Wednesday, November 1, 2023

White, or maybe, pink, rabbits

November seems to have arrived, so it's White Rabbits again. Handsome Son brought over a box of possible free cycle items which I'd offered to take care of, including this rather shabby and repaired pink rabbit. 

He explained he'd found it years ago at the dumpster and didn't have the heart to leave it abandoned! After a cleanup, it might move in here, to join the other rescued bears, a bit too shabby to free cycle, and people don't usually want stuffed toys.

I haven't looked through the rest of the box yet. 

We had a great visit, despite the doorbell going many times, although the pumpkin and cat were indoors, porch lights off. Gary called to ask me to do his Halloween for him! I explained that I don't do Halloween, and he said oh you don't like going to the door? I thought that was good enough, though it's not quite the reason, and he accepted it. 

Not a peaceful evening.  Handsome Son has been planning an easy Thanksgiving for us, so he's got that in hand. And he replaced my front door curtain with the red felt winter one. He also polished off the rest of the cranwal loaf and really liked it. So chickpea flour is good in baking. I think I'll use it in bread, too. All in all, good.

Earlier I'd made the Firefighters Chili from the World Central Kitchen cookbook, this time no ground turkey in the house, so it has everything else.  You really need cornmeal which I didn't have, to thicken it, and I subbed chickpea flour. It worked great, so I'm making a note on that page, which already shows evidence of being open while I cooked..

Happy day, everyone, rain again here. Time to start thinking about those skirt panels I'm weaving again. The weather's up for warmer clothes, and so am I.


  1. It is chili weather for sure! Even here. And yes, I think that rabbit will feel right at home with your bears.
    I'm so sorry that Halloween is hard for you.

    1. It's over for another year! I hate the ghoulish aspect, hideous pictures and costumes. And I think the rabbit isn't going anywhere!

  2. Every Halloween since we moved here, I've felt blessed that we don't have to deal with it, so I understand how you feel. Funny that kids would ring the doorbell even though the lights were off.
    The chili looks good and I suspect RC will be firing up our chili pot before long too.

  3. We also kept in darkness, but we only got one bell.

  4. White and pink rabbits to you too, and that bunny rescue is yet another reason to approve of HS. It sounds like November is coming in as seasonally appropriate, wet and chill. Be snug!

    Chris from Boise

  5. Thanks for this post. I happen to love chili and will have to see if I can find the World Central Kitchen recipe online. It sure looks delicious!

    1. It's terrific. If you can manage it maybe you can buy the book, because wck benefits from sales. Chef Jose Andres is right now trying to get cooked food into Gaza. He runs a great organization, and I made the rare decision to buy his book for that reason.

  6. I made chili last night too. I never heard of cornmeal for thickening it. I'll remember that next time!

    1. One tablespoon for the whole pot. And chickpea flour works great. I've used cornstarch, too

  7. I love how the rabbit was rescued.
    Our weather is still cold. Cold enough for the fire. I seriously hope we start to get some decent weather soon. I just hope it isn’t straight to extreme heat. I’d like a few weeks to get used to it

    1. You're not supposed to need a fire! What happened to Spring?

  8. He wanted you to do his Halloween? Glad HS has been so useful.

    1. He's a good son. We're a family of two, just as well we get along.

  9. I have never tried chickpea flour but I will give it a try.

    1. What will you use it in? It's very nutritious, a vegetable protein.

  10. The joy of reliving past cooking experiences by thumbing through a well used and stained cookbook is why I will never get rid of mine. Using a tablet or phone for a recipe just doens't have the same appeal. And it is very hard to clean tomato off a screen.

    1. All true. And I like adding notes and reminders to favorite recipes, with new ideas I've had on making them need paper for that.

  11. My that chili looks good. I'm missing decent home cooked meals. The digs have a small 'kitchen; but I'm reluctant to fill the place with smells of cooking because I have smelled the cooking of others in the middle of the night (share air it seems). Funny isn't it how we attribute personality and feels to inanimate objects that have known love - I totally get rescuing the rabbit.

    1. The thing that won me over is that some little person added features to his paws. And there are two repairs made with tape. He's had a life!

  12. Soup/chili/stew season is definitely here. I made a kettle of simple lentil soup a few days ago, and have already made a second kettle of same. Nice to have a bowl of hot soup for breakfast when it's 26F.

    1. That's a good idea. I've never tried soup for breakfast. Noted.

    2. I also eat soup for hot breakfast, My favorite us homemade Minestrone.

  13. these were our first cold nights, the coldest dipping into the 30s so it was stew here. we're on a warming trend now.

    1. That's cold compared to your recent days, quite a drop.

  14. Isn't it funny how stuffed animals pull our heartstrings? We respond on a very instinctive level to cuddly animals, even when they're not real. I would have saved that rabbit too.


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