats mainstream media every time.

Both countries were flooded with Russian disinformation, with pressure to drop likely successful candidates, which in the end failed. It's the same playbook we're fighting, sounds familiar.

So it gives a person hope.  But we need to be aware that if we say we're voting Biden then go off into pointing out the downside, we're playing Russia's game of disheartening and confusing people into staying home. 

And to the enemy, the biggest downside is not Biden, it's the fact that his brilliantly capable VP is a black woman. If she were to succeed him during his second term, be assured we would be in good hands. 

I don't often get into preaching in here, but every chance is vital this year.

Meanwhile back in my little life, I planted the apricot seeds. Watch this space.

And I was very glum and at a loose end, before realizing I hadn't done enough exercise. Too hazardous to walk in this heat, even early morning. I also realized that the yoga stretches had overtaken the weights.

So I did a set of arm exercises with free weights

and was happy to see I could do all the usual routine despite a hiatus. Ten reps of bicep, tricep, overhead, fly, both kinds, upward row. It went well, no aftereffects today.  This also sets up my hands well, seems to put all the joints and tendons in place.

I do routinely lug stuff around, boxes of groceries, containers of water, houseplants, bits of furniture, so this wasn't too shocking to the system. But it's good to make the moves formally, and slowly, with thought.

I often do hip stretches and a set of ten of that stand up sit down slowly without using arms exercise, great for lower body strength. 

What I like best is the sense of being capable that you get from working with free weights. I haven't used my leg weights recently, but I plan to, now that my hip is doing better.  

I hugely  recommend all this, if only for bragging rights. But it's best for your hands to use properly designed, balanced, weights, not just substitutes like water bottles and cans. They stress out your joints, particularly aging ones. I seem to be wearing out my soapbox today.

Of course there was also food. I cooked Misfits shrimp yesterday for supper.  I boiled them, two minutes in salted water with lemon juice, then into ice water to stop the cooking at the right time and keep them tender. 

Usually I saute shrimp, but this time I was up for shrimp salad with my mayo, and very good it was, on whole wheat bread,  angelcots for dessert.

Earlier I'd decided on strawberry sauce instead of angelcot sauce, over pancakes for lunch.

 More of both left for today.

It's afternoon matinees for me in the heatwave, like going to the movies back when movie houses, but not homes, had ac. 

At the moment it's old DVDs of Miss Marple. I have both the best, Joan Hickson, and the next, Geraldine McEwan.

There have been others, ranging from not good to terribly miscast, names redacted.

Happy day everyone, from a hotspot!

Photo AC 


  1. Appreciate your preaching. Here's hoping for the US, too.

  2. Great to hear your thoughts and report of exercise! I had to look up Samizdat, and yes, that's exactly why it's important to share the facts as grassroots fight the big media guys.

    1. I'm glad you looked it up! And eyewitness by people you know can be much more valuable than reports from agenda driven journos parachuted in to get an hour or two exposure before filing.

  3. I find the hand weights really good too and do much the same routine you do. You inspire me, Boud!

    1. It's based on Strong Women or whatever that book is, and RBGs workout routine.

  4. We have a dilemma here. The right long since amalgamated into one main party, but there are two fairly strong centre-right parties. They split the vote and allow the Cons to win the majority of seats. It drives me crazy.

    Good for you for keeping the exercises going. I have trouble with consistency. I am pretty good with the rotator cuff stretches but pretty hit and miss with others. Good advice about balanced weights. I hadn't heard that before, but it makes sense.

    1. That vote splitting is the pits. It allows a minority party free rein.
      Yes, about using real weights. Thirty something trainers with little understanding of aging bodies happily say oh, use anything! Noooo.

  5. Perhaps you can explain why the VP isn't standing? Great news from France. Maybe the tide is turning.

    1. She IS running. In the US we run a joint ticket, President and Vice President. Together.

      I'm hopeful that we're getting ahead of the deza.

  6. I listened to a very good podcast yesterday which had Jane Fonda as a guest. ("Where Everybody Knows Your Name" with Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson.) I've heard many interviews with Fonda but in this one she went deep, talking about her years of protest and activism. She set some facts straight. She is still quite the activist, as you probably know, fighting now for the environment and getting candidates elected who are most likely to make the necessary changes. She also talked about her exercise and she, too, uses free weights. Light ones but she does it. She, like you, inspires me.
    Shrimp salad does sound very, very good.

    1. She's indefatigable! You do have to choose weights that work but not too heavy. And the shrimp salad was very good.

  7. Preach, please. A huge relief in France despite the fact that the government could be a mess for some time to come. May they survive that and prosper. Are there apricot trees yet?!?

    1. Thanks to the astuteness and intelligence of many candidates, and a huge youth turnout, France lives another day!

    2. I'll let you know about the apricot trees! Are we there yet?

  8. Joan Hickman was Miss Marple for me. All others were poor stand ins in my not so humble opinion! I use free weights daily. I have to be careful as I have torn the rotator cuff in both arms at different times. I use leg weights as they are supposed to help balance and my balance needs a lot of help.

    1. It's usually advisable to use weights on alternate days, since you need that day between for the muscles to recover.

      I really like Hickson best, but here and there McEwan is good. But the actual productions she was in are over the top. Hickson's had, I think, better drama with fewer silly plot changes from the original writing.

  9. This is the first time I've heard anyone praising Kamala Harris.

    1. That's an enormous loss to you. The mass media have done everything they can to erase her. Born of one Jamaican, one Indian parent, childless, married to a Jew, graduate of a black college, member of the black sorority, they hate all that.

      But I've seen her at Senate hearings, relentless, fearless, nailing liars right and left. She's got our back. She's also a terrific cook. And she's funny, rapidfire wit.

      Not to mention the AG of a state, California, whose GDP is larger than many countries. In nearly all her work she's been a barrier breaker and a friend to people who need it. Her speeches on reproductive rights are barn burners. And that's only a few things.

  10. An uplifting post for a Monday. I'm enjoying angelcots for the first time today.

    1. You found them? Great. I think my one batch is it for the year.

  11. D'oh! I was at the grocery store this morning and forgot to see if they had any angelcots! I should write it down.

  12. YAY French voters, YAY Britain- Anything can happen...A squeak of optimism ! I would love to see/hear Harris debate the Orange turd, There would be nothing left of him.

  13. What a great post. I was so relieved about France. Still a showing but the left came through. Whew. I agree about using free weights instead of other objects. Makes a diff (and you reminded me to do mine more regularly!) Love Miss Marple and dinner looked great!

    1. I do like to encourage free weights. I think they've done me a lot of good. My joints and strength are a lot better than many old ladies my age. Well, all the ones I knew are now dead, so it's not a fair comparison, really, come to think of it.

  14. I actually shed a tear hearing about the French election. Yes we always have hope
    The only exercise I do at the moment is stretching. If you don’t count the gardening and wood fire splitting

  15. I was thrilled with the election in France. It's the grass roots strategy that will succeed for us in November. I saw it work perfectly here in Ohio last year, with the passing of a constitutional amendment to give women reproductive rights.

  16. I know I'm naive but I've always thought that there should be a law that everyone who is eligible HAS to vote. That way those that stay at home thinking their vote doesn't count would have to bestir themselves to make the effort. I know I'm right out in left field but in a perfect world....

    1. In Australia that's the law. Fines if you fail to vote.

    2. We need that here in Canada (and I know the US certainly does).


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