Wednesday is for recovering from Tuesday. And for making red lentil curry. I now have red lentils and since that was the only ingredient I was missing from this recipe from Yeung Man Cooking I was all set
There's another page of instructions. This is a meal where you get into the process of cooking by stages, ending in a wonderful hot spicy endlessly interesting dish.
You need to be left alone to cook this, many stages, involving chopping and toasting and crushing and sauteeing in stages. Just finding and setting out the ingredients is a thing.
I eat this with spoon and fork, or pusher, because you get a different taste with each spoonful, all the different flavors and spices are in the sauce, and you'd miss some of the combos if you used a fork.
This half hour of prep and cooking makes three substantial meals. I suppose that's one family or a meal for a hungry couple.
Tomorrow's Misfits will include ginger beer again, perfect accompaniment to this curry, which I'll have again for lunch.
And I'm reading a cosy mystery
Yesterday was full of good things. Aside from what you already know, one neighbor gave me dill, an herb I've never succeeded with, and she has a surplus.
Another watered my flowers along with his own. He also told me his daughter had installed insulation for a sound barrier around his new fireplace where the speakers are, so I wouldn't hear his music.
His fireplace and mine back each other and sound can travel. He can't do it himself at the moment, so he organized her into it!
This is why I stay here as long as I can do it. Lovely neighborhood. Caring, not nosy.
This afternoon may involve a siesta.
Meanwhile, problem solving