Saturday, July 20, 2024

Library art fun and other exciting things

Friday morning I checked the peppermint plant and it's started rooting. 

The roots are too tiny to see here, but it's definitely on it.

The heat abated enough to go out leaving the house to my cleaning family. They're Czech and wildly excited at yet another Wimbledon championship to a Czech woman. Such a history of great Czech tennis, including Martina, Jana and now Barbora.

Meanwhile at the library, here's a perfect summer playful/serious exhibit. I know Audrey slightly from one of my knitting groups, and she's exactly as you'd think, playful and serious. I'll message her a note of thanks.

The temptation to play with these pieces is great! But there are notices begging us not to. 

It really makes a person want to assemble pieces from toys and found objects, and find there's more to it than you might think. When an artist makes something look easy, you can be pretty sure it isn't.

Medical bulletin: Gary out of bed Friday morning, yay.  They do try to get patients vertical quickly after surgery, particularly with lung issues, I think to avoid pneumonia. His texts  sound pretty cheerful.

The current reading, blessedly out on the deck, on my Kindle 


I've read this several times before and right now the attraction is that it's set in cold snowy weather near New Year. Good to read in blistering July.

Happy day, everyone, there's usually something good to think about even midst sturm und drang.

Breaking news: the speaker went well, it was well received, and I kept it brief because it was a party atmosphere raising $$ for the Invictus Games, a wonderful project. 

I decided to wait until later in the pod to speak up about why it's significant, because people remember the last thing they heard better than earlier talk. So I did my bit!


  1. Very playful little sculptures indeed!

  2. Audrey makes us look at things in a whole new light! Love her work!

    1. She and her husband work as a team, and they're great at relating unlikely objects.

  3. It's difficult to resist touching such enticing things and it's more meaningful when you have an association with the artist.
    The mint is looking good. We have several mints in the garden and although they can be a bit thuggish, I do enjoy them - and use them, of course.

    1. I would have liked to play with some, like the giraffe on the xylophone.

  4. oh, fun stuff! I wouldn't mind having several of those little sculptures. and I have no doubt your talk went well.

    1. I can see them filling up my walls again..

  5. I think I remember Audrey's work from before. I love how she and her husband use their separate abilities to create as one.
    Glad your talk went well. The Invictus Games are indeed a worthy project to support.
    And of course, very glad to hear about Gary.

    1. I might have blogged about her years ago when she had a much smaller show in another library.

  6. Playful indeed! Great news about Gary, hope he mends quickly and id back to his chaotic self soon. I had no doubt you would do your part on the podcast well. Yes, a very worthy cause.

    1. I've no doubt he'll be up and overdoing it soon. His doctor last time told him okay to resume normal activity. All his friends agree the doctor doesn't know him! His normal is not average.

  7. "When an artist makes something look easy, you can be pretty sure it isn't." I have to remind myself of this from time to time. ;^)

    1. So true, isn't it? But you also need to remind yourself they've done this possibly thousands of times, so not to be annoyed with yourself on your first try.

  8. Thinking of the Czechs being so excited about Wimbledon makes me think how strongly we identify with our nations. Why is it important to me that Canada does well, but it is. I cheered for England in the World Cup because that is the source of all of my ancestry even though I have never been there.

    1. We do like to be attached to a group. I think sports may be an acceptable way of being a bit fanatical!

  9. Never doubted that your talk would go well.
    Wonderful exhibition. They must have been tempting to touch.

  10. What a great exhibition. I love Audrey’s creations.

    1. Not trolling you, just hit publish before noticing the dupe. All good.

  11. Wow. Greqt exhibition. I marvel at how different everyone is in the world of art. So many brilliant ideas.
    I’m like you. In the middle of our hot summer I draw the blinds shut and watch movies with lots of snow and ice. It tricks the brain into thinking I’m there.
    Well that’s my excuse anyway lol

    1. Art is endless in variety, isn't it? It's a lovely show and Audrey has now heard from me.

  12. What a great collaboration between that artist and her husband. I must admit I find it greatly intriguing to note the raw materials that she could see with an artistic eye.
    Glad to know that your talk went well. Of course I had no doubt!

    1. Isn't it interesting to see the combos? Unlikely ones.


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