Saturday, November 4, 2023

Surprise quilting and Pink Rabbit takes a bath

 Yesterday at the other, non-gallery, library, where the knitting group meets, there was a bonus, a show of hand quilting, which I had to show you.

This library only has an entrance corridor and a small glass case for art, no way to hang a show interestingly, but here's the current exhibit, overcoming the space.


The bottom picture includes the bags in the glass case. If you're local to West Windsor, go take a look.

And the knitting group yielded this shawl by Serena, who's doing a kind of renovation and repair of a section she wants to improve.

It's alternating strips of mohair and merino singles, with feather and fan.

And here's a comfy knitting setup, everything to hand, as M gets to the end of an Icelandic wool sweater

And I finished my socks 

So now I can parcel up and send the gloves and socks for the Glove 'n Sock Ministry and turn my attention to other projects. 

I've redesigned the wallhanging a bit,now nearing completion, and I'm going to get back to the woven and sewn skirt. 

Meanwhile Pink Rabbit took a bath and is now sitting on a heat register to dry, looking quite a bit better than she did.

Get that baleful glare

We'll find a place with the bears once she's dry.

The puzzle is coming along but I'm still darkly suspicious about pieces missing.

All kinds of interesting sea animals, including a turtle, maybe a geoduck.

Happy day, everyone, enjoy the day before the US clocks change. Again. And upset everyone. Again.


  1. Lovely little quilted pieces! And such vivid socks! Yes, Pink Bunny looks a lot better and fluffier now.

    1. The quilting is really wonderful, far beyond the run of quilting. Rabbit is friendlier now she's getting dry. I don't think they like water.

  2. Those quilts are fantastic, and your socks are NEON😜 I'm happy that Pink rabbit is looking healthier and ready for a new home.

    1. I hope someone likes the socks. They'll certainly stand out.

  3. Wow, all f this fabric art really inspires…turns my crank, I almost want to be back home with my pile of material, creating…god knows what! And your socks are gorgeous, nice turn at the heel, looks like magic to me.

    1. It's tempting to rush off and get making stuff! Socks aren't hard, but they look like it.

  4. Those quilts are amazing. I especially love the one in the top photo with the butterflies. And your socks came out great, too!

    1. In person, the quilts are very impressive, artworks. Thanks for the nice words about the socks

  5. Ms. Kim certainly found her calling, didn't she? What beautiful work she does.
    I think Pink Bunny will be happy in her new community.

  6. I will join the chorus. Stunning quilting. Beautiful, awe-inspiring. The socks are unique, will certainly be noticed if they are visible. I like them. Love the rabbit. Looking forward to seeing the wall hanging redesign, and the progress on that skirt. Re the time change: as most people seem to think, it is a pain. Stupid, creates inconvenience. I much prefer this end of it, when we seem to be given an extra hour, than the other end, when we get robbed of an hour!

    1. I need several days to adjust to both time changes. The light level and the time don't match. I'm glad you liked seeing the quilts, they're spectacular in person.

  7. That gallery doesn't look too bad for a small space. I'm in awe of the wonderful skills. Your socks are the nicest I have seen for years. I can't knit but if I could I'd specialise in socks, they offer so much scope in such a small space for colour and pattern.

    1. I knit a lot of socks for a special project, using donated yarn, so I try to vary them in, as you say, a small space.

  8. Some very beautiful quilts there. And the wee rabbit is looking fabulous
    Love love love those socks

    1. Nice stuff today, huh? I like the quilts a lot

  9. The long hall seems a good place to mount a small quilt show.

    1. A long hall would be, I agree. But this is a it's a short weird shaped area cluttered with book sale tables, and people pushing past to get into the library.

      The only way to hang is from clips attached way above, so you crane up to see anything. If they're long artworks, they'll be swiped and banged about by passersby.Trust me, not a good art display area.

      I once showed there with a group and we all swore never again! I have shown small works in the glass case, like my fragile artist books.

  10. Nice display, has a homey welcoming feel. Pretty socks. Thank you for the clock reminder.

  11. Lovely socks, etc. What yarn do you like?

    1. I think I prefer wool to cotton. When I knit for the sock ministry I have to use easily washed and dried, often super wash wool, or acrylic or cotton. For myself I've used hand painted, or yarn I've spun.

  12. beautiful ambitious quilts. I think if I hadn't stumbled on etched glass that textiles would have been my chosen medium. I love those socks.

    1. You're involved with textiles though -- you just renovated a quilt, no?

  13. I was surprised and gratified to see the number of crazy quilted pieces in the show. I embiggened the photos so I could see the details better.
    Don't get me started on the time change - oddly, the spring change doesn't affect me as much as this one. If it's the normal for me, I'll be out of sorts for weeks.

    1. I thought of you when I saw the crazy quilting. I'm glad you liked it.
      I don't like any clock changes, just don't, at all.


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