Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Misfits and a Shilling for Candles

Yesterday's misfits included a wild extravaganza of berries -- out of season raspberries and the usual blueberries. The raspberries are wonderful with good honey and homemade yogurt 

I always marvel at the beauty of brown eggs, and these are so fresh, they rest right at the bottom of the pot when you boil them. I often have a boiled egg and whole grain toast for tea. Or pita bread filled with spinach and egg salad.

And the cranberries are already sauce. I make this very simply, berries, sugar and lemon juice.

And I've been serving it for years in the glass container my sister gave me many years ago, one of the few things she gave me, and treasured accordingly.

While I knit, I've been listening to this old, a bit dated, but still good, Tey. I like all her work, particularly Daughter of Time, which rehabilitated Richard III using actual research, not the wildly inaccurate pop version by Shakespeare.

And when I need to read words, because I can't knit endlessly, poor me, I'm doing a weird alternation on Kindle between the Jane Seymour book by Alison Weir and Crampton Hodnet by Barbara Pym. 

The second one is an in-joke, Crampton being part of Pym's family name. And it's one of the best of her novels, with marvelous comic scenes, very movie-like. The Weir, with its social rules and expectations in dress, deportment and food references, has a lot more in common than you might think, with the humor absent. Also no violent death in Pym. At least not physical death. Social death is another issue.

A lot of interesting observations on friendship and falling lately,  thank you all. I learn from you all the time.

Happy day, everyone, I'm off to throw the Thanksgiving red cloth over the incomplete puzzle on the table, then set it up, but simply this year. Tomorrow we celebrate, on Handsome Son's day off.

In Thursday I'll be alone, neighbors mostly away to relatives for the week, but I'll be taking part in Spoutible online high jinks for other people alone on the day.  Or maybe medium jinks, we'll see. It's all good.


  1. A very nice box of food. Yes, brown eggs are so pretty. LOL I do like homemade cranberry sauce. So much better than the canned. So true with the Snoopy saying. Have a very nice day today.

    1. My son really likes the canned jelly kind with a seam down the side! For several years I got that, though I do like homemade. He's doing more of the main meal this year. We'll see if he sneaks in a little can of jelly.
      Today is really nice.

  2. The cranberry sauce looks yummy and so pretty in the bowl. I love that is special because it’s from your sister.
    Enjoy your thanksgiving with your handsome son

    1. Cranberry sauce is like a bowl of jewels, so beautiful. The fact that it's edible, too, even better.

  3. These days I'd be doing good to get to low jinks.
    Your cranberry sauce looks just like mine! I love that stuff.

    1. I never have any trouble finishing cranberry sauce. After turkey sandwiches, it's yogurt topping or jam on toast. You're jinxed for jinks?

  4. I stopped making cranberry sauce, it was more tradition than actually wanting it. Maybe I'll try some median jinks!

    1. Only make it if you like it. I do, so I do. Get back to us on the degree of jinks that happen.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Boud. Have a great day!

  6. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. You will be doing it all again for Christmas in a month.

    1. I'll be doing it again in two+ weeks when I have a birthday! Then two weeks later Christmas. It's all go!

  7. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here. I wish you could pop over for a cup of tea and a slice of cake so you aren't alone. Enjoy your time with HS and I look forward to whatever jinks you decide to get up to.

    1. Alone in the holidays is fine, never bothers me. But I must admit tea and cake sound good.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  9. I live on Crampton Drive. I thought that I would mention that bc I have nothing else to say. 😁

  10. I love cranberries and luckily so does the RC so we end up with them in a lot of things, including our morning oatmeal. We often grind up an orange (rind included) in our cranberry sauce...yum.

    1. I'm told that's a great combo, but I'm allergic to oranges, so I have to take your word for it. It does sound good, and probably smells great too.


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