Wednesday, November 8, 2023

 Yesterday was a tense day because of close election races and mainstream media as usual confidently quoting fake polls -- five white guys in a diner in Iowa -- to foretell the defeat of democracy.

So I thought I'd improve the day with some leafy greens and made two spinach quiches, crustfree, one for now, one for the freezer. Fresh spinach, green bell pepper, cheddar cheese, milk, salt, pepper, nutmeg.

And I finished the fishy puzzle, which did, as I thought, have a piece missing, but it was still okay to work

And continued studying the genesis of fascism in the US, and knitting and fretting.

And watching Textiles and Tea, with a nice lady, beloved teacher interested in weave patterns who admits she could never do tapestry,  which involves image design. Honest lady who knows her limitations and does weaverly work and magazine editing within them.

Then the election results started to come in.

The noise you heard around 10pm Eastern time,  was the general exhaling and dancing and cheering as,  starting at home

 the NJ legislature held both houses blue

the Bucks County Pennsylvania fascist book-banning Moms for Liberty lost all five school board seats

 Virginia turned the legislature blue 

Beshear was returned as blue governor in red Kentucky

 and yay, thank you Ohio for securing women's reproductive rights in the constitutional amendment on the referendum.

So much for an uneventful off year!   It looks like reports of the death of democracy may have been greatly exaggerated, to quote Mark Twain, and there's enough egg to go around the faces of the mainstream media pundits and reporters who foretold it. 

We haven't done yet, but we're better off than before yesterday. Much more to do, but we're up for it. Today I'm messaging and thanking workers.

And here are the marigolds, still blooming in the house, and get all those new buds on the Christmas or maybe Thanksgiving cactus. They're clearly on the right track!

Happy day, everyone, let's build on yesterday. Not dead yet!


  1. Yea!! I, too, cheered the results last night. Small steps toward a better place with all the blue victories. So pleased with the results in Ohio - red politicians have NO CLUE how women think. Freedom for our bodies transcends any grey-haired old men's ideas of what they think is best for us.

    1. Remember the pundits saying abortion would be forgotten about by election time? Women would forget they'd been deprived of basic human rights? On planet Affluent White Male, perhaps.

  2. Love the election results you mentioned. Spinach quiche looks delicious! The fishy puzzel … wow, that would take me a long time. 😊 Re: your post on Tuesday, the 7th, Rachel Maddow’s Prequel should be required reading for all Americans. I got the Audiobook.

    1. She's great, yes. The puzzle took me a long time too.

  3. I can only hope that Republicans look at yesterday's elections and realize that their current strategy of banning books, taking away women's rights, being "anti-woke", anti-queer, anti-CRT may not be all its cracked up to be when it comes to voters.
    Cheering news indeed!

    1. The difficulty for the gop is that they don't have anywhere else to go. No plan B that I've detected.

  4. I saw the election results this morning. They give one hope!

  5. Yesterday was a great day, thank you for sharing your thoughts about the results. Thanks to Ms. Moon also for noting the problems the republicans need to think about.

    1. I think some people were too nervous to follow the returns, so I'm glad if I've helped out. Including my completely unscientific reactions.

  6. Thank you for the elections update.
    I've been avoiding them just in case there's bad news, but I see the news is not bad. And I'm a republican. :)

    1. Yes, I know you're Republican, but I don't think you've signed on to their latest activity. Anyway I'm glad the results were okay for you.

  7. I may be wrong, but I think a crustless quiche is called a frittata -- but whatever it's name, yours look dee-lish!

    1. It's very good yes, but it's baked exactly like a quiche with a crust. Frittata, are its name indicates, is fried. But there are similarities, true.

  8. The election results were a huge relief. I was nervous, too. Dare I watch any of the debate tonight? I'm not sure my BP can take it.

    1. I don't follow debates, largely because they're not really debates, more like antiphonal stump speeches!

  9. The egg bake looks delicious! Yesterday was a hopeful day.

  10. Fabulous weaving - i love it best of all those you gave featured since I have followed you. I could imagine wearing this, having it around me, putting it in my home - this speaks to me. Elections...I have been in a bit of a deep funk about the state of the world and the lack of thoughtful leadership in so many countries with generally good living standards & high levels of education. Countries where people have and have had the opportunities to participate in choosing decision makers and leaders and expressing preferences for the kind of society they want their kids to grow up in and then either don't bother, or vote negatively out of hate or disaffection, rather than making positive choice. Your results last night have restored a little faith that good people are waking up to the need to do something and evil cannot be allowed to flourish.

    1. Interesting that you liked this weaving. And good people have always been working for a better society. But they've been drowned out by rich noisy people. So many powerful figures are bought that it's hard to defeat them, but we've never stopped trying. There's no waking up -- we've never been asleep.

    2. Places I have been living, basically good people have been preoccupied shall we say, the 'I'm alright Jack' state of existence that doesn't motivate them to go out and count. Those ones are starting to realize they need to contribute as well.

    3. Good! Better late than never. They'll be welcomed.

  11. Sounds like a good day for democracy.
    Your quiche looks very tasty. I might make a version with all the eggs I’m getting from my girls.
    Your Christmas cactus will be blooming in no time at all. Please post a pic when it does

    1. I'll be sure to post baby pictures when the cactus blooms! Quiche is so easy, I always forget that.

  12. I miss baking but won't use the oven in this house. I can't wait to make a quiche again. Yours looks delicious.
    There is some beautiful weaving there. Not sure what it is that grabs me but grabs me, it does.
    I am pleased your elections went well. I still don't understand your system but the good guys won.

    1. You and tigger's mom both really went for this weaving! It must speak to you.

      A lot of Americans don't understand our system either, thinking the President is personally funding the weapons in Israel, etc. No idea of the job of Congress. Separation of powers etc. I think a lot of folks couldn't pass a civics test, much less the citizenship test!

      But for now the good guys mostly won.

  13. The results were good. Let's keep it going.

  14. A good day yesterday. It represented a lot of drive and work by many dedicated people. I believe the momentum can hold.

    1. Yes, completely right. Years of work and organizing. I've been doing it since 2016, and I'm just a cog. A persistent one though. As Nancy says, don't agonize, organize!

  15. Brilliant news on the politics front. Let's hope we have a similar situation soon. I love a quiche!

    1. Yes, I hope you overturn the people who are damaging the UK.

  16. Yay for what sounds like small victories on the election front. For once saner heads prevailed.
    Must plant the bug in Resident Chef's ear that it might be time for quiche. He likes to cook them in muffin tins and then freeze them which makes for a quick and easy meal later on.


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