Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Amid bad news, art goes on

 I can't talk  in  here about the disastrous decisions from SCOTUS Monday, strategizing next steps elsewhere online with lawyers and other actual experts, so I'm keeping my balance here with the daily round.

Laundry done, floors swept, good lunch of turkey burger, pancakes and broccoli. It's important to eat well in stressful times and these are stressful times all over the world.

And I continued with Lucia and Mapp, still as funny as ever, that timing never gets old.

The sock goes on, too, the heel now turned 

It's particularly important to keep up supporting the knitting ministry, because the recipients are already suffering and the SCOTUS decisions can only make their lives worse. So the little bit I'm doing is all the more needed.

Winnowing goes on -- I Freecycled a huge pad of drawing paper to a deliriously happy receiver, and two artworks to another

It's such a pleasure to send pieces off to new homes where they'll add to the lives of the new owners. I got a charge out of making them, and now they'll have new life.

Happy day everyone, as far as you can manage it. Good news: the praying mantis is still on the hibiscus, looking a bit bigger and is now pale green, fast growth. I think that means she's finding insects to feed on, or she'd have moved on.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Good things happening anyway

 Here's some excellent legislation for my state, which has a long history of failing to fund the transportation sector. In fact previous governors raided the trust fund to finance their own pet projects. This changes now.

Notice where the funding is coming from. Take that, Amazon!

And I wrote a line of encouragement and support to Biden and Harris, and the office acknowledged it

We're good.

On the home front, I was out briefly early morning, and met a baby praying mantis. He must be very young, still transparent. I like having them around to help with mosquitoes. And he's on the hibiscus, so that's welcome in case any insects are planning to eat the new leaves.

Too humid and hot to venture out yesterday, so I set up an afternoon of Lucia, with a glass of rooibos and chamomile sun tea.

Supper was pancakes and plum sauce, the pancakes made with AP and chickpea flour. 

This cooking didn't heat the kitchen up, and there's batter to make more today. 

Happy day, everyone, I'm trying to shed more light than heat today.

Photo AC