Friday, November 3, 2023

Misfits and unity

Yesterday's Misfits box arrived and the confirming picture, cropped to eliminate my house number, shows all the way through the house to the street behind! And there's a partial selfie of the driver,  as well as confusing reflections.

Small order this week, and the best apples in years, perfectly sweet and crunchy.

I love the brown eggs, which continue to arrive safely. And the almonds and honey will be in the next batch of granola. I wasn't so impressed with the last,  walnut,  batch, too oily.

Yesterday, departing from healthy food, I felt like a sugar cookie or two, so I made a batch. 

I won't share the recipe because it was terrible. I had to make all kinds of adjustments to make it work. Note to self: recipes that claim to use only three ingredients and are still great? Great Big Lie. Unless it's shortbread, which this ended up being like after I changed it up a bit. 

Anyway they're edible, but not neighbor worthy. 

A nice graphic, preaching to the choir in here anyway

Happy day everyone, knitting group today all being well. It's Friday, let's fly all the support flags 


  1. Just a thought -- we would co-exist much better without religion.

  2. You may have said before but do you ever use pecans?

    1. I've been tactful about pecans, because some blogistas love them.I strongly don't!

    2. One should not be judged on one's choices of nuts!

  3. We picked some great apples at the orchard this year. We are still eating them. Have a great weekend, Boud.

    1. I find they vary week to week in my order, and this week they're great.

  4. Without religion? Ha! Who created religion in the first place.

  5. "edible, but not neighbor worthy" -- LOL!

    1. Like Dr Johnson's "not a meal you'd invite a man to"!

  6. I used to spend ages picking the small apples when me kids were little. Not only the sweetest but they could actually hold and eat a small one Much easier than having to cut them up everytime they wanted one. This way they just helped themselves
    I’m sure your neighbours would appreciate any cookies you gave them

  7. Better fit the apple to the kid! No waste.

  8. I hate recipes that don't live up to expectations. I have pinched your coexist picture.

  9. It's disappointing when recipes don't work out. I remember trying a cake in a mug microwave recipe that was supposed to be wonderful. It was dreadful. I should have expected that really.

    1. Is that the unfortunate chocolate cake in a mug? Big fuss for a mediocre result.

  10. Too bad about the cookies. At least you were able to make them edible.

    1. As my mother used to say about a failed recipe: all good ingredients!

  11. Those apples look gorgeous and delicious. I've been laying off added sugar so not baking as I might otherwise at this time of year. SOon it will be time to make cookie plates and I'm excited!

    1. I bake so as to have a little something for neighbors and visiting son, not a lot though.

  12. That "Coexist" cartoon is spot-on. (As is often true of Mike Lukovich's cartoons.)

    1. Isn't it? He cuts to the chase all the time.

  13. With Mr B having been diagnosed with diabetes (Type 2) and given an opportunity to try and get it under control with dietary adaptation, I had to try and find ways to create snack food (which he consumes in quantity) with no sugar. Suddenly there is a whole world of 3 ingredient 'cookies' I never imagined could exist, and after trying a few (peanut butter features large) I came to the conclusion they never should have existed and may have been invented by people who never did know how to make a good biscuit/cookie/cake. Truth is Mr B is just going to have to get the life style and eating habits that brought on the problem in the first place completely under control or accept medication. Substituting undesirable cookies for the real thing is not going to fix it.

    1. I agree, there's no point in having an unappetizing imitation. May as well just switch to other types of snacks, if there are any. Many years ago I quit taking sugar in hot drinks and the substitutes were terrible! Turns out unhealthy, too. Anyway I cultivated a taste for unsweetened tea and coffee, and now the idea of adding sugar is not appealing.

      Possibly if he can manage just to delete snacks??? Easier said than done.

  14. The only constant in human relations, unfortunately, is conflict.

    1. I wonder if this is true of other species, too. Watching birds battling for nest sites makes me wonder.

  15. Every time I see the 'Odds & Ends' package it makes me smile. Conjures up all sorts of things in my imagination that might be inside.
    The coexist illustration says a lot!

    1. Yes, it sounds as if any old things get shoved into the bags then sealed!


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