Thursday, November 9, 2023

Polls and the rabbit's eyeview

 When I got PR I thought at first I needed to supply an eye, before I realized there are two, but so far around her head you can't see them both together. Here's the mugshots

On the knitting front, I'm not sure I have enough yarn for two socks in the color I started with, so I'm adding in a different color for the heels and cuffs.

It's going along pretty cheerfully, now that I can listen more calmly to Prequel after good election results. And the Martin Walker police procedural ended very excitingly. 

I also realized I'm probably accidentally knitting up the yarn I had planned to weave for skirt panels. Doh. I'm going to revisit the skirt design. I have four panels and a pocket woven already, and some warm fabric for the rest of the skirt. So I think that's the next project. The weather's cool enough to think about it now. The stitching front needs a project now the wall hanging is done. Which reminds me to press it and see about the edges.

Speaking of excitement, you know the recent polls people were reading, claiming T***p was neck and neck with Biden, and getting all Henny Penny the sky is falling,  about? 

Aside from being simply silly to take seriously any poll a year out, this is enough to cool everyone's jets. Media is longing for the income they get from a close race, so it's in their interest to present it that way, by any means necessary.

Folks, don't be intimidated by propaganda presented as polling. Please. I'm old, I've seen a lot of this stuff in different countries I've lived in, and I may be cynical, but I think it's realistic to read poll results with an intelligent scepticism.

I have a new jigsaw puzzle under way, and, when I returned the last one, had an interesting chat with the library guy, about who likes the collection, how it's booming, especially the public puzzle which now has followers who come in to work it for hours, and people who like me, put in a couple of pieces.  Rose, he sent you thanks for your donation, said you really helped get the collection going! 

The new puzzle is an Audubon bird pic. I notice I tend to choose animals, birds and plants, usually from photographs. Nowadays there's plenty of choice in the collection. It's caught on.

Happy day, everyone, stay hopeful and thankful, if possible. Today's misfits box will have a couple of Thanksgiving items, part of our simplified meal.


  1. Replies
    1. I've been seeing some really silly anxiety in the blogs of normally calm and balanced people. It's good to counter it as appropriate.

  2. Some of the poll results are rather mind-blowing.

    1. Assuming the believer has a mind in the first place!

  3. PR must have great peripheral vision. That's some extreme eye-placement there!
    I have found that the jigsaw puzzles I really like are ones that evoke a feeling from me. Somehow that adds to the meditative peace of doing them. You are the one who nudged me into doing puzzles with your posts about them and I am grateful for that.

    1. I'm glad you like puzzling. I didn't realize you'd been encouraged into them here.
      PR points out that a prey animal needs great peripheral vision!

  4. I do love PR's peripheral vision, but would imagine a pair of spectacles on her/his nose would look good too...just the glasses, no ear legs at all. Though her/his nose doesn't seem to be defined at this point. Oh well, that must have been a different PR. Maybe I need to do some puzzles.

    1. I'll check whether PR would like specs. If so, they'd need to be stitched on!

  5. I think you are right about poll results a year before the election. I hope so anyway.

  6. I don’t have the patience for big puzzles. I have an app on my phone that turns your pics into puzzles and I occasionally will done one. Usually only 42 pieces.
    I totally ignore polls. The only poll that counts is the actual election

  7. There was a time when polls had a degree of accuracy. These days they aren't even a decent indication!
    Bummer about the skirt panels! I am sure will find some more yarn.

    1. Polls were very much tied with landlines and people not yet having caller ID. Now, with a vanishingly small, usually aged and isolated population with landlines, much harder to get a representative sample. So I'm suspicious of their findings.

      I'll lay out the skirt panels and fabric, and see what to do. I don't think I have enough yarn anyway for more panels, unless there's some I put away carefully and now don't know where. That's a definite possibility.

  8. Your socks will be magnificent with the mixed yarns. I'm looking forward to your solution to the skirt panel conundrum. And I had noticed PR's peripheral vision, which as other have commented is appropriate for bunnies.

    Chris from Boise

    1. That wide eyed look has a purpose! Thank you for your faith in my solving the skirt situation. We'll see.

  9. I honestly don't know how they can even trust polls these days. Do you answer an 800 or 888 number or a number you don't know with a survey? I don't even answer. And most printed surveys come from special interest groups and are skewed. Only one poll counts -- and that's the one at the polls on voting day.

    1. I just found the methodology of the recent nyt one, where, on being pressed by other journos, they admitted they had deliberately over weighted Republican responses. This is not acceptable, particularly since they refused to explain why. I think we can surmise why.

  10. PR had an eye in hiding. We ordered a small turkey from the local meat market yesterday. I haven't done a puzzle since I was a kid.

    1. How small is a small turkey? I know in your house everything will be used, though.

    2. 10-14 lbs. Yes, it will all be used!

  11. the polls are BS and not really relevant in this age of cell phones with the ability to ignore calls from people not in your contact list as well as the dwindling use of landlines. if a poll is conducted with landlines only it's not going to be very representative of the population.

  12. I absolutely agree about polls -- skepticism is always called for. I think they CAN be an indication of popular opinion, but it all depends on methodology and, as you've pointed out, the sponsors of the poll, who sometimes have a vested interest. That said, there must have been a couple of polls that questioned Biden's competitiveness against Trump, because that meme refers to one from the WSJ. The one I read about came from the NYT and Siena College.

    1. The nyt has admitted that they deliberately over weighted gop responses in their calculations. I mentioned this elsewhere.

  13. I've never paid much attention to the polls because I tend to think most of them come from the talking heads - all hot air and precious little substance.

    1. I think a year out it's ridiculous to look at them.


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