Monday, July 15, 2024

Spirit lifting food and freecycling

Times like this, the world around us in turmoil, it's more important than ever to practice self care, wise dining. 

Tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, hardboiled egg, spinach, naan to make sure no juices are left behind, with a glass of lemon suntea.

And freecycling is in full swing 

The drawing board and brayers are about to leave, the others still waiting on claimants.

The art bag I put on earlier now has a taker, too. Sunday is a good freecycling time, so many people free Sundays and why not pick up nice free stuff.

And when my reading became violent, not up for it at this time, I switched to 

A much-read comedy of manners, full of delicious set pieces, nobody except Georgette Heyer, does them better than Pym.

I've organized the upcoming pillow so some stitching will get in soon. Watch this space.

And for a bit of comic relief, since the question of condos and townhouses came up, between AC and me,  I was an early adopter, bought my condo in  the early eighties. In this town refers to the only condo development built apartment-style, townhouses are also condos but have ground to roof ownership.

I was the second owner, only naive city dwellers came here and bought way over local prices, for commuting homes. Second, local,  owners got them at about half the developer's original gouging, I mean pricing. Second mouse gets the cheese

Anyway, I suddenly was hearing from friends wanting to visit! Curiosity,  they asked the weirdest questions.

Q Do you all take meals together? Who cooks? 

A Does everyone in your street take meals together?

Q Do you have to be in residence a minimum time?

A it's my home, I live here.

Q Do you own shares in the whole development?

A it's a condo, not a co-op.

Q does everyone have a master key?

A does everyone on your street have a master key?

Q does the management office administer renting?

A owners do that if they want to rent

Q does the Board own the development?

A each unit owner buys and owns their home. The board directs the manager to contract for exterior service.

Q are all four doors on this landing yours?

A each is a separate front door! I own one place.

As you see, there was great confusion about coops, communes and condos! They're so different, but if the whole concept is new I can see why these hilarious questions came up. I was a safe person to ask, too, so there's that. 

On more serious issues, I think my role right now is to refrain from speculating too much, to stay strong for a democratic victory, and not follow mainstream media, which I've already shut down in my devices. 

Happy day everyone, let's first attend to

our own oxygen mask, whatever form that takes.

Photo AC 


  1. What a nice healthy meal! "Second mouse gets the cheese," LOL!

    1. The mouse meme is so true. I've so often been first mouse though ;(

  2. It's funny how so many people struggle with the concept of a condo. Coming from Florida, I've always had them around so for me they're totally normal. It was co-ops that I found weird when I moved to New York. (And yet wound up being an owner in one!)

    1. People still don't understand why we pay fees on top of outright ownership. It's for landscaping, snow removal, garbage, roofs, exterior walls, etc. Cheap at the price for an individual homeowner.

  3. I have also posted more about townhouses today. It's all your fault. 😇

  4. Interesting questions. My next residence will likely be a condo. Commune or co-op highly unlikely.
    Forgoing mainstream media is a good plan, as is that yummy looking meal!

    1. As long as you know the difference! Even early condo owners kept calling the management office demanding appliance repair, lightbulb issues. They seemed to think it was a kind of hotel!

  5. Condos and townhouses have been around here for so long they are just part of the scenery/language. I know some places call what we know as condos apartments, like NYC. You do have a nourishing diet, something good and good for you everyday.

    1. All true. I did say early adopter. In the early 90s. People don't ask that stuff now. It was just a comic lookback.

  6. Steve's right- if you're from Florida, you know what a condo is. And I think it's a pretty good option for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. One that I like is that you have community with privacy.

    1. It's a great option for a single woman at any age. Try getting a contractor even to return your calls! This way it's a joint enterprise. No worries about grass cutting or snow digging. Or roof repair. More affordable, too, than a single family house. The rent situation here is skyhigh. I just checked a rental down the street, exact same model as mine, 3K monthly, plus utilities.

  7. You are much more successful at freecycling than I am. Nice-looking lunch too.

    1. I live in a freecycling hotspot. Also I'm locally known as a source for art supplies.

  8. Interesting about the condos/co-ops and all. I guess I knew most of that although I suppose if one doesn't the questions are interesting. But really? It's not "the home" or the "facility." Nope -- no meals together unless you have a dinner party!

    1. This was over 40 years ago. Most people didn't grasp the concept. I guess they confused it also with some kind of assisted living, new here back then, too. Or with time shares. Or something!

  9. We stopped watching the international news but headlines always break through from other people. It is a scary world on so many levels.

    1. Good thing you live where you do, beautiful nature all around. It probably helps.

  10. What a hilarious run of questions. My mother lived in a co-op in New York. People seemed even more confused by co-ops than they are by condos. And, by the way, you are an exceptional role model!

    1. Yes, being accepted into a co-op is a mystery to people unfamiliar with the idea. Thank you for the nice words! And I was mystified by the assumptions behind the questions. Nowadays people know a lot more.

  11. I am all for self-care and your food sounds yummy. I am reading a good book right now no violence, no horror. I laughed out loud about the questions. I live in a single home but I did know about condos and co-ops.

    1. The questions were 40 years ago when these housing ideas were new around here. But yes, they were funny.

  12. I've never quite understood condo vs townhouse vs co-op, so thank you for enlightening me. I never thought they were communal, though.

    Yes to self-care on these trying (on many levels) days. The only upside to our southern Idaho relentless sun is the opportunity to experiment with our low-tech solar oven. Sweet potato chips toasting away as I write.

    Can the 80s be actually over four decades ago?!?!

    Chris from Boise

    1. My use of solar energy is making suntea. In the past my son and I built a solar oven and cooked in it, when he was very young.
      Yes the eighties! Five minutes ago.

  13. An interesting collection of townhouse questions. I thought everyone was familiar with them.

    1. Now, yes. Forty years ago this was brand new here and baffling.

  14. What is happening here with condos is not good...I may have to move...

    1. Your situation isn't good, I agree. What are your options?

  15. Count me in for the salad but I’d like to exchange the sun tea for a glass of Vinho Verde please! Our basil has been doing spectacularly this year so I have made Caprese salad several times.

    1. I used to make caprese salad before I knew it was a recipe! It just seemed like a good combo. Then I found it had a name and I hadn't invented it!

  16. I wish we could have afforded a condo but in our area the price was simply out of our reach and it's far worse now. Mind you, we couldn't afford a 2 bedroom apartment now either. Luckily we're 'grandfathered' in and our rent is nearly a thousand dollars a month lower than what they are charging now. The unfortunate part is that we can't afford to move if our building goes to ruination because there's simply nothing else out there in our price range. Anyone who moves into this building now is required to pay hydro and parking on top of way more than we pay. Don't know how people can afford to live these days.

    1. That's a worrying situation. We got a terrific deal on the town house because the builder needed to get the last couple of units sold in order to be legally out. We made a ridiculous offer and they accepted it. It's now worth literally five times what we paid. I got a desk ton my condo from an owner who couldn't sell it for months and was on two mortgages. He dropped the price repeatedly. Finally when it was in my range I bought it.

    2. A deal not a desk, pesky thing.


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