Friday, July 12, 2024

Getting stuff done

 Yesterday Joe the Plumber came and spent the morning at the condo replacing the water heater.

You can see the tight quarters. Its an alcove, no way to enlarge it, which is why the washer and dryer are compact. Also very expensive, the only ones which fit.

There's always a point at which the soldering sets off the smoke alarm. It's undetectable by human nose, but the alarm goes into overdrive. So it seems to be working anyway.

And while I was there I noticed near the building a stand of peppermint, so I swiped a bit 

I'll start it in water then move to a pot.

When I got home, Misfits had arrived 

Still buying bread until the weather moderates and I can bake my own again.

The paper supplies went out in the afternoon to a local friend, and what she didn't need will be freecycled this morning to one of several interested takers. 

She and I had a funny chat about being drawn to blank books and fountain pens. She noted that she hadn't been able to get them to meet and work together yet.. I think that might be true of a lot of collectors. Using them doesn't seem to be the point. 

For me using stuff is the point. 

This picture is my homelife in a nutshell 

On top of coffee table, l to r current DVDs, breakfast tray, on extra table,  DVD player, Kleenex for sad movies, stitched box. Just out of frame, pinloom weaving supplies.

Under the table l to r, stitching supplies and current fabric book, waste basket for threads, spinning supplies, knitting bag.

In the downstairs closet, not pictured, bag of cordage and basket in progress 

This is HQ. It's why I no longer need a studio and extensive art supplies. Life's good. 

Happy day everyone, go Joe, and confusion to his enemies. Joe's bringing the economy roaring back has increased the value of my little mutual fund investments, and directly enabled me to pay for this month's expenses.  So miss me with whining about daily costs.  

Two years ago I couldn't have managed this well. Money may not buy happiness, but a bit extra to relieve the strain is pretty close to it.

Time to play!


  1. Replies
    1. My tenant will. I can't stretch to one for my house this year. Mine's holding up though.

  2. You had a busy day. HS will appreciate the water heater.

    1. Looking back, yes it was quite full. He's very happy to have got it done, but a bit guilty about the cost.

  3. Water heater is about the only good thing we have around here. It's solar, placed on the roof, works on sunrays, lasts for years.

    1. Now that's enviable. I wish my development were more progressive.

  4. I love the flying mouselet.
    In regards to solar hot water heaters, I had a friend who lived in an apartment built in the 1940's, I think, that had a solar hot water heater. Original. This was near the beach. I learned that they used to make and use a lot of them but when contractors started building on spec, they'd put in electric or gas ones because the initial price was cheaper, but of course in the long run, far more expensive.
    Your studio substitute looks perfect!

    1. The power industry has had a lot to do with suppressing solar. Even now wind and solar farms have a battle to get going.

      My studio world is getting smaller and smaller! It's very handy, and I have to remember to keep moving, not just reaching for the next project.

  5. I'm inexplicably drawn to stationery and have been since i was a little girl. I buy supplies for other people, too. Making the first mark on a blank page is a rite of passage.

    1. It used to be a sort of growing up gift, a stationery set in a leather case. I had one.

  6. Yay you for getting this done! Enjoy the weekend and your peppermint sprigs.

    1. It's been a good week that way, despite the heat.

  7. I am making a concerted effort to eat out of the deep freeze and cupboards as much as possible. It makes for some interesting combinations! I hope to reduce the closets soon too. Too much stuff!

    1. Unpredictable menus coming up! But as my mom used to say about unlikely combos: it's all good ingredients!

  8. I don’t need to be rich. I just want to not have to worry.

    1. Exactly! Not that I'm in any danger of suddenly getting rich. I'm happy paying my bills.

  9. People seem to forget ageism is discrimination. I hope president Biden carries on. I cannot imagine where our country would be without him. Experience and intelligent advisors are the best assets any leader needs. I’m ridin’ with Biden too.

    1. Speaking as someone who was in kindergarten when Joe was born, I take swipes at his mental acuity personally!

  10. You look to be very organised That’s the sort of organisation I have. It’s not pretty but it’s functional I’m not one to have a magazine perfect house. I have a comfy home.
    Things are expensive all over so yes. Having the money to be able to get things done as soon as it needs it, makes me very happy

    1. Yes, serves its purpose. It's a comfort to be able to pay the bills, though it does take planning and strategy.

  11. A free smoke alarm test with the installation of hot water system. That's not bad.

  12. We rent our water heater, which means that we have probably paid for a new one many times over. I guess monthly dribbles are more manageable, however.

  13. I'll admit I occasionally buy a blank book just because.
    And even a pretty covered spiral notepad once in a while at someplace like TJ Max. I enjoy toting along something with a pretty cover when I think I may be taking notes. They often sit unused for awhile because I'm apprehensive about " messing them up", but eventually, I put them to work. Usually. 😉

    1. I do like blank books! I do draw or make notes or something.

  14. Nothing like hot water on demand. Except maybe water on demand. We are so fortunate.

    1. Yes, I'm aware about my water usage. Thinking about girls and women spending many hours daily finding and carrying it.

  15. It's looking good! Why is it that small appliances always seem to cost more?

    1. I guess you have to pay more for littler items, or something..I think it's because there's much less demand, so they don't make in the same mass quantities.

  16. Fitting a water heater into those closed quarters can't have been easy for the plumber. It's not fun to have one spring a leak so best to be proactive.
    Your HQ setup looks pretty efficient and thank you for sharing flying mouselet.

    1. That jammed area is why I have to get expensive, experienced plumbers and installers. Not shown in the picture is the curtain wall, the front of the alcove, that comes down to just above Joe's head. Not much overhead space for installation.


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