Monday, July 29, 2024

Let a smile be your umbrella and other vain hopes

Recently a friend showed me an spf umbrella, supposedly ideal for sun protection out walking. Silver outside, lined, looked good.  So I thought I could use one shade my upper body, no need for a hat. And promptly ordered one.

It arrived today 

Not exactly like hers, but seemingly good for purpose. Then I read the instructions that came with it.

"Not to be used in sunlight, which could damage the fabric".  It's going back. I already got the qr code to drop it off at the nearby UPS store. 

According to my other knitting friends, I was had anyway, since any fabric between you and sunlight blocks UV.  So I've learned a thing or two.   But I'm disappointed. I could just use my regular umbrella. Which I will.

The gold and bead piece is progressing, I'm liking this a lot 

This is probably going to be a page in the fabric book.

The spectacular hibiscus flower has already faded 

But right next to it, a successor is tuning up

 A metaphor for life if ever there was one.

And the zinnias are getting under way 

My curry leaf plant which seemed to be dying, suddenly got going with new foliage 

A bit hard to see against the ground cover, but many new little branches are developing.  You can see the older yellowed leaves. I'll freeze them because they still have a lot of flavor.

And here's today's little flower arrangement

It's a while since I celebrated anyone's art, so here's a lovely piece

Australians do wonderful fiberarts. There's a spiritual quality in a lot of it that's hard to find elsewhere and impossible to duplicate.

Happy day, everyone, fight the good fight!


  1. The umbrella story gave me the best laugh for the day. Probably the only one really.
    Nylon is not terribly good at cutting out the sun's rays, well it used not to be. You have to pick and choose your fabrics for sun protection.

    1. My main protection is staying out of the sun!

  2. So much for the SPF umbrella. How ridiculous. The fiber art is so rich!

    1. Quite a disappointment. But it's not a particularly attractive thing either. The umbrella. The fiber art piece is lovely.

  3. Whatever else is the case, that umbrella would not classify as a fashion statement. 😊

    1. Yes, not appealing. And not even practical.

  4. Live and learn! At least you'll get a refund!

  5. I think we should all go back to carrying parasols. Why not? Beautiful personal works of art that shelter us from the sun's burning rays. When did that quit being a thing?
    I learned something yesterday about my friend Lis. She, too, does textile arts, mainly making hair ornaments and pins with vintage ribbon and she also does hat-making. I knew this, of course, but she told me that the first book she ever bought herself was a book on textiles. I think you and she would have a lot to talk about. That textile piece M. Mischkulnig is truly lovely. As is the piece you are working on.

    1. Lis sounds great. Also a good friend. Our weather is so changeable, wind etc that I wonder how a parasol would hold up. I wouldn't mind trying though.

  6. At least you can return it. A sun shield that cannot be in the sun. Interesting concept.

    1. Their marketing arguing with their labels

  7. I have used regular umbrellas on the patio forever. I thought they were good protection. Glad it was confirmed. That one is useless for sure, Boud.

  8. It's an SPF umbrella and it can't be used in sunlight? What the heck?

    1. Brought to you by proud makers of the chocolate teapot.

  9. Great to hear the story of the SPF sun-shy umbrella. I've never seen curry-leaf plants, and they do sound interesting as an herb.

    1. Curry leaves have a wonderful deep flavor, a staple of Indian food. My plant is a house plant over the winter, gift of an Indian neighbor. I use curry leaves anywhere you'd use bay.

  10. Can you dry the curry leaves and put them in a jar for winter use?
    I can’t believe an umbrella says do not use in sunlight. So what. Is it only good for nightime? Honestly

    1. The curry leaf plant comes indoors in fall, and I pick leaves fresh all winter. When I get too many, I freeze them.
      Yes the umbrella is a joke. I declined to spend time rating the seller.

  11. I am glad you get a refund!

  12. Now why would they market a sun umbrella supposedly with SPF protection, only to say it's 'not to be used in sunlight'. Some things just defy comprehension.
    I agree about the Aussie doing amazing fiber arts. They have the most incredible fiber art/embroidery magazines too.

    1. I think the marketers said one thing, the mfrs another.


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