Monday, November 27, 2023

Jennie, and the little cactus that could

You know how I knit socks and gloves for the special project, and send my work off to a community of sisters, to be added in to their work? Here's where it goes! This is Jennie, the convent resident dog, in chapel with one of the sisters. I met her, well, both of them, when I stayed there with a guild group learning gold work embroidery.

She turned up this week in her own right on Twitter, on one of the few accounts I still check in there, a weekly roundup of video of dogs and their stories. And here's one I've met!

left to right, presenter inset, Jennie, Sister.  There's also a black and white cat, and for many years,  a pony, Pony, a real mischief maker, quite a character. There's a book about him now.

And the Thanksgiving cactus is really coming through

I notice that even when a plant is small, it produces full-size flowers. This one's doing well, more buds there. I'm always surprised when the pink buds become bright coral flowers.

I made a freecycle request for yarn, and got a couple of offers, too far away to be practical for pickup, but kind anyway. Meanwhile I can knit partial dolls then add on the faces and hats when I get face-colored yarn.

Father Dowling continues to entertain me, with those huge cars, skidding round corners. I learned to drive long ago in a V8, and have never really got used to smaller cars since. I still  expect half a mile of metal in front of me! My current car could sit on the hood of a V8. 

Happy day, everyone, if your knitting supplies, real or metaphorical, are incomplete in any sense, it's the human condition!

More hostages released in Gaza, and Israel's minister acknowledged it's a Biden truce, not a Netanyahu truce. Take that, people who think he's a weak Presidential candidate!  He's one of the best presidents we ever had. And you know why people whine that he's too old? It's because she's black.


  1. You may be right about that. That she's black, that is. Pretty Thanksgiving cactus.

    1. It's pretty clear. It's a threefer: ageism, misogyny, racism.

  2. Exactly. If Biden keels over then the president will not only be black but a woman! Horror of horrors.

  3. I forgot to sign. That was/is me - Ellen

  4. I did not realize that you'd stayed with the community of sisters where you send your socks and gloves. How nice that they have a dog AND a cat. And there was a pony? That's so great.
    That little cactus is just blooming its heart out, isn't it? What a sweet spot of color.

  5. The funny part is that everyone's in black and white, sisters, pets! Pony lived to a ripe old age. I had a couple of visits with him, what a character. Always planning something, from breaking out to steal apples, to running wild in backyards until rounded up.

  6. Yes, that probably accounts for much of the whining.

    1. It's about racism and misogyny and fear of a competent woman.

  7. Once again, I don't get it. Who is black?
    Practical reasons are at play by all parties, IMHO. As for the war, my prayers are that the issues on both sides will be resolved. Yet, I suspect safe rooms and fathers with assault rifles over their shoulder will remain.

  8. It sounds like you have been busy knitting.
    It sounds like that is a good place for pets well looked after

    1. There are always animals around these sisters, usually rescues. They're very happy, big house to roam in, sofas, acres of safe territory. Great care.

  9. My Christmas cactus is coming to the end of its flowering sadly. So beautiful in bloom but drab for eleven months. Good news from the Middle East for a change. long may it last.

    1. The cactus is surrounded by other plants, so it blends into the greenery when it's not blooming. That helps.

  10. Replies
    1. I dropped an email to the sisters saying I felt famous by association with Jennie!

  11. Replies
    1. The way they cornered! Or didn't. The huge tires. The massive steering wheel. The room for three across including the driver.

  12. If I had your address I could send you some face coloured yarn!

    1. I think the shipping and export paperwork would be intimidating, but very nice thought.

  13. I hope they yarn you need comes to you soon
    I think not only is she black. But she’s a SHE
    But I don’t like to get involved in other countries politics
    Just my opinion

    1. You nailed it, Angela! Stay tuned for a yarn yarn.

  14. A well meaning friend gave me a slip of Christmas cactus to root. I only have one suitable window sill, and it belongs to Kitty, so I gave it to my daughter. This was a few months ago. She tells me it is blooming profusely, bright red.

  15. I have a black thumb when it comes to keeping a Christmas (or any other season) cactus alive. I still regret not buying one I saw at the mall last year - it was huge and just a mass of blooms. I justified not buying it because it was cold that day and I figured that wouldn't be good AND the fact that I knew I would kill it in short order. Left it for someone else who maybe stood a better chance of keeping it alive. I suspect I did it a favour!


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