Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The monstera moves in

So, after all the work I did, rehabbing Gary's plants for him, giving him my afternoon, like a nice neighbor,  the excitable person across the street gets him all worked up about the toxicity of the monstera plant. He's easily convinced, being very protective of Billy the Pup, though I doubt if there's much danger.  Most houseplants are toxic to some extent, but few are lethal.

Anyway the upshot is that the giant monstera, seen here second from left, has moved in here.  

I spent a long time getting it straightened after all its travels had knocked it sideways, and staked up.  So here it is. For now anyway. I hope Excitable Lady doesn't get him all upset about the other plants, because I'm not taking them!

Handsome Son is visiting today, so he'll get the rest of the cranwal etc bread, which I put in the freezer for this purpose, otherwise it would be gone. I'm glad to have his company this afternoon, then Textiles and Tea, which will help with the day. 

I hate Halloween, for reasons having to do with the ghoulish aspect and PTSD, so for me it's a day to get through. Our current population hasn't grasped the convention that door closed, porch lights off, means this house doesn't do Halloween, so it may be a bit disturbed. But, as they say of other special days, it's only one day.

Last night I put the heating on for the first time, since the temps are down to the thirties overnight. This may be a record late date, though October is usually a no heat no cooling month, always welcome for the budget.

And here's a pertinent Haggard Hawks puzzle

happy day everyone, enjoy it or get through it,  whichever is on your agenda.

Photo AC


  1. a nice array of indoor plants for the winter. is this your house or Gary's?

    1. I explained this is my house, where the monstera moved in. Gary wishes his house, currently under renovation end to end, looked anything like this!

  2. Wait! What? The temperatures have been down in the thirties at night and you just put the heat on? You win. You are the strongest woman I know.
    I got a monstera plant at the dump and now I have three monstera plants from that one. Two of them are HUGE! Be careful that the one you just got doesn't grow upstairs and strangle you in your sleep.
    I am sorry that Halloween is hard for you. Take care of yourself.

    1. Gary originally thought it would go upstairs and was very happy he didn't have to carry it up! The monstera is well named. It's more of a hotel lobby plant really, huge.

    2. "Hotel lobby plant"! I love it. .Yes.

  3. Well, I quickly found an 8-letter word. Will keep my thinking cap on.

    It's amazing that you had room for the monstera, considering the number of plants you already have.

    Hope you have a relatively undisturbed evening. It's interesting that the 'lights not on' is not recognized as 'do not disturb' in your neighborhood. Maybe retrieve your wooden kitty and sugar pumpkin indoors so the porch is less festive? Enjoy your tea with HS.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I don't really have room, limited window access, so I was reluctant, but here we are. It's the Indian population, unfamiliar with Western messaging, that don't get the light/no light meaning. And other small conventions, too.

  4. A no candy sign on the door helps, as long as you don't happen to see the sad face of little kid reading it.

    1. I don't think gangs of amped up kids charging up to the door will be deterred by a sign!

  5. Beauty! I want to be a plant in that room! They are all so healthy, good vibes! Halloween is something I have grown out of, never cared for it a whole lot. Glad to be away and not have to answer the door for begging children…Linda sue

    1. They tell me it's starting to catch on in the UK..

  6. It all looks awesome. You have done a lovely job arranging them. I know some plants are bad for animals. But animals usually are clever enough to not eat them. I’ve got oleanders and every person seeing them tells me they’re poisonous
    Yeah. If you chew on them. I don’t chew on my plants unless I’ve special grown them as food!
    I hope you get through this day without too many issues.
    Maybe a sign saying not home out front

    1. Alas my car clearly indicates I'm home.

      My animals' reaction have usually been ew when they bite a house plant!

  7. I relented and put the heat on today.

    Did Gary try to Google and verify what the neighbour said?

    1. They were doing it together, she hysterically pointing out the toxic references without reading on to find the degree of toxicity, he being swept up!

  8. Our heat went on yesterday. It is almost two weeks earlier than last year. It is at freezing overnight here now. Brrrr…

    1. I'm surprised it's been mild enough for you up to now.

  9. I'm not a fan of Halloween either - always thought the kids got too much candy and would have far preferred to buy it for them myself so I could control the amounts. Now we don't have to worry about shelling out because they deal with it in the building lobby and kids aren't allowed to go door to door.

    1. That sounds better to me. As do the local parades and parties, more fun.

  10. I don't see the point of Halloween although others might have a different view.

    1. To me growing up it ea solemn day of remembering dead relatives and friends, fasting and abstinence before tomorrow's feast of all saints, them included.

  11. We gave it up when we had to examine each piece of candy for pins or needles.

    1. There have been a lot of scares around it.

  12. I'm sorry Halloween is associated with PTSD for you and hope that you had a peaceful night.

  13. I briefly considered that puzzle but none of the options I've come up with (and there are several) contain the right number of letters!

    People sometimes express horror that I grow foxgloves in the garden, with Olga wandering around out there. I tell them Olga is smart enough not to eat a foxglove.

    1. I had couple of puzzle answers before I hit on it. Yes, it's not necessary to stress over every possible danger to pets.

  14. Your indoor garden looks so healthy and happy. A delight to behold.

    1. Thank you. It's pest free anyway, always a point.

  15. I'm a bit behind on my blog reading, but have to say that the photo of your house plants is just lovely. A little bit of nature indoors is a wonderful addition to winter decor.

    1. It's especially good when outside isn't so interesting.


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