Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Good to check. And other precautions.

So early Monday and my  doctor's message system gets back as soon as they open to say no, they never received the rx refill request my online pharmacy claimed to have sent.  This is three times now. But they'll get the request pronto to my doctor and she'll be on it.  

By early afternoon, refill request noted by doctor and sent. Let's hope this works.

Always good to follow the trail. I learned this when managing many people and projects. Make the request, get the confirmation, then follow up to see if it happened! And be very firm and clear if it didn't. Fireworks.

Every morning I go out before it's too hot, water the flower containers pick a flower or two, just foliage up to now from my seeds, and rearrange my little bouquet.

We had massive downpours Sunday, humidity in high 90s, I don't think watering is needed Monday.

Gary stopped by to ask about a begonia he's started in water, and is worried about when he goes away this week! He's making plant preparations well ahead, but will probably pack in the five minutes before departure.

Louder for the people at the back: my list of funny but true questions was from over forty years ago. As I said. Were you as familiar with these concepts then? 

Unless you were in Florida where they've been a thing since postwar days, I kinda doubt it. Even if you live where they're common now.  

Nowadays you don't get this kind of confused wondering here, either. Back then there seemed to be total confusion about the different ways of property ownership. 

Assisted living was new here then, communes had been a thing. Then there were time shares. Co-ops mainly in the city  (here that means Manhattan). And now condos. I think people assumed they were some kind of amalgam of everything!

Meanwhile back to now, I called and rescheduled my hearing aid fitting. It's now going to happen in late August when I hope the temperatures will be lower than this week. I don't feel safe driving out in this heat.

I texted a local friend who wasn't well the other day because of the heat. She's doing better. It struck me as a funny reversal. They tell you to check on elderly neighbors. Here's the EN checking on younger people.

And here's the new pillow with her handmade friends.

To do the stitching, I slid a cutting board behind the fabric, to avoid stitching front and back together. I used a heavy cotton pillow slip for the base. Then inserted the pillow form.

Happy day, everyone, stay safe, and always

I like this array of good ideas. Permission galore!


  1. That new pillow is a stunner! Thanks for all the permissions.

    1. Thank you. I like it better than on the wall.

  2. Yes to all permissions! I like that pillow, Very nice. Gary is a character for sure. You are wise to stay inside and not drive when it's that hot. A breakdown could be a disaster.

    1. Yes, about driving. And my car would be parked in full sun, I know that parking lot, for nearly two hours. So my hearing isn't a life threatening situation, it can wait another month.
      The permissions are good. Funny how a lot of us continue to need them.

  3. I love how Gary is so diligent with getting his begonia started. :)

    Your post about condominiums reminded me that John D. MacDonald wrote a best-selling novel in the late '70s called "Condominium," about all the corruption behind the development of a Florida condo tower that (spoiler alert!) gets destroyed by a hurricane. Do you remember it? I guess that must have introduced some people to the idea, but maybe not in New Jersey. (It was also a made-for-TV with a cast of thousands that I still like to watch now and then -- a guilty pleasure.)

    1. I wonder what NJ readers made of it. My friends then were largely in early music and serious art! Not maybe his audience.maybe I'll find it for a summer read. I don't think e would dive in, considering the latest laws in Florida.

  4. Indeed the new pillow does look great and fits so well with the style. I like permission to avoid drama - but will drama avoid me...?

    1. Considering your soon to be former occupation, I think drama might be built in.

  5. Staying in during the oppressive heat sounds like a great plan to me. We suffered the heat for a grocery run. Delivery would be such a blessing these days!

    1. Delivery is so important for me in any weather really.

  6. Your cushions and artwork look beautiful.
    I was sitting reading in the sun but just came in because it was hot - and our temperature is nothing compared to yours.

    1. I've heard from a couple of brits that they'd like some of this. But I don't think they've experienced it, or they might change their minds.

  7. It's wise to avoid extreme heat - essential, really. Will you be begonia -sitting?

  8. I love your ever-changing flower/plant arrangement, Liz. You aways give me new ideas. That fabric art was much bigger than I imagined. It makes a great pillow.

    1. Once off the frame, it was much bigger than it had appeared. I like it in its new home.

  9. cutting board insert, excellent idea! I love the colorful cushions, cheerful! I also love the inspiration offered from just about everything you blog about. Always thinking and making the world a better place, your recycling and cooking skills are great , thank you.I would not be successful using random groceries, as you are.

    1. That was nice to read, I'm glad you get value here!

  10. Totally agree on the follow-up and double-checking. The fabric art does very well as a pillow. And much as I'm eager to see how you adjust to your hearing aids, putting it off till less life-threatening temperatures is wise.

    I too thank you for all the permissions. It's interesting how many of us need someone else's permission, while others charge forward knowing it's their right.

    Chris from Boise

    1. It's better to wait on the hearing aids, eager as I am, too. Now that I'm nearly there, it's dragging! Isn't it odd that we still need permission for things we'd thought we'd outgrown long ago.

  11. Love the new pillow. I really do. It looks right where it should be.
    And checking IS great if you can find someone to check with. Still going through phone hell here and poor Mr. Moon cannot find a human to talk to. Of course the online forms are useless.

    1. Beyond annoying when you can't get a human to help, or at least to shout at!

  12. Your pillows look awesome together. So bright and pretty.
    I can never understand men who pack five minutes before they leave. Honestly it takes me a week at least. And that’s just going away for a few days lol

  13. Great new pillow. Good used of all sorts of fabrics.

  14. We are trying to walk early on in the day. It still gets pretty hot.

  15. I was a sticky wheel all last week. Finally got the medical equipment and Rx I needed since July 9. I hear you.

  16. The pillow was inspired and now you can enjoy it far more. Try to stay as cool as possible.


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