Sunday, July 14, 2024

Being had to wait on doing

 My plan to just read and be was a bit delayed. I noticed my daily bouquets needed new flowers, so I went out early, picked and added and subtracted and got this 

Then I noticed the downstairs plants were thirsty, so I watered them. This usually means mopping up the spills on tables and floors.

Then I noticed a stitched artwork that could be translated into a pillow. So I took it off the frame, removed the cheesecloth backing, and washed it for reuse, I'm always needing to strain this and that.  And here's the piece, dyed and beaded and stitched, ready for a new life 

Once I construct a pillow, that is. And the empty frame will do well on free cycle, then I thought what about the just being, leave the freecycle for now, girl.

Then I noticed I need to make yogurt, so I did that. Then the mail arrived, medication on the step. And they'd renewed the wrong one. 

I've tried three times to get the website to add my new Rx, which is a smaller dose of another one, but I now need both together to arrive at the right dose. They can't seem to get this concept.

So, urgent message on my doctor portal asking them to be sure the online pharmacy has in fact contacted them, as they claim, for a refill rx.  

At this point I'm having to split pills in the bigger dose to get the additional 50% dosage.  Today I was expecting to get the right size dose. 
Then it was lunchtime and I had the rest of the steamed baby potatoes diced and roasted in olive oil and salt, with the last of the tuna salad and mint sauce.

This was definitely good. No complaints here.

Then I agonized for a bit, in view of the renewed heatwave this week, whether to reschedule the hearing aid fitting. I don't think I can handle driving to the next town for a long appointment, then home, in 100°f, which is the previous day, cooling only to the low 90s.

And the house cleaners have been having scheduling problems, so if they show up this week, they'll have to work around me, too hot for me to go out while they work. I don't like this so much, but oh well.

So after all that I finally started reading and doing some being. Well, some pinloom weaving and reading.

 I don't think I'm temperamentally suited to just being. I made a carafe of suntea to keep me going anyway!

Happy day, everyone! Try a bit of just being and see if you can manage it, then explain to me how.


  1. Love your soon-to-be-a-pillow artwork!

    1. Thank you. I think it will work better that way.

  2. Yes. That will be a terrific pillow.
    I think we are all "just being" no matter how busy we are while doing that.

    1. My notion was don't just do something, sit there! That didn't work so well. Not really me.

  3. This is you just being. No one can accuse you of spinning your wheels.

  4. There was a time when I absolutely could not just be. I now do it fairly well. I watched two movies yesterday. In a row.That will make a beautiful pillow.

  5. There's always something to be done before you can just be.
    The stitchery will make a lovely cushion/pillow - very pretty.

    1. Yesterday was one long "but first" period. I'm about to assemble a pillow. But first, lunch.

  6. Sometimes the potatoes are better the next day! We often find that.

    1. Yes, particularly if they're steamed one day, roasted the next when they're dry. These came out crisp, just how I like them.

  7. It’s neat to see that you grew your own potatoes, and they looked delicious. Isn’t it funny how a few small things can overwhelm the day so one never gets to the fun/being part?
    best, mae at

  8. I answered your question over at mine, and may even blog more about it. Our townie is not a condo. All properties are individually owned, and there is no overseer.

    1. Yes, say more. I did see your response thank you. Here the term townhouse is by definition an HOA style property. In this town also, condo means one specific development where it's built apartment style.
      I think your definition means more like attached houses?

    2. Townhouses and condos are individually owned here, too.

  9. Just caught up on all your posts. Those potatoes sound delicious - both ways. Husband has a variety of pills and it's impossible to get them in sync so he only needs one trip to the chemist.

    1. My pharmacy is an online mail one, can't talk to humans!

  10. I come and go with just being. Somedays I really enjoy spending time on the computer, knitting or crocheting and listening to my audio book; other days I feel like I need to be able to say I did something. I got out of the house, I had a reason to get dressed, lol. I forced myself out today to go for a walk.......whew it was hot. A bit of this and a bit of that I think is what many of us do.

    1. Able to say I did something! When you'd really been doing something all along.

  11. You sound like me. Before we can play we have to do. And why do we do that to ourselves? I've yet to figure it out!

    1. I'm guessing early childhood training. Dinner before dessert. Chores before playtime. Homework before phoning your friends.

    2. It might just be the creative urge - how much of your doing was about ideas - flowers, repurposing the artwork, the meal, the pinloom weaving? - the ideas are threatening to overwhelm the time available, but that too is to be human.

  12. I don't think I could offer any tips on just being because I cannot just sit and do nothing, never could. The closest I come to it is reading a book.
    Your stitched art piece will enjoy a renewed life as a pillow - upcycling at its best.

    1. It will be where I can see it, rather than on a wall on the stairs.

  13. You sound like me. Just being is me sitting with either a show on the telly, but more likely an audiobook going and crafting. I can’t sit without something to do in my hands. Mostly though I find things that need doing as I walk from one activity to another. I don’t understand people who say they get bored at home. Honestly there is always something that needs doing

    1. Ain't that the truth! Always something. On the way from doing one thing you notice another and do that. And so on.

  14. It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one who seems to start ine thing and then go the next thing and soon I am wondering where did all the time go?

  15. You made me chuckle. I don't know that I have the "being" thing down, but when I'm doing something like crocheting or knitting or stitching something that doesn't require much focused thinking, that's probably the closest to "being" that I get. Or even when I'm fully absorbed in one activity, instead of multitasking. I think this might be called something else, but sometimes in the middle of an activity like that I think I sometimes notice that I'm "being".

    1. That sounds like the calm state you get from doing. Lovely when it happens.

  16. I suppose you can "just be" but still be busy, right? After all, Buddhist monks whose specialty is often "just being" also have plenty of chores and tasks. I think they simply try to be mindful of being while performing them.

    1. I was aiming for something different, like just sitting there instead of doing anything. Like people who lie on the beach! I can't do either of them. But intentional work, well yes, we know about laborare est orare. But that's a different issue.


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