Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Success! Yarn appears!

Yesterday, after I received several kind offers of yarn from generous freecycling people too far away to warrant the trip, another response arrived in my email box. This was from a freecycler five minutes' drive away, really interesting woman, great to meet. 

She had a bag of bright colored yarn left from a marvelous mitred-square Afghan, which she showed me, and she searched around a bit , coming up with a skein of possible face-color brown, yay.  We had a convo about kits, helpful cats, and I left so pleased, to get going right away winding the brown yarn, and knitting up a bright color on the current doll.

The brown yarn was translated by my camera into grey, who knows why.

Seen here three dolls in search of faces and hats. The new colors are so cheerful to work with, I think kids will like them. You'll see soon how these flat bits of work become dolls.

I was just reading  in Aeon about what constitutes being an adult, with various criteria, such as self supporting, marriage, parenthood, and wondered if an old lady getting all excited about colored yarn to play with can possibly qualify!

Happy day, everyone, do you consider yourself adult? Is it a desirable state? How to classify it.. I don't think much of the marriage and parenthood bits. It seems very possible to be a fully fledged adult, I know quite a few, to whom those  don't apply. I wonder if there are other better criteria.

The ceasefire is extended a bit more. I'll take it, if it means a bit more relief all around, to the Gazan  civilians and the hostages.  

Photo AC
who probably had no idea how much mileage I'd get from this little light photo when he gave me permission to use it.


  1. What is it about yarn? I looked at those pictures and excitement flooded me for you. At least you turn your yarn into fun and practical things! I just play with it, casting on, going for awhile with it, setting it down, coming back and wondering what I was doing there.
    Adult. What does that even mean? I think it just means a being who has attained a certain age. The rest of the criteria is too vague.

    1. I think your way of dealing with yarn is pretty much the definition of play!

  2. How wonderful you got the yarn and met a person 5 min away from you.
    Yes sadly I am an adult. But I also get to do the fun nits kids don't get to do.

    1. Meeting her was a bonus. Usually free cycling is about picking up outdoors.

  3. Yay for getting some stash enhancement and a lovely conversation too. I'd be excited too.
    Adult? I'm still working on that and suspect I might never reach that point - and I'm quite happy.

  4. Yes, Aeon's "adulthood" criteria are superficial. Merely conforming to social cultural norms is no guarantee of the maturity needed for adulthood.

    1. They were citing surveys. Quite a lot of people jettisoned the social expectations and said taking responsibility for our actions stamps an adult. I think you'd agree with them.

  5. Hurrah for freecycle! Adulthood.....I entered it too early. I'm perfectly content ignoring it. Play with yarn.

  6. I am chuffed every time I see the photo.

  7. Lots of food for thought to consider adulting. Yes, I can think of many of our so-called leaders who act like four year olds. Three cheers for the yarn!

    1. I think going into politics is for some people instead of growing up. All that attention! People giving money!

  8. Sometimes I am very surprised to realise I am an adult. I don't feel like one.

  9. I don’t think it’s just pretty yarn. Although that in itself is very exciting. I think crafters see the potential and possibilities in that yarn, fabric, Christmas decorations lol. We get excited because we get to create.
    As for being an adult. Well my definition changes pretty much everyday.
    Today being an adult is getting my cards written and sent off
    I don’t have lots. So it shouldn’t take too long. It’s the sitting still that is annoying really

    1. Yes, it's the potential in the yarn. The brilliant colors don't hurt, either!

  10. People are so generous, I gave and received loads of stuff from freecycle.

  11. Yeah for the donation of the yarn for your continued projects, Boud. I wonder if there is a local Freecycle and will have to check into that in Nashua, NH. As to your question, I'm uncertain as to whether I truly consider myself as an adult because a child's view is much less complicated.

    1. I'll bet there's a local free cycle to you. Aside from being practical, it's also fun.

    2. I just checked yes, almost 4,000 members.

  12. Freecycle is such a great process. Well done on the yarn.

  13. That is some beautiful yarn. And if getting excited about yarn means I can't be an adult then I submit my resignation effective immediately.

  14. Just because a body has reached physical maturity and is largely self-propelling doesn't mean it has to conform to any particular constraints on its imagination. I think resilience is a feature of being 'adult', and effective adults help children to acquire the attribute. As for the yarn, considering colour and possibilities is like an addition.... love the blue


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