Sunday, November 19, 2023

Gettysburg Address and a beaded find

Today is the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, a few sentences long, and one of the most moving speeches ever. The struggle still goes on, to test whether democracy can survive against fascism.

Some days I am close to despair, with the mainstream media stacked against a great President, refusing to cover his significant successes. And people downplaying his candidacy -- old? Could you carry his current workload? -- because they're terrified a competent black woman might become a great President.  But the fight is still on, still doing my tiny bit. 

On much smaller issues, but my life seems to consist of small issues, a free cycler who received bags from me, found this in one

It looks like a little test piece from when I was beadweaving, maybe when I did the big tapestry piece as a residency at the library.

Anyway, such honesty! She wanted to know did I want it back! I know she works with jewelry making, so I suggested she could maybe use the beads. Judy,  the blue ones  are some of the bag o' beads you gave me ages ago, I think wooden, maybe from your basket making days. Yet another new home.

So ethics still apply in the world of freecycling, even though they're barely recognized in SCOTUS. Supreme Court of the United States, for people to whom the initials aren't familiar. I once had an American friend ask me what was this scotus thing people kept talking about!

Happy day, everyone, here's a bluebird of happiness puzzle in progress for you

Photo AC


  1. You are so right about the negativity around a great and very effective president and about bigotry in so many places. The political situation now is dire: Trump is proclaiming himself to be a fascist and a planned despot, and it's totally believable and threatening. Democracy can't be doomed, can it?
    best, mae at

  2. I see you did the fun part of the puzzle first.

    1. The only bit I've managed. Many attempts at the rest though! It may not be finished for Thanksgiving when I need the table. I'll throw the cloth over it.

  3. While I wish for a younger generation of leaders overall, not just our president, there's no doubt that he does a great job, and his experience counts for a lot with me. Worrying about his VP is just plain ugly. I don't watch TV and only read the Wash. Post, so not familiar with the rest of the mainstream media.

    1. I think the concerns about age are just a cover for racism about VP Harris.

  4. I'll gladly vote for Biden again with no qualms at all.
    I feel such despair over the way things are going now. People supporting a man who is nothing but lies and guff, failure and puff. What has he done for any of them besides make it acceptable to be as dishonest, racist, and hateful as he is?
    I just have to wonder what Lincoln would say were he to come back for a day to see what has happened to the dream of a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal.

    1. He was a Republican! I think he'd say there's still a lot of work here, folks!

  5. It’s heartening and so true that there are still lovely honest people in this world
    It’s a constant battle against the forces of darkness. But it only takes one small candle to bring in the light. Together. Our little candles can become beacons

    1. That photo by AC is really getting some mileage! It's right for so many occasions.

  6. I think we will win the next election if we all get out and work for it.
    Years ago my little neighbor Timmy recited the Gettysburg address for his class, outfitted as Lincoln. He wore a route in my living room carpet, walking up and down, memorizing.

    1. Good thing it's not too long! It's a wonderful piece of prose. The cadence alone is worth the price of admission.

  7. The media keeps the circus gong on and on.

  8. Biden is doing a remarkable job, all the more so, given the Congress and the general world circumstances. I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat. And I'm terrified of what happens if he doesn't win.

  9. Of course the news here in Canada only reports on the major 'bits' so I'm sure what we're hearing is biased, but the same can be said about any news, no matter where it originates. One of the reasons why I try to distance myself from the daily news we're bombarded with and really only tend to read the headlines. Maybe I'm not well-informed by doing that but it comes down to self-preservation in my case.
    It seems that here in Canada there's an upswell of backlash against Trudeau and the Liberals which is likely to lead to the Conservatives getting power in the next election. The leader of that party scares us - not as much as Donald AH, but we're fearful of what he will do once he's in control and he shows his true mettle. All we can do is encourage people to get out and vote and not sit back thinking that their votes don't count.

  10. There does seem to be a worldwide swing to the right at the moment, and I agree, to do what action we can, other than panicking.


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