Saturday, November 11, 2023

Veterans Day, a new Atkinson, timing goofs

 Thank you, veterans of any country reading here on Veterans' Day 2023. Those of us who have not served thank you for doing so.

And yesterday's knitting group was a comedy of errors. I had a few things to take care of at home before I left, did them, then looked at the kitchen clock, thought, heck I'm already late, but I'll go anyway. rushed out.

Got there, room closed, light off, I thought ah, I'm so late she's given up waiting, and gone back to work. So I went in search of her to check, and she said, um, you're half an hour early.. I had looked at the kitchen clocks, none of which I'd changed. Duh.

Anyway she opened the room, for me  to set down my knitting bag, and I  seized the chance of this extra time to look at the new book shelves. And found yay, a new Atkinson, a collection of short stories.

I've read a couple and it's vintage Atkinson, wry and funny and scary and riveting.

Happy day, everyone, I've now changed the clocks. Try to do better than I did! Speaking of which, I now realize I don't know where I carefully put the box of yarn and back strap loom parts for my skirt panels. If I ever find it in the safe place, where I was sure to find it,  maybe I don't need to worry about yarn supplies after all. Sigh. 

I might do better if I didn't keep sticking out a foot to trip myself.


  1. Always better to be early than to be late, LOL!

    1. True. I still felt silly, until the library lady said funny that, I thought today was Saturday!

  2. I'll have to see if my library has the new Kate Atkinson book. worse things than killing a half hour at the library.

    1. Yes, if you're too early it's not time wasted.

  3. LOL, better to be early than late. But that's funny, glad you went ahead and went even thinking you were late. Beautiful poppy picture. Been seeing lots of photo's Veterans on social media. I posted a picture of my Dad, and Grandpa in their uniforms.

  4. I always put things where I will easily find them. Not!

  5. Thank you for this post, thanking our veterans. And making a clock mistake can so easily happen with the time changes. I prefer being on Standard time year round.

    1. I wish they'd just leave the time alone. As do many other people.

  6. At least you got the right day. And I seriously doubt that you're the only person in town to have shown up to something an hour early since the time change. I just asked my husband if he, too, feels like it's Sunday. He said he does. I'm sure it's because two of the grandchildren were here yesterday as they had the day off but that made it feel like a Saturday, therefore...
    You know what i mean. I hope.
    I'm sure you'll find your loom parts and yarn. Eventually.
    And a new Kate Atkinson book? Be still my heart.

    1. It's odd, that feeling of a different day. I suppose it's about the cues around us.

  7. Well, at least you didn't miss it! I seem to do that with clocks every year. Hadn't heard about the new Atkinson -- good to know!

    1. I had some clocks right and some not changed, a recipe for a time slip!

  8. That's funny. I would like to stay on standard time myself.

  9. Thank you for your tribute to those who have served. And I’m 100% with this: “Those of us who have not served thank you for doing so.” Perfectly said.

  10. Definitely sounds like things I do.
    Especially putting things away in a safe place and then not finding them again.
    How safe are we!

  11. I cannot believe how much yarn I donated when we moved that I am now thinking of uses for. And I can't find my crochet hooks.
    Safe places ... I could hide many bodies in mine. They never get found again.

    1. The way to find your crochet hooks is to buy a new set. The minute you bring them home the others will appear.

  12. Similar time slip here. We changed all the clocks, I was supposed to meet someone at 1 pm, realized while running errands it was 12:45, panicked and texted her I'd be late. Then I realized I hadn't changed the CAR clock. Sheesh.

    Chris from Boise

    1. My car clock changes itself. And I didn't believe it! I forgot which way the clocks had changed.

  13. Clocks changing is tough when on most days it makes no difference (like not having to commute) i just move with my body clock if I don't have workplace demands. As for finding the safe place try looking in the least obvious one and work back from there.

    1. It's an interesting challenge to decide whether to go by the clock or not. I still haven't adjusted, really. I expect the stuff will show up after I've stopped looking!

  14. Haven't read that Atkinson. Never sure about short stories. I was an hour early to take GrandSon1 to football but that was because I misread the time I was needed not the clock.

    1. I'm here and there on short stories, but hers are so complete, they work well, they don't feel like a fragment.

  15. I've heard of her, but when I googled, I found that I haven't read her -- as far as I can tell.

    1. Try any of her books. They're all brilliant.

  16. I know what you mean about the self-tripping. The only tasks I find genuinely irksome (apart from housework, which is in a class by itself) are the ones I create unnecessarily in the middle of doing the necessary ones. In fairness to myself, sometimes it's the goats who create the unnecessary tasks. Either way: irksome!

  17. What a good goat herd -- unwilling to blame them! When I suspect they're largely, however beloved, agents of chaos.

  18. Those poppies are wonderful. Yes, too many are forgetting. And we must not.

    1. We're constantly caught up in new conflicts, so they tend to get our attention.

  19. Your 'safe place' story reminded me of envelopes. I once bought a massive supply of envelopes and put a working supply in the usual spot but then put the excess in a safe place where I knew I would be able to put my hands on them. So...come the day I needed envelopes and of course the so-called 'safe place' was nowhere to be found. Didn't find them until AFTER I'd had to buy another supply.

    1. I wonder if just pretending to order more would make the original ones appear. They certainly do after you've come home with a new supply.


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