Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Prequel, US election day, Pink Rabbit demands her due

 To get a good hold on the rise of Nazism and fascism in the US and elsewhere, I hugely recommend

Her research is impeccable, and she narrates with such good humor that this heavy scholarly work is very accessible. It's an important and timely backstory to what's going on.

It also has some surprises to me -- I never knew architect Philip Johnson was a keen fascist. I only knew of his IMHO rather silly, gimmicky buildings. And Huey Long did good works as well as developing the iron grip of a Louisiana dictator.

It's good to be reading this today, election day in the US.

So yesterday, I finished, pretty much, the wall hanging, which I've changed in progress. 

Now it's trimmed around, and, unless I get more ideas, it's done. I have spare applique blocks which still need a home, but no rush.

And I cast on a sock for me.

Because I'm listening to Rachel Maddow, when I'm not listening to 

A rattlin' good story, and a change of pace, to France and cultures and tourism and women's rugby and mysterious death and great regional food.

Pink Rabbit, known to new friends Fred and Ursula as PR, had a word, pointing out that Ursie has a custom hat and Fred's scarf, Fred has boots, and PR has nothing, sigh. 

So she now has a silk scarf which she wears with panache. She can wear it like a hat when she wants a change of pace. 

Happy day, everyone! Let's hope for the best today.


  1. I really like the 'we lose every election we don't participate in' - how true it is! I suspect my kids get tired of me harping on the need to get out and vote. I'm constantly telling them that if they don't vote they do not have the right to complain about the government. Here's hoping your election proves that smarter heads will prevail.

    1. These are off year elections -- state and local. Vital to vote because that's exactly where fascists are trying to get a foothold, particularly locally.

  2. The resurgence of fascism is the most distressing development of our times.

    1. My defence is to learn about where it went last time around.

  3. I may listen to her book, although I am disturbed enough by what I am seeing. The 2024 election will determine our fate. This also disturbs me greatly.

    PR is wearing her scarf with panache!

    1. I'm finding it more manageable as I learn more. But yes, disturbing.

    2. That period in history was an area of study for me. I see what's happening and I'm worried.

  4. I have always enjoyed Maddow's take on anything, she is a good researcher. So I'll definitely listen to this . I'm very proud of my daughter-in-law in Ohio who's been out canvassing for candidates who want "sane gun laws" as well as an Ohio amendment to protect women's reproductive freedom.

  5. well, of course PR felt naked compared to her new companions.

    1. Yes, really. Much better with her posh scarf.

  6. Perhaps I should read that book. I am terrified at what I see around me.

    1. Particularly where you live, I'd be surprised if you weren't. But I want to be better educated on the subject, to see how come we didn't have a takeover before, and how we can combat it now.

  7. In my part of the world, elections are useless as the winner is usually the party (ies) representing the highest demographic rate and the lowest positive contribution to the wellfare of the country.

  8. PR looks classy.
    Voting. Sadly, on the city website, I found nothing about voting. I had to go to a different website. Makes no sense. Anyway, the no voting here today, makes me wonder why there isn't something to vote about.
    Fascism is alive in the media and the GOP supporting a dictator. It is very scary.

    1. Here and in other states it's local and state. Perhaps Vermont is on a different rota?

  9. Philip Johnson was a fascist?! I had no idea.

    1. Me neither. But when I followed up several sources, it turns out there were moves to remove his name from buildings on account of it.

  10. Rachel’s productions are mind blowing! Just the facts,mam.I think I have watched them all….and quake in my shoes. Curiously I watched USA news , then British news regarding Israeli / Gaza genocide. USA clearly leaning toward Israel and propaganda, British news more fair, urging cease fire and aid for Palestinians.

    1. In fact though our media, owned by a handful of white males, wouldn't tell you this, in fact Biden is working to protect Palestinians. And there are plenty of pro Palestinian protests, including joint ones with Jews and Palestinians joining together in NYC. But it doesn't suit their agenda, sadly, so you won't see much mainstream coverage.

  11. It is hard to believe fascism has reared its ugly head again. Voting is more essential than ever.

    1. I wonder if it ever went away or just lay low. Anyway, yes on voting.

  12. Here in Australia it’s compulsory to vote in all elections and referendums. You get fined if you don’t unless you have a cracking good answer.
    If you then choose to Ruin your vote or place an empty ballot in the box then no one knows. But mostly if your there and you have waited in line people do vote
    I think PR looks lovely In Her silk scarf. I do think she needs a pair of booties to keep her feet warm. Since your heading into your winter

    1. I certainly wish we could one way or another get more people out to vote. This is an off year election, not the national, mainly State legislatures, local councils, school boards. Even harder to get people out when it's not a presidential election. But try getting people to understand the off year elections have a lot of influence on the national ones.

      PR has been talking to you, hasn't she?

  13. I struggle to understand your electoral system. Hell, I struggle to understand ours! I heard someome say the other day that Biden has done an incredible amount of good but the Democrats information dissemination leaves a lot to be desired and people just aren't hearing the things they should.
    PR has a voice and she used it. Good on you, girl.

    1. I struggle too!! And yes, Biden has done incredibly well. However the mainstream media ignores his accomplishments. Our media is almost all owned by a few old white males who make money from clicks. So they play up anyone who is opposite to Biden, to create an illusion of competition.
      That means that they ignore the successes of the current administration so people can't understand the Dems can't force newspapers to cover them!

      You have to go online to get any sense of how active the White House pr is.

  14. My standard remark to all non voting citizens: If you don't vote, you don't count!

  15. Voted.

    I would vote in a heartbeat for making election day a national holiday. And I rather like Australia's compulsion law, which I didn't know till reading Angela's comment (thanks Angela!).

    Thanks for letting us know about Rachel Maddow's book. I'll head to the library website!

    PR is looking quite spiffy now. It has been fun to watch the wall hanging change over time. It came together beautifully. And your shoulder/neck is holding up well with the knitting?

    Chris from Boise

  16. I don't think making voting day a national holiday will mean much to the millions of voters in service, hospitality, retail, self employment, gig work etc. There's a huge sector that doesn't get holidays routinely, and doesn't work m-f. It would be one more thing to underline their exclusion from the mainstream. Handsome Son, and I for most of my working life, for instance.

    My neck is so much better since switching to a lower night pillow, the different exercise and routinely resting phone, tablet, knitting etc on a pillow so I'm not looking down. Thanks for asking!

  17. Dear PR needs an eye, though rhat scarf is nice. Thanks for the book suggestions. I'm glad your neck is feeling better.

    1. PR has two working eyes, so far apart I can't get them both in the picture at once. I hope you follow Ron the books and enjoy.

    2. Ron? Up on! Typing without glasses.

  18. The problem that most who want a dictator suitable to their ideology don't realize is that the next dictator may be the opposite of what they want.

    1. Or worse still, get what they want and find it's not what they'd thought it would be!


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