Saturday, July 6, 2024

Angelcots and other successful ventures

 I tried an angelcot, which turned out to be the texture of an apricot, and much more juicy, really good. It will make a good sauce with the last of the pancake batter, aside from being interesting raw.

Since I had tuna, I made mayo for a tuna salad on whole wheat toast. I really bless Leigh for this mayo idea. I'd always thought it was a tedious affair of dripping the oil in slowly while mixing, to get it to work without separating, so I've never bothered. 

But now, to think about it is five minutes from enjoying it. I make it right in the container I keep it in, and consider it great.

I'm noticing a lot of fireworks related angst, and my response: move to an Indian community! Where I live the development is now largely Indian. Very quiet Fourth, not significant to even the citizens amongst them. Now Diwali is a different story!

In freecycle news, two artworks were not picked up, after THREE no shows, ingrates, names now on my bad guy list. So I decided to upcycle them.

Took them out of the frames 

And one is now a canvas cloth for the tray Handsome Son and I use for tea and a little something 

Here's the back of the embroidered and beaded piece, people like to see the back. It's a piece of cotton lawn, to reinforce the silk.

The piece is hand dyed, one I made for teaching purposes for the embroiderers guild, when they valiantly tried to stitch freeform without a stamped or painted pattern. Very new ground for them but they threw themselves into trying, credit where due.

Then I turned it into a pillow, stitching it to a linen back 

Here she is with her friends on the sofa, and the frames join another for another try at freecycling. Often raw materials go better than finished artworks.

Since this was yesterday 

Feels like 107°f! A good day to stay indoors, cool, and making pillows and mayo.

Happy day everyone, good wishes for better times in the UK, and high hopes for a continued left path here in the US, too.


  1. I've never heard of an angelcot. I'll have to look for them. And love the upcycled pieces, especially the pillows.

    1. The middle pillow is up cycled. The others, also hand stitched with English paper piecing on one side, are original.
      The angelcots apparently have a short season, and a single grower, so seize the day!

  2. Praying that the USA veers left! I just looked up angelcot. I had those when we lived in California and simply thought they were white apricots something like that. They were delicious!

    1. They are a white variety of apricot but much juicier. I love them, and this may be all I can get this year.

  3. You know the saying "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade" You made a pillow! I like it. Angcots are new to me, they sound good. I'm happy about the outcome in Great Britain.

    1. Misfits introduced me to them, and to other produce I wasn't familiar with. I'm very pleased with the UK's election results.

  4. it makes an excellent pillow and I love the three together.

  5. I will keep an eye out for angelcots at the store -- don't know if we get them here though. Your upcycled artworks are terrific in their new forms!

    1. Unless there's a Canadian grower, that might be tricky. But it's worth a try. Thanks for the nice words.

  6. It's not that hot here, but it is hot and humid enough.

  7. I've never been a big fan of apricots. Not sure why but we can't all like the same things. There's a recipe in the NYT's cooking newsletter today that I thought you might like. It's called Farninata (Herbed chickpea flour and onion pancake.) If you'd like, I'll email the recipe to you.

  8. I just looked up angelcot - it's a hybrid of Moroccan and Iranian apricots and is considered a rarity. So you are honoured!

    1. Yes, I was lucky. This might be the only chance this year.

  9. Great idea for the pillow cover and cloth. That temperature is quite something! Stay cool, Boud.

    1. Indoors except for putting the sun tea out. Haven't even been as far as the mailbox up the block.

  10. Great work on the up cycling. No shows was one of the reasons I got out of the free cycle world.

    1. They're certainly annoying, however I've had few no shows compared to the large numbers of successful transactions. But you do tend to remember the annoying folk.

  11. A lovely ending picture for the Ukraine!

    1. I like it a lot. I keep meaning to use it more.

  12. Being a firm believer in the old adage that if it's meant to be, it will be, leads me to think that it wasn't in the 'plan' to be able to freecycle those two pieces of art. They were meant to be upcycled into something useful for yourself to enjoy. My theory anyway!
    Try to stay cool! I think you have a/c so that's a blessing.

    1. I think it came out well. It would not be possible to live here in modern buildings without functioning AC. I set it at 82°f and run fans, too.


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