Sunday, July 21, 2024

Nature walk, stitching and shopping

Saturday was cloudy and 80s, great day for walking, so I did. Some reminders that the season is already moving on, with blackberries starting, fungi everywhere and black walnuts falling, with leaves turning color already.

Here's a great scene, water, trees, moss

See the frog looking at us?

And here's a groundhog's front door 

Black walnut, after squirrels have thrown it about. There were quite a few opened and eaten, as there, bottom right. When you know how hard it is to crack black walnuts, you develop a respect for squirrels' tiny jaws and hope not to get into a dispute with one.

At home I had a lovely old fashioned ginger beer, exactly like the ones of childhood, snarling with ginger. 

There are cocktail recipes on the packaging, but I wouldn't ruin it with spirits. Every now and then I treat myself from Misfits, and this is this week's splurge.

About Misfits, I think some readers have it confused with a CSA farm share. With the farm share you get your share of whatever's ripe this week, and you may get surprises and need to be inventive. I've done that in the past.

Misfits is simply a giant supermarket online, with about everything you would usually shop for. I order what I want to cook, and there aren't any surprises. 

What you see on my counter is what I ordered from many aisles and choices. It's mostly an organic source, with some other items too, and since they buy what's available, you might not find everything. Mostly I do, though. 

So I'm happy to be credited with interesting cooking, but it's not a creative use of random items!  I do like to experiment, and it's wonderful to have only myself to please. Which reminds me to make some Leigh mayo.

My goldwork and beading is coming along with spangles now, too. It's so peaceful doing this.

It's not very portable because of all the threads and beads to choose from, so knitting is what I usually carry around. 

Yesterday this came to me library with me.

The spiral sock still in progress. The other one, with the patch toe, is still going.  Same yarn, so I hope it's enough to make both pairs. I've been swiping some for weaving, too, as if it were an endless supply.

Happy day, everyone, enjoy getting a bit of nature and a bit of making if you can. They're  great tranquillizers.


  1. That spiral sock is going to be fab. Is that really a groundhog front door? I ask because every hole in the bank I point out as a bunny hole or fox or whatever depending on size.

    1. It is a ground hog home. I've seen them going in and out. They love all the flowers and veg people try to grow nearby. It's their restaurant.

  2. 80 isn't exactly cool, but it is a relative thing. It will hit around 80 here today.

  3. Around here it's cool! Compared to the 110+ heat index we've had, it's almost jacket weather.

  4. I only drink ginger beer when it's transformed into a Moscow Mule, lol!

    1. We can split one. The Moscow mule recipe is on the carton. The bottle says it's enough for two cocktails!

  5. "Snarling with ginger." Yes! Perfect description.
    It's only supposed to get up to 90 here today. Eden!
    I just looked up and saw a little doe in our backyard, nibbling at grass and weeds. Although I know we're surrounded by deer, this is the first I've seen in our yard.

    1. We never get them in this neighborhood, because of the heavily traveled roads on all sides. Poor things never make it across.

  6. I like to have a ginger beer in the summer when I've been working outside. and in a cocktail as well. love the spiral sock.

    1. It's a great summer drink. Better than regular beer for me. I don't fall asleep immediately with ginger beer.

  7. Leaves turning colour already? Say it isn't so!!!
    I don't think I've tried ginger beer but now I might have to search it out.
    The colours in that sock remind me of sherbet which is perfect for summer.

    1. It's always amazing how soon leaves drop, considering we have warm weather almost to November.

  8. What a beautiful post! I'm so glad that I came by. I too am riding with Biden or whoever is the ultimate nominee. We must protect and defend the country and way of life we've known for so long. I admire people of Faith and have my own. I feel it's important not dominate over others! Aloha from Honolulu

    1. Thank you for commenting. Biden and Harris are our only hope to save the country from disaster.

  9. I love your phrase "snarling with ginger." That describes it perfectly.

    Thanks for the Misfits clarification! I always assumed it was a box of fairly random foodstuffs. I didn't know you had control over it! What makes it "misfit"? Is it damaged packaging or weird produce or something like that?

    1. It's organic produce largely, wrong size for high end stores, or too big a harvest. Maybe a bit less pretty. Sometimes change of packaging, all good food rescued one way or another from the landfill.

  10. I have ground hogs living under my former indoor arena. They are ok as long as they stay there. The embroidery is beautiful, really. This has to be precision work. I haven't ordered from Misfits for quite awhile. I also have never had ginger beer.

    1. Never had ginger beer? Child, you must remedy that! I agree about groundhogs. When they get under sheds and collapse them, not so much.

  11. I love ginger beer. I have it wherever it’s offered (haven’t seen it here in Spain). My sister introduce me to it in the ’70s when she lived in Doncaster. Great memories. I’m ridin’ with Biden to Kamala!

  12. What do you think of Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race? I've not had ginger beer either...

  13. I do like a good ginger beer It’s perfect when you have a funny tummy.
    Your autumn is approaching and our spring is very slow coming.
    I too like to experiment in the kitchen. Did you ever see the series, the vicar of dibley? One of the characters, mrs cropely, was renowned for her experimentation in the kitchen. Only she made some truely terrible things.
    If you can find it, on YouTube. Give it a look. I’m sure it will make you smile

    1. I did see that series and have no memory of that character at all! She mustnt have made any impression. That's odd.


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